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Clothed And In His Right Mind

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1 Clothed And In His Right Mind
Luke 8:35

2 Clothing and the Mind The demoniac was naked when he was not in is right mind; he was clothed when he was in his right mind Our clothing reflects what is in our mind and thinking (motives); our clothes communicate something about who we are (Deut. 22:5)

3 Three Views of Modesty Good: the “where do you draw the line?” view
Better: the “follow the dress code” view Best: the “dress reflects my character” view

4 Look At My Wealth Am I trying to make a “statement” about my wealth (1 Tim. 2:9-10; Pet. 3:3-5)? (Note the UPC and SDA position on these verses.) Is it, look at my wealth, or look at my heart (Mk. 1:6; Lk. 16:19; Jas. 2:2-3)?

5 Look At My Wealth Adorn (Gr. kosmeo) = put in order
Modest (Gr. kosmios) = well-ordered, decent Apparel (Gr. katastole) = a garment let dow, covering Shamefastness (Gr. aidos) = a sense of shame

6 Look At My Wealth Sobriety (Gr. sophrosune) = soundness of mind; self-controlled Godliness (Gr. theosebeia) = God- fearing respect, reverence Good works = it’s about what I’m doing for the Lord, not about what I’m wearing

7 Look At My Wealth Hidden man of the heart Incorruptible
Meek (Gr. praus) = strength under control; gentle Quiet (Gr. hesuchios) = tranquil, peaceful, calm

8 Look At My Body Am I trying to make a “statement” about my body (Gen. 38:14-15; Prov. 7:10)? Is it, look at my body, or look at my character (Prov. 31:30; Jer. 6:15)?

9 Look At My Body Clothing needs to cover the body:
The loins (Gen. 3:21; Nah. 3:5) The thighs (Ex. 20:26; 28:42-43) The buttocks (Isa. 20:1-4) The breasts (Ezek. 16:7-8) The upper torso (Jn. 21:7)

10 Look At My Respect Am I trying to make a “statement” about my respect toward someone important (Gen. 41:14; Sam. 12:20)? Is it about comfort, or giving God my best (2 Sam. 24:24; Mal. 1:6-14)?

11 Clothing and Right Minds
When buying clothes, don’t just consider the latest “style”, but what “statement” am I making Dress from the inside (heart) out (body) Start early with children to teach them about right thinking and motives

12 Clothing and Right Minds
Remember, clothing is a basic necessity, not a “style” requirement laid down by society (Mt. 6:28; Tim. 6:8)

13 Clothing and Right Minds
Let’s dress like we have met Jesus and we are in our “right mind” Do you need to clothe yourself with Jesus (Rom. 13:14)?

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