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Overview – RAND MODEL DESIGNER 7 Overview –

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1 Overview –

2 «MvStudium Group» software for visual modeling of complex dynamical systems
Model Vision Studium Rand Model Designer Visual tool for designing, research and training Special Industrial tool for designing marine simulators

3 Rand Model Designer is registered in the Register of Russian Software № 1010; June,1;2016.
Version «MvStudium» was developed specially for Transas company and it is used for building real time embedded applications.


5 Modern requirements for visual tools for modeling and simulation of complex dynamical systems
Object-Oriented approach (Object-Oriented Modeling) Universality (different types of real dynamical systems and their mathematical models) Compliance with standard (for example UML) Different types of computation systems

6 Competitors Simulink+Toolboxes Modelica-based tools Ptolemy

7 RMD’s Model Types Models with «input/output» components.
«causal» Dynamical and hybrid systems. Models with «contact/flow» components. «Physical» Models with variable structure. «agent-based»

8 Rand Model Designer Model Editor Model Visualizer

9 Model Editor Interfaces for different types of users schoolboys
Former Simulink users former Modelica users Interfaces for different types of users

10 Equations in mathematical
and Simulink style

11 Modelica style

12 Building simplest continues model (isolated continues dynamical system)
Step One Step Two step Three Step two

13 Building simplest discrete model (difference equations)

14 General case: hierarchical component model
Level 1 Structural diagram

15 Level 2. Level 3.

16 General case: component with hybrid behavior
Level 1. hierarchical Behavior-chart Level 2.

17 Built-in Instruments Numerical properties Model productivity Planning experiments Analysis of computer experiments results

18 Phase Portret

19 Lamerey Diagram for logistic equation

20 Runtime program: executable model under visual environment dll

21 UML-based approach

22 Building own libraries

23 Model Vision Language

24 Model Visualizer

25 Different forms for visualizing of results

26 Behavior: Time diagrams

27 Debugging: Breakpoints

28 Debugging: tracing

29 Testing: Equations, structure, Jacoby matrix

30 Testing: Time estimation

31 Statistical experiment: Plan

32 Statistical experiment: Results

33 Visual and embedded model

34 Modern Projects

35 RMD in Education «Innovative Teaching and Learning Strategies in Open Modelling and Simulation Environment for Student-centered Engineering Education  (InMotion)» Erasmus

36 «The basis of modeling and simulation»
Generalities Textbook «The basis of modeling and simulation» Training (alternative) Simulink Modelica Rand Model Designer

37 Rand Model Designer * for Super Computers
cloud computing + super computers as daily routine It is possible to use Rand Model Designer without expensive improvements for statistical experiments and modeling large-scale multi component systems just now *) See competitors:

38 Hybrid Super Computer Center "Polytechnic": platform for cooperation

39 “Engine room” Hybrid cluster area with liquid cooling is separated from the engine room for cluster with shared memory by a glass partition and cold air corridor

40 31 Tflops Numascale cluster with globally-addressable memory
Computing unit: x3 AMD Opteron 6380 (16 cores, 2.5 GHz, 192GB RAM); Numaconnect 3D torus topology. Total: 3072 core; GB RAM shared memory; 31 TF

41 4K 3D room 5 m screen, support stereo and multi-component images

42 Thank you!

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