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U.S. Perspectives on Nuclear Energy Larry Brown

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1 U.S. Perspectives on Nuclear Energy Larry Brown
U.S. Department of Energy “50 Years of Nuclear Energy –The Next 50 Years” Obninsk, Russia June 28, 2004

2 50 years of Eisenhower’s Atoms For Peace vision
Nuclear Power: energy for decades to come Clean, safe, reliable and sustainable energy Essential for world peace, prosperity and environmental integrity In the U.S., forward looking nuclear energy initiatives are ongoing The U.S. encourages the expanded use of peaceful nuclear energy while emphasizing the essential need for robust safegaurds and proliferation resistant measures “Peaceful power from atomic energy is no dream of the future. That capability, already proved, is here now - today.” - President Eisenhower Speech to the United Nations, December 8, 1953

3 U.S. energy policy promotes emission free energy that is sustainable and economically viable
Atmospheric CO2 concentration approaching a record level of 380 ppm Tolerable levels estimated to be between 450 ppm and 750 ppm. Quickly approaching a “carbon wall” crisis with unknown, perhaps irreversible, consequences. Emission-free energy sources needed to meet the growing energy demand. In the near future, nuclear power is the only large-scale technology that can compete with fossil fuels. U.S. energy policy promotes the expansion of nuclear power while continuing research in “renewable energy” forms.

4 Current U.S. Nuclear Energy Infrastructure
Columbia (1) Canyon (2) Diablo San Onofre (2) Palo Verde (3) Monticello (1) Prairie Island (2) Ft. Calhoun (1) Cooper (1) Wolf Creek (1) Duane Arnold (1) Callaway (1) ANO (2) Comanche Peak (2) South Texas (2) River Bend (1) Waterford (1) Point Turkey St. Lucie Farley (2) Hatch (2) Vogtle (2) Sequoyah (2) Oconee (3) Catawba (2) H. B. Robinson (1) Summer (1) McGuire (2) Harris (1) Brunswick (2) Surry Anna North Calvert Cliffs (2) Hope Creek (1) Salem (2) Oyster Creek (1) Millstone (2) Pilgrim (1) Seabrook (1) Vermont Yankee FitzPatrick Nine Mile Point (2) Ginna (1) Clinton (1) La Salle (2) Kewaunee Point Beach Palisades (1) Cook (2) Fermi (1) Davis-Besse (1) Perry (1) Susquehanna Peach Bottom Three Mile Island (1) Limerick (2) Indian Point (2) Quad-Cities (2) Byron (2) Braidwood (2) Crystal River Grand Gulf Browns Ferry (3) Watts Bar (1) Valley Beaver Dresden (2) 103 Nuclear Power Plants Totaling 97,018 MWe 36 Research and Test Reactors in operation at Laboratories and Universities Coal 52% Oil 3% Gas 15% Other 2% Nuclear 19% Hydro 9% Source: EIA Electricity Production 41%

5 Megatons to Megawatts: U.S. Progress on NPT Article VI commitments
Excess Weapons Material Disposition HEU Disposition: The U.S. has down blended >45 MTU of HEU to LEU for commercial LWR fuel fabrication. IAEA has verified down blending of >30 MTU of the total Plutonium disposition: U.S. and Russian Federation each plan to dispose of 34 metric tons of surplus weapon-grade plutonium by irradiating it as mixed oxide (MOX) fuel in nuclear reactors Once in spent fuel form, the plutonium is converted to a form not readily usable in nuclear weapons, meeting the “Spent Fuel Standard” U.S. and Russian plutonium disposition programs will proceed roughly in parallel U.S. MOX Fuel Fabrication Facility is scheduled to begin construction at the Savannah River Site in South Carolina May 2005 We have evolved the repository design over the past decade as we have learned more about the site We have a flexible program that responds to changing information and program needs. Our design process has produced a robust design concept that offers a great deal of operational flexibility by allowing us to adjust the period of ventillation, the amount of spent fuel that can be loaded into waste packages, and the spacing of packages in the emplacement drifts. This flexibility to implement either above- or below-boiling conditions will allow us to benefits from a greater understanding of uncertainties associated with thermal loading. We believe that the Viability Assessment design was appropriate for the data on hand; however, we are now on the verge of moving to an even more robust design that will reduce uncertainties further. Stepwise approaches for developing repositories are useful in allaying concerns about premature irreversible actions. Our site characterization activities and development of the repository is being conducted in a stepwise approach We are designing a monitored geologic repository at Yucca Mountain that could give future generations the choice of closing and sealing the repository as early as allowable under NRC regulations, or of keeping it open and monitoring it for hundreds of years Retrievability is a valuable feature, to accommodate uncertainties in repository performance and future societal changes. The candidate repository site at Yucca Mountain is unique in that it is in the unsaturated zone. It gives the opportunity for more flexibility with respect to closure, monitoring, and retrievability. A repository at Yucca Mountain can be designed such that the decision for future generations will be easier to make with respect to final closure, monitoring, or retrievability Finally, we continue to evaluate more efficient approaches to construct the surface and subsurface facilities. This will allow us to spread out the high costs of construction

6 U.S. National Energy Policy encourages the expanded use of Nuclear Energy and improved Safeguards and Proliferation Resistance “Nuclear energy is the second largest source of U.S. electricity generation and must remain a major component of our national energy policy in the years to come” President’s Letter to Congress, February 15, 2002 President George W. Bush visits power plant, September, 2003 “…A new era awaits. It is an era of nuclear energy marked by … improved physical security and proliferation resistance… Meeting it will go a long way towards safeguarding each of our nations from the perils posed by those seeking to acquire dangerous nuclear materials.” Secretary of Energy Abraham, Tokyo, September 2003 Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham

7 Initiatives that promote the growth of nuclear energy
Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative (AFCI) - Recover energy value - Reduce the inventory of civilian Pu - Reduce the toxicity & heat of waste Effective use of geologic disposal Address issues of safeguards and proliferation resistance 2010 Initiative - Explore new sites - Develop business case - Develop Generation III+ technologies - Demonstrate new licensing process Generation IV Initiative (GEN IV) Improvements in - safety & reliability - proliferation resistance & physical protection - economic competitiveness - sustainability Nuclear Hydrogen Initiative (NHI) Develop technologies for economic, commercial-scale generation of hydrogen.

8 2010 Initiative is aimed at paving the way toward new plants by breaking through the “next plant barrier” Completed: - Scoping studies for 2 commercial sites and 3 federal sites. - Independent Business Case analysis which is the starting point for Congressional considerations of financial assistance. Next step is to usher Generation III+ technologies through NRC design certification process. Filed 3 early site permit (ESP) for license applicants. Approval expected mid-2006 for Virginia, Illinois, and Mississippi. Next step is to demonstrate the “one-step licensing” process.

9 National Hydrogen Fuel Initiative sets a far-sighted vision towards an emission-free future
Conduct laboratory testing of candidate hydrogen production processes Complete process improvements and scaling of thermochemical pilot plant to MW class Complete design and initiate construction of two hydrogen production pilot plants - (200 kW) high temperature electrolysis plant and (500 kW) thermochemical plant Complete designs and start construction of engineering scale hydrogen production systems Begin operation of the initial pilot plants Begin system optimization and scaling of thermochemical pilot plant 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2015 Water Oxygen Hydrogen Heat O2 SO2 2H2O H2 H2SO4 H20+SO2+½O2 HI I2 + SO2 + 2H2O 2HI + H2SO4 2HI H2 + I2 I2 800-1,000oC NHI’s goal is to develop advanced hydrogen production technology to demonstrate economic, commercial-scale hydrogen production.

10 Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative (AFCI) is focused on fuel cycle research with emphasis on waste management and proliferation-resistance AFCI’s mission is to develop proliferation-resistant spent nuclear fuel treatment and transmutation technologies to enable transition from the current once-through fuel cycle to a future sustainable, closed nuclear fuel cycle. Intermediate- and long-term focus on systems - separations, - fuels, and - transmutation technologies for thermal and fast spectrum systems. Open Yucca Mtn Once-Through Fuel Cycle Fast transuranics burners Self-sustaining closed fuel cycle Advanced Thermal Reactor Fuel Cycle High-Level Waste Proliferation-resistant recycling of Plutonium (+Neptunium/Americium?) in thermal reactors Actinide Recycle Recommendation on 2nd repository Ultra-high-burnup fuel AFCI 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050

11 Generation IV Initiative to meet future needs
Generation IV’s mission is to develop and demonstrate for commercial deployment advanced nuclear energy systems. Gen IV systems will meet future needs for: - Reactor safety and reliability - Proliferation resistance and physical protection - Economic competitiveness In January 2000, the U.S. effort grew into an international collaboration now led by the Generation IV International Forum

12 Yucca Mountain Repository Planning
“The repository program is necessary to protect public safety, health, and the Nation’s security because successful completion of this project would isolate in a geologic repository at a remote location highly radioactive materials now scattered throughout the nation” George W. Bush, Letter to Congress, February 15, 2002 1957 NAS supported deep geologic disposal 1982 Congress passed Nuclear Waste Policy Act 1987 Congress limited Characterization to Yucca Mountain, located in Nevada 1992 Energy Policy Act set EPA standard process 2002 President recommended and Congress approved Yucca Mountain 2004* Submit License Application to NRC 2010* Begin receipt of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste * Current Schedule

13 Energy for the 21st Century
U.S. Energy – ‘By the Numbers’ (Quads = 1 x 1015 BTUs) 175 quads Projected 2020 Demand Minus 48 quads Conservation Results 127 quads Demand in 2020 Minus 98 quads Today’s Supply 29 quads Difference (new power plants needed by 2020) Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham

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