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Kanok Boriboonsomsin, Guoyuan Wu, Peng Hao, and Matthew Barth

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1 Fusion of Vehicle Weight and Activity Data for Improved Vehicle Emission Modeling
Kanok Boriboonsomsin, Guoyuan Wu, Peng Hao, and Matthew Barth University of California at Riverside Presented at the 94th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board Washington, DC January 13, 2015

2 Introduction Vehicle weight can significantly affect vehicle emissions, especially for heavy-duty trucks. Heavy-duty truck weight can vary greatly. However, the impact of vehicle weight on emissions is usually not accounted for in the past (and current??) emission modeling practices. Up to 80,000 lbs Around 14,000-18,000 lbs Photo credit: For example, a study based on chassis dynamometer testing found that a weight increase of X% (e.g., 100%) will result in an increase of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emissions per unit distance of about X/2% (e.g., 50%). So, a 16K lbs tractor without load and a fully loaded truck can have 200% difference in NOx emission factors. In the days of MOBILE, we don’t have to worry about weight as it was not possible to model its impact on emissions. 2 Confidential

3 Opportunities for Improvements
MOVES provides a framework for the impact of vehicle weight on emissions to be modeled. MOVES emission rates are a function of vehicle specific power (VSP), which is a function of speed, acceleration, road grade, and vehicle weight, etc. Traffic measurement data from sensor technologies have become increasingly available, e.g., Weigh-in-motion Vehicle count, classification, speed, weight, timestamp, location Loop detector Vehicle count, speed, timestamp, location Timestamp and location info that comes with the data from these sensors is valuable. It allows us to correlate measurement data from different types of sensor. Confidential

4 Objectives of Research
Explore the use of on-road truck weight measurement data in truck emission modeling. Combine truck weight data with truck speed data to create better truck activity data input for MOVES. Photo credit: Photo credit: Arizona Department of Transportation Weigh-in-Motion Station Vehicle Detector Station Confidential

5 Data Sources (1) Caltrans’ weigh-in-motion (WIM) stations
More than 100 stations with Bending plates or piezo sensors Double inductive loops WIM data include Vehicle count Vehicle classification Vehicle speed Gross vehicle weight Axle weight and spacing Confidential

6 Data Sources (2) Caltrans’ Performance Measurement System (PeMS)
More than 16,000 vehicle detector stations (VDS) Covering more than 22,000 directional lane miles Each VDS reports traffic measurements every 5 minutes, e.g., Traffic flow (separate for cars & trucks) Traffic speed PeMS only reports overall traffic speed. In our previous research, we develop a method to estimate average speeds for cars and trucks separately. Confidential

7 Data Sources (3) MOVES driving cycles for single-unit trucks and combination trucks. Single unit Trucks Combination Trucks ID Cycle Name Avg Speed (mph) 201 MD 5mph Non-Freeway 4.6 301 HD 5mph Non-Freeway 5.8 202 MD 10mph Non-Freeway 10.7 302 HD 10mph Non-Freeway 11.2 203 MD 15mph Non-Freeway 15.6 303 HD 15mph Non-Freeway 204 MD 20mph Non-Freeway 20.8 304 HD 20mph Non-Freeway 19.4 205 MD 25mph Non-Freeway 24.5 305 HD 25mph Non-Freeway 25.6 206 MD 30mph Non-Freeway 31.5 306 HD 30mph Non-Freeway 32.5 251 MD 30mph Freeway 34.4 351 HD 30mph Freeway 252 MD 40mph Freeway 44.5 352 HD 40mph Freeway 47.1 253 MD 50mph Freeway 55.4 353 HD 50mph Freeway 54.2 254 MD 60mph Freeway 60.4 354 HD 60mph Freeway 59.4 255 MD High Speed Freeway 72.8 355 HD High Speed Freeway 71.7

8 Methodology A. WIM Station and VDS Association
C. Truck Trajectory Construction PeMS VDS WIM Station Temporal footprint of the trucks at this VDS B. Truck Record Association Date Time Stamp Vehicle Class Weight (kg) 4/15/2009 0:14:07 11 2.35E+04 00:15:02 3 2.90E+03 00:15:37 9 1.32E+04 00:16:01 1.28E+04 00:17:35 Best Estimated Arrival Time at WIM 00:18:45 1.29E+04 00:18:48 1.26E+04 00:19:33 1.36E+04 00:19:46 9.71E+03 WIM Station Confidential

9 A. WIM Station and VDS Association

10 B. Truck Record Association
Based on estimated travel time distribution of the trucks. There are limitations imposed by the WIM station and VDS association in the previous step, e.g., Small number of WIM stations  some trucks may not be recorded by any of these WIM stations. No priori knowledge about truck travel route. Assumptions First-in-first-out rule applies, i.e., no over-taking. At each time interval, weight and classification distributions of trucks at a VDS are the same as the distributions of a set of consecutive truck records at the associated WIM station. The first assumption is to ensure that the number of trucks at a VDS and the associated WIM station matches with each other. Confidential

11 C. Truck Trajectory Construction
Progressive trajectory propagation one second at a time. Procedures Select two MOVES driving cycles whose average speeds bracket the truck traffic speed at the VDS. Create and combine speed-acceleration frequency distributions (SAFD) of the two selected cycles. Weight them in reverse proportion to how close their average speeds are to the truck traffic speed. (Set initial speed of the first second to the truck traffic speed.) Draw an acceleration value from the combined SAFD based on current speed and use it to calculate speed of the next second. Repeat until the end of the truck’s temporal footprint at the VDS.

12 Speed-Acceleration Frequency Distribution
Example of HD 60mph freeway cycle (length = 1,792 seconds; average speed = 59.4 mph) %

13 Truck Operating Mode Characterization
Calculate second-by-second VSP with weight data from WIM stations. Determine second-by-second operating mode based on EPA’s definition. Create VSP and operating mode distributions.

14 Evaluation Case study Compare between existing and proposed methods
Freeways in Los Angeles County, CA Entire month of April 2009 Single unit trucks and combination trucks Compare between existing and proposed methods Existing method Default truck weight in MOVES Default truck driving cycles in MOVES Proposed method Measured truck weight from WIM stations Constructed truck trajectory

15 Existing Method Weight operating mode distributions of two driving cycles in reverse proportion to how close their average speeds are to truck traffic speed (e.g., 57.1 mph). Cycle 353 Avg. Speed 54.2 mph Cycle 354 Avg. Speed 59.4 mph In this example, the weight for cycle 353 is 44% while the weight for cycle 354 is 56%. Confidential

16 Results – One Example VDS
Operating mode bin distributions – combination trucks Existing Method Proposed Method Confidential

17 Results – All Los Angeles Freeways (1)
VSP distributions – combination trucks Existing Method Proposed Method

18 Results – All Los Angeles Freeways (2)
Operating mode distributions – combination trucks Existing Method Proposed Method

19 Impact on Truck Emission Inventories
Emission rates NOx and PM2.5 emission rates from MOVES Diesel combination trucks, 2006 model year Results  the proposed method results in: 78% higher NOx emissions 30% higher PM2.5 emissions Notes These results are for this specific case study. The emission differences would vary depending on the shape of the resulting operating mode distributions and the emission rates that are used (e.g., for a different fleet of HDTs).

20 Conclusions Using measured truck weight in emission modeling would improve the accuracy of truck emission inventories. Especially important for regions with freight terminals or goods movement corridors. It is possible to combine truck weight data from WIM stations with truck speed data from loop detectors to create better truck activity data input for MOVES. The method can be applied to other regions and technologies. Future research may include: Refinement of the proposed method. Validation of the resulting operating mode distributions.

21 WIM Stations in the U.S. Data Source:

22 Closure Thank you! Acknowledgements Contact
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)’s Surface Transportation Environment and Planning Cooperative Research Program (STEP) Karen Perritt, Cecilia Ho, and Michael Claggett of FHWA California Department of Transportation Contact Kanok Boriboonsomsin Guoyuan Wu

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