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Welcome to the Learning Session for the

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1 Welcome to the Learning Session for the
Improving Care and Collaboration for Children with Neurologic and Behavioral Conditions Learning Collaborative

2 Goals of the Collaborative
Improve early recognition and intervention primary care management referral communication ongoing collaboration in the care of children with neurologic and behavioral conditions Improve the patient-/family-centeredness of care

3 Goals of the Collaborative
Learn to use quality improvement tools, methods, and strategies Measure & report on the care you provide Share learning among participating practices, your colleagues, and UPIQ Other goals you have for the collaborative Explore Patient-Reported Outcome measures?

4 “Target” Conditions Headache Anxiety Depression Seizures Syncope Tics

5 Goals of the Learning Session
Learn about caring for children with headache and anxiety Understand patient/family experience and perspectives related to referral Understand current referral processes Define specific QI measures for your practice Develop initial improvement strategies

6 QI Measures Screen for a behavioral health problem(s)
Assessment of co-existing somatic and behavioral problems Care planning for referral interim Provision of needed information with referral Referral tracking/follow-through

7 Anticipated Challenges
Limited guidelines for population screening Relatively small numbers of patients with target conditions, and those referred to specialty care Limited registry functionalities in most EMRs Specialists engaged in the project are not the only options for your patients

8 Opportunities Engage your practice team in improvement
Learn about and implement effective screening tools Expand project measures to include other conditions you refer to specialists Learn to use a basic registry; get more sophisticated if interested Develop referral/collaboration relationships Improve referral processes/communications Try patient-reported outcome measures

9 Participants Comfort Care Pediatrics: Granger Clinic:
Rita Fox, MD Granger Clinic: Leah Farley, MD Erika Ofek, MD Dana Ostermiller, MD Southpoint Pediatrics: Darin Bosworth, MD Mary Winifred Thomas, CPNP Southwest Children’s Clinic: Harper Randall, MD Tanner Clinics: Brent Eberhard, MD

10 Participants U of U South Jordan Pediatrics:
Nathan Bexfield, MD Sarah Petersen, MD Carolyn Sanchez, MD Amy Williams, MD Utah Valley Pediatrics, American Fork office: Sarah Ashby, MD Marcie Connor, MD Scott Mumford, MD Ryan Wilcox, MD Village Green Pediatrics: Joseph Johnson, MD

11 Learning Session Faculty
Behavioral Health: Dedee Caplin, PhD Kristi Kleinschmit, MD Neurology: Lynne Kerr, MD, PhD Meghan Candee, MD Parent/Family: Andrea Davis (Neurology Parent Partner) Gina Pola-Money (Utah Family Voices) Health Information Management Lorie Lepley (Manager)

12 UPIQ Staff Practice Coaches: Co-Directors: Administrative Assistant:
Gabi Baraghoshi, RN, MPH (lead) Kim Bloom, MPA Dawn Bentley, BSN Co-Directors: Chuck Norlin, MD (project lead) Diane Liu, MD Administrative Assistant: Yvonne Stayer

13 UPIQ Staff And many thanks to our outgoing Senior Program Manager:
Amy Wuthrich, MS

14 Logistics Restrooms Recordings & slides will be on QI TeamSpace (link will be ed) Evaluation forms and CME credit forms in folder pocket For questions, raise hands and wait for mic before speaking Building tour at 3:30?

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