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Learning Styles Trish Morgan.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Styles Trish Morgan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Styles Trish Morgan


3 What is a learning Style?
A learning style is the way a person most easily learns and processes new information or skills. A preschooler does not have a learning style yet and a five-year-old might change his learning style by the time he is ten. Up on your toes you go! (

4 Things to keep in mind: 1. Observe patterns of behavior
2. Listen to the way a person communicates 3. Experiment with what works and what doesn’t 4. Focus on natural strengths NOT weaknesses Learn more about learning styles Your preferred teaching style

5 What style are You? Gregoric Modle Mind styles





10 How do we remember? Barbe-Swassing

11 Auditory learns best by listening to verbal instructions and remembers by forming the sounds of words Does not neccisarily mean you only need to hear something but does mean you need to hear it for yourself and say it to commit it to memory May read alound, talk to yourself, or repeat instructions Putting information to song, rap, rhythm can help them memorize things. Listening to how a word sounds may be important part of learning what it means.

12 Visual learns best by seeing and watching and using Strong visual associations Picture in your mind what you are learning Daydream or get lost in thought Learns best by associating pictures with words or concepts being used Using visual aides, bright colored folders, flash cards

13 Kinesthetic Learns best by becoming physically involved and actually doing something with what’s being learned Constant motion “fidgety” or “wiggle worm” Need some sort of action or the learning won’t stick

14 How do we understand? Witkin model

15 Global or analytical Global sees the Big Picture
Analytical sees the parts

16 Analytical Strengths details Focus Organization Remembering specifics
Direct answers Consistency Sense of justice Objectivity Indiviclual competition Doing one thing at a time

17 Global Strengths Seeing the big picture Seeing relationships
Cooperating in group efforts Reading between the lines Seeing many options Paraphrasing Doing several things at once Giving and relieving praise Reading body language Getting others involved

18 How many ways can we be smart?
Multiple intelligences~ Howard Gardner

19 Verbal/Linguistics Demonstrate Strength in the language arts: Speaking, writing, reading, listening How can I use the spoken or written words? Lectures, discussions Word games Writing Stories Reading Journaling

20 Logical-Mathematical
Display aptitude for numbers reasoning and problem solving How can I bring numbers, calculations, logic, classifications, or critical thinking? Number games Science experiments Brain teasers Searching for patterns

21 Visual/ Spatial Learn best visually and organize things
How can I use visual aids, visualization, color, art or visual organizers? Visual aids Art activities Imagination games Charts, graphs, maps Costumes

22 Bodily/Kinesthetic Experience learning best through activities
How can I involve the whole body, or provide a hands on experience? Drama Dance Sports Games Scavenger hunts Tactile activities

23 Musical Learn well through songs and rhythms
How can I bring in music or environmental sounds, or set key points in a rhythm or melody? Using songs that teach Rhythmic learning

24 Interpersonal Social butterfly of the room and love to be around people How can I engage students in peer or cross-age sharing, cooperative learning or large-group simulation? Cooperative learning Working in pairs

25 Intrapersonal Self-aware and in tune with inner feelings, values and beliefs How can I evoke personal eelings or memories, or give students choices? Journaling Writing Independent study

26 Naturalist Love the outdoors Activities can include Nature study
Care of animals Observing natural surrounding

27 Existential Why are we here? What is our role in the world

28 Things to remember Each person is a complex and unique combination of natural streangths and preferences There is no one best style to be Can be helpful to learn from someone who doesn’t teach your style

29 Resources “The way they learn” by Cynthia Tobias
“Multiple Intellegences in the Clessroom” Thomas Armstrong “Intelligence Reframed: Multiple Intelligences for the 21st Century” by Howard Gardner content/blogs.dir/10/files/2016/02/Multiple-Intelligence- Inventory.pdf

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