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Lecture 1: Introduction DEE Spring

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1 Lecture 1: Introduction DEE4521 2012 Spring
Semiconductor Device Physics Lecture 1: Introduction Prof. Ming-Jer Chen Department of Electronics Engineering National Chiao-Tung University 02/20/2012

2 Semiconductor Device Physics is
On this Course Semiconductor Device Physics is Our EE’s Common Language of How to Speak up for Semiconductor Devices from the EE Point of View: - Capture Needed Knowledge from Other non-EE Groups - Define the Same Terminology - Develop the Same Concepts Valid even in the future Nano era.

3 On Semiconductor Device Physics
Our NCTU EE has a good Scientific reputation in the field of Semiconductors worldwide. Semiconductors are the Benchmarks of how a Country like Taiwan has been respected.

4 NCTU EE March 2012

5 Introducing Myself

6 Those Years I Went (1987 to 1992) TSMC Consultant:
- Manufacturing Process Windows - Design Rules (2000 to 2001) Visiting Professor, DEE of Stanford University (Since 1987) Have Graduated 17 EE Ph.D. and over 100 Master’s (Since 2010) One of Two TSMC JDP Professors at NCTU: - Physics of Nano-Devices

7 Contents of Course

8 1. Physics and Modeling of Semiconductor Bulk Structures (Si, Ge, and GaAs) - Conduction- and Valence-Band Structures - Electrons and Holes - Energy Band Diagram - Density-of-States (DOS) - Effective Mass - Fermi Level and Thermal Equilibrium - Fermi-Dirac Statistics and Carrier Population

9 2. Physics and Modeling of Carrier Transport in Semiconductors - Energy Band Diagrams - Drift and Diffusion - Scattering Events and Mobility - Generation/Recombination, Optical Injection, and Continuity Equation

10 3. Physics and Modeling of a p-n Junction Diode - Energy Band Diagram - Forward and Reverse Mode - Depletion and Quasi-Neutral Regions - Thermionic Injection Over the Junction Barrier - Tunneling through the Barrier

11 4. Physics and Modeling of a Metal-Semiconductor Contact System - Energy Band Diagram - Ohmic Contact - Schottky Contact

12 5. Physics and Modeling of a MOS System - Energy Band Diagram - Quantum Confinement - Surface Modulation: Accumulation, Flat-band, Depletion, and Inversion - Electrostatics - C/V - Polysilicon Gate - Metal Gate/ High-K

13 6. MOSFET Device Physics and Modeling 7. Bipolar Transistor Physics and Modeling

14 Ways to Capture Device Physics
Physics: Concepts involved with a device under study (fundamental laws, logical thinking, etc.) Model: A physical Image of the device projected onto your mind. (pictures, formulas, etc.) Modeling: Modeling of a device is a quantitative measure of your understanding of the device. (calculation, data fitting, parameter extraction, etc.)

15 Some Textbooks Suggested
1. Robert Pierret, “Advanced Semiconductor Fundamentals”, Addison-Wesley, 1987. (Classical; no examples of Q&A) (Purdue) 2. Richard Anderson and Betty Lise Anderson, “Fundamental of Semiconductor Devices”, McGraw-Hill, 1st Edition, 2005. (General; more examples of Q&A) (Ohio) 3. Chenming C. Hu, “Modern Semiconductor Devices for Integrated Circuits”, Pearson Education, (Concise; enough examples of Q&A) (Berkeley) 4. Donald A. Neamen, “Semiconductor Physics and Devices – Basic Principles” McGraw-Hill, 4th Edition, (General; more examples of Q&A) (New Mexico)

16 No matter what textbooks you may choose,
Just follow me.

17 Your final score will be graded upon:
Grading Your final score will be graded upon: Four Exams (85%) - three conventional midterm exams - one unconventional final exam Series of Homeworks (15%). You can then be certificated as EE top talent!

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