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Pandemic Flu Alert Phase 4

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1 Pandemic Flu Alert Phase 4
Small local clusters of human to human spread Control Measures: Get vaccine for seasonal influenza Clean your hands (soap/water or hand sanitizer) at EVERY opportunity Perform and enforce Respiratory Etiquette Cover nose and mouth with tissue or cough into upper sleeve, not hands Provide masks for patients who are coughing or sneezing Confine patients with cough and fever in separate waiting areas Place patients with suspected flu in a private room with Airborne Precautions until influenza is ruled out. Get educated!

2 Pandemic Flu Alert Phase 5
Large local clusters of human to human spread Control Measures: Place patients with suspected flu in a private room with Airborne Precautions until influenza is ruled out. Get vaccination for seasonal influenza Clean your hands (soap/water or hand sanitizer) at EVERY opportunity Perform and enforce Respiratory Etiquette Cover nose and mouth with tissue or cough into upper sleeve, not hands Provide masks for patients who are coughing or sneezing Confine patients with cough and fever in separate waiting areas Screen patients for elective procedures for flu symptoms within last 2 weeks If positive, refer to their physician Screen ALL EMPLOYEES If become ill at work with fever and/or cough When returning to work from sick leave

3 Pandemic Flu Alert Phase 6A
Transmission in General Population and Cases in Texas Control Measures: Place patients with suspected flu in a private room with Airborne Precautions until influenza is ruled out. Clean your hands (soap/water or hand sanitizer) at EVERY opportunity Perform and enforce Respiratory Etiquette Cover nose and mouth with tissue or cough into upper sleeve, not hands Provide masks for patients who are coughing or sneezing Confine patients with cough and fever in separate waiting areas Screen ALL EMPLOYEES If become ill at work with fever and/or cough When returning to work from sick leave BE SURE you and those around you are using correct PPE properly

4 Pandemic Flu Alert Phase 6B
Transmission in General Population and Local Cases! Control Measures: ALL persons entering facility are screened and must use hand sanitizer! ONE adult may accompany the patient into the facility STAFF and VISITORS wear masks in high risk areas! Clean your hands (soap/water or hand sanitizer) at EVERY opportunity Perform and enforce Respiratory Etiquette Cover nose and mouth with tissue or cough into upper sleeve, not hands Provide masks for patients who are coughing or sneezing Confine patients with cough and fever in separate waiting areas BE SURE you and those around you are using correct PPE properly Screen ALL STAFF at end of shift for respiratory symptoms

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