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Marico Campus Connections

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1 Marico Campus Connections
Face Off Case Challenge 2 Madhurakshara | Pradnya | Supriya | Swapna PGP 1 IIM INDORE

2 The target group is between the age group of 18-24 years.
Psychographic Profile of the age group The target group is between the age group of years. This group includes college girls and women that have just started working. Girls want to get noticed for their work. Girls of this age group are confident. One of the factors that bring about confidence is beauty. College girls are concerned about the clothes they wear, their skin and also hair. Healthy and shining hair brings about added confidence. Be it socializing with her college friends or giving a presentation in office, she is happy and confident about herself if she is certain that she has shining hair. They are ambitious and want to achieve success in life. There is a strong desire to stand out from the crowd in order to differentiate themselves.

3 Product Analysis Driving Factor: Quality and distinguished attributes
Industry: Hair Care Driving Factor: Quality and distinguished attributes Attributes: Fragrance and Non stickiness Price: Comparable Better than Leave on and Serum products Novelty : one of its kind

4 Touch Points Retail Mobile Social Media College Salons FM Radio
The most usual method to buy an FMCG product. Selling through retail is the most competitive option. All brands are placed nest to each other. It is important that the product is placed in the appropriate place which will grab the attention of consumers. Some people may also switch their hair oil brand if their choice of brand is not available. Mobile Text messages about the product are frequently sent to consumers. With the growing use of WhatsApp, a video of the product can also be shared. This video can be then forwarded by the consumers. Social Media Pages about the brands are created where people can share. Like and comment. Advertisements on social networking sites can catch attention. College Festivals in colleges offer a wide range of opportunities to market the product. Sponsoring a college festival or just putting a stall can be an effective way to reach the target group. Salons Many salons recommend certain brands of shampoos, hair oils, serums. Salon recommended brands are considered highly credible. FM Radio Advertisements during shows which are popular among young audience should be done.

5 What is to be sold? In addition to selling the PAJ as a product, the concept of ‘Oil’ has to be marketed as well. With an increasing number of consumers in the TG shunning oil for alternatives, the idea and the benefits of using oil should be incorporated in the advertisements and promotional schemes. Hence, the product and the brand are to be promoted at the same time. Mothers have been the best advocates for oil. Hence, the theme should revolve around mothers recommending the use of oil everyday Competition from alternate products like shampoos, conditioners can be warded by projecting the ill-effects of chemicals The effectiveness of oil in nulling the effects of pollution is well known. Highlighting the same with the added advantage of afterwash protection would do wonders!!

6 The goodness of Jasmine, the flower that has been trusted for years for incorporating fragrance to the hair should be highlighted Since PAJ is an oil, as opposed to other products in the leave-on space like conditioners and serums, the natural benefits PAJ should be stressed PAF is one product that stays with hair all time around. Hence, it protects hair real time. This should be a USP for Parachute Jasmine against Shampoos and Conditioners that compete in the ‘Shine’ attribute

7 Thank You !

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