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CJK NACO Best Practices

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1 CJK NACO Best Practices
Shi Deng, Coordinator, CJK NACO Project With CJK NACO Reviewer Group 2017 CEAL Cataloging Workshop March 14, 2017, Toronto, Canada

2 Outline CJK NACO Best Practices Overview
General NACO Best Practices Highlight Discussion & Vote on New CJK Best Practices Report on CJK NACO Project activities NACO Updates Since April 2016

3 CJK NACO Best Practices
Non-Latin script data in name authority records: When a NAR includes 4XX for non-Latin references Ref status value coded “b” “667 Non-Latin script reference(s) not evaluated” added Record non-Latin forms in 670 using equal sign to ALA-LC romanized form: 670 $a Xin Gui xi ji shi. Xu bian, : $b t.p. (中国人民政治协商会议广西壮族自治区委员会文史和学习委员会 = Zhongguo ren min zheng zhi xie shang hui yi Guangxi Zhuangzu Zizhiqu wei yuan hui wen shi he xue xi wei yuan hui) 670 $a Hangukhwa non, 1989: $b t.p. (金 鍾太 = 김 종태 = Kim Chong-t’ae) Available at:

4 CJK NACO Best Practices
On CJK NACO Project Website: Name authority records with “jin shi” (進士) or “ju ren” (舉人) dates Treatment of 籍貫/本籍/原籍/祖籍 and “<Place>人”, etc. Treatment of 字 and 號/号 for personal names Abbreviations in 670 $b – Information found Treatment of variant pronunciations of characters (多音字) Romanization of ambiguous place names Available at: LCCN: n An, Sŭng-ju 670 Paekche rŭl kkum kkumyŏ, 2008: ǂb t.p. (An Sŭng-ju) front flap (b. June 23, 1936 in Lunar calendar in Chʻungnam Yŏnʼgi-gun; munhak paksa, Kyŏnghŭidae Taehagwŏn; prof., Kongju Taehakkyo Sabŏm Taehak; head, Paekche Munhwa Yŏnʼguso; d. June 23, 1998 in Lunar calendar; h. Ujae)

5 General NACO Best Practices Highlight
Recording date: Spell out or abbreviate the names of months (e.g., January or Jan.) rather than using a numeral to represent it (e.g., 1/5/14) when giving dates in the 670 (DCM Z1) Example: 670 Wikipedia, Chinese, Feb. 3, 2017: ǂb (鄧雨賢 = Deng Yuxian; alternative name: 唐崎夜雨 = Tangqiyeyu [no access point found in OCLC]; 東田曉雨 = Dongtianxiaoyu [no access point found in OCLC]; native of Hakka; born July 21, 1906 in Taoyuan Ting (now Taoyuan Shi), Taiwan; died June 11, 1944) Available at: DCM Z1 on 670, recording date

6 General NACO Best Practices Highlight
PCC Post RDA Test Guidelines on updates to existing NACO records. RDA acceptable AACR2 1XX fields may be used as the base element in a new extended RDA authorized access point (such as a name-title or subordinate body record), or as an addition to an RDA authorized access point (such as a place or associated institution).  When using an AACR2 1XX heading as the base element in an extended RDA authorized access point, or as an addition to an RDA authorized access point, the AACR2 authority record must be re-coded to RDA.  Optionally, any other existing dependent records may also be re-coded to RDA  If the evaluation and re-coding of an existing authority record results in a change to the 1XX field, and that 1XX is also used as a 5XX field in another record, the 5XX field in the other record must be changed per NACO Normalization rules. When updating the record containing the 5XX field, the cataloger is strongly encouraged to evaluate the entire record and re-code it to RDA. If the evaluation and re-coding of an existing authority record will result in a change to a 5XX field, the record in which the 5XX is established as a 1XX must get its 1XX field changed per NACO Normalization rules. When updating the record containing the 1XX field, the entire record must be evaluated and re-coded to RDA. Available at:

7 Evaluated and Re-coded for RDA (1)
If creating a work/expression level record in RDA, need to upgrade author’s record to RDA as well. Evaluate and re-code for its creator 008/10 Rules c  z 040 DLC ǂb eng ǂe rda ǂc DLC ǂd OCoLC ǂd Uk ǂd CU-SMu 010 n 1001 Li, Yinghai 4001 黎英海 667 Non-Latin script reference not evaluated. 670 Author's Han tsu tiao shih chi chʻi ho shêng, 1959. 670 Piano exam pieces, 2012 670 BL Music Collections, 24 October 2012 ǂb (Li Yinghai) 670 allmusic www site, 24 October 2012: ǂb Li Yinghai (Chinese composer, born 1927, died 2007) New NAR for a work 010 no 040 CU-SMu ǂb eng ǂe rda ǂc CU-SMu 1001 Li, Yinghai. ǂt Xi yang xiao gu 3820 piano ǂn 1 ǂs 1 ǂ2 lcmpt 4001 黎英海. ǂt 夕阳箫鼓 4001 Li, Yinghai. ǂt Xiao and drum at sunset 667 Non-Latin script reference not evaluated. 670 Zhongguo gang qin yin yue, 2014: ǂb label (夕阳箫鼓 = Xi yang xiao gu; Xiao and drum at sunset : (1975)) Note that you have to more than just re-code. You need to re-evaluate the entire record. Result: Evaluated and Coded 008/10 from “c” to “z” and add 040 ǂe rda to LCCN n CJK NACO Training: Searching, Sept. 7, 2016, slide 33

8 Evaluated and Re-coded for RDA (2)
If creating a record for subordinate body, need to code the NAR for the parent’s record to RDA as well. Evaluate and re-code for its parent body 008/10 Rules c  z 010 no 040 MdU ǂb eng ǂe rda ǂc MdU ǂd OCoLC ǂd IEN ǂd DLC-S ǂd NNC 1102 Nagasaki Kenritsu Daigaku 4102 長崎県立大学 5102 ǂi Absorbed corporate body: ǂa Kenritsu Nagasaki Shīboruto Daigaku ǂw r New NAR for a subordinate body 010 no 040 NNC-EA ǂb eng ǂe rda ǂc NNC 1102 Nagasaki Kenritsu Daigaku. ǂb Henshū Iinkai 4102 Nagasaki Kenritsu Daigaku. ǂb 編集委員会 In this case, you would evaluate and re-code the NAR(s) for the subordinate’s parent body. Re-evaluating the parent body’s related corporate names is optional but encouraged. Result: Evaluate and re-code LCCN no and LCCN n Evaluate and re-code for its associated body 008/10 Rules c  z 010 n 1102 Kenritsu Nagasaki Shīboruto Daigaku 4102 県立長崎シーボルト大学 5102 ǂi Absorbing corporate body: ǂa Nagasaki Kenritsu Daigaku ǂw r CJK NACO Training: Searching, Sept. 7, 2016, slide 34

9 Evaluated and Re-coded for RDA (3)
If creating a record for later name, need to code the NAR for the earlier name to RDA as well, or vise versa. Corp Body B: AACR2 record Fixed field: Rules: z (changed from c) 010 n 040 DLC ǂb eng ǂe rda ǂc DLC ǂd OCoLC ǂd CU-S 1102 Nihon Shio Gakkai 4102 日本塩学会 4102 日本塩学會 5102 Shio Gijutsu Kenkyūkai ǂw a 5102 Nihon Kaisui Gakkai ǂw b Corp Body A: new RDA record Fixed field: Rules z 010 no 040 CU-S ǂb eng ǂe rda ǂc CU-S 1102 Shio Gijutsu Kenkyūkai 4102 塩技術研究会 4102 鹽技術研究會 5102 Nihon Shio Gakkai ǂw b Corp Body C: AACR2 record Fixed field: Rules: z (changed from c) 010 n 040 DLC ǂb eng ǂe rda ǂc DLC ǂd OCoLC ǂd CU-S 1102 Nihon Kaisui Gakkai 4102 日本海水学会 5102 Nihon Shio Gakkai ǂw a In this case, a RDA record was created for the earliest name, which has later names both under AACR2 Result: Evaluation and re-code records for LCCN n & LCCN n CJK NACO Training: Searching, Sept. 7, 2016, slide 35

10 New CJK Best Practices: Proper Nouns
1a. Proper nouns including author’s affiliations, place names, etc. in 670$b: Transliterating vs translating Transliterating: For identification purpose, transliterate proper nouns according to ALA-LC Romanization Tables Transliterating is more straightforward than “self-made” translation, no worry to skew the meaning or confuse one name with another NACO reviewers who participated in the quick poll are generally transliterating proper nouns. Translating: DCM Z1 670 on other data: “DCM Z1 670 on recording other data” Okay to translate if English form is commonly identified or found in NAR General concern: Translation of such data could not serve the purpose of identification if the English is not the commonly identified form CJK NACO Reviewer Group recommendation: transliterating. Workshop participants discuss and vote decision:

11 New CJK Best Practices: Proper Nouns
1b. Proper nouns including author’s affiliations, place names, etc. in 670$b: recording non-Latin script form Currently not included in NACO Non-Latin 670 instruction. CJK NACO Reviewer Group recommendation for optional practice: “record the proper names in both original scripts and romanization in 670 field if considered important for identification or clarification.” To help facilitate identification and clarification, Workshop participants discuss and vote decision:

12 New CJK Best Practices: Date in lunar calendar
2. Date in lunar calendar cited in 670$b. Often an author’s birth or death date is presented in lunar calendar. To record these date in 046, the lunar date needs to be converted into Gregorian date. Example: 670 Paekche rŭl kkum kkumyŏ, 2008: ǂb t.p. (An Sŭng-ju) front flap (b. June 23, 1936 in Lunar calendar in Chʻungnam Yŏnʼgi-gun; munhak paksa, Kyŏnghŭidae Taehagwŏn; prof., Kongju Taehakkyo Sabŏm Taehak; head, Paekche Munhwa Yŏnʼguso; d. June 23, 1998 in Lunar calendar; h. Ujae) 670 Wikipedia, Chinese, Feb. 6, 2017: ǂb (周添旺 = Zhou Tianwang; Chiu Thiam-ōng [in rom.]; born Jan. 25, 1911 (lunar year, Dec. 25, 1910) in Taibei; died 1988) Suggested format for citing: 046 $f $2edtf Option 1: 670$b (… born Dec. 25, 1910 in lunar calendar [Jan. 25, 1911] …) Option 2: 670$b (… born 25th day of the 12th lunar month, 1910 [Jan. 25, 1911]...) Workshop participants discuss and vote decision:

13 New CJK Best Practices: Non-MARC-8
3. Non-MARC-8 CJK characters Authority records continue to be limited to the MARC-8 character set. OCLC recommendation: Enter the name of the character within square brackets using the Unicode standard if available (for example, enter [schwa]), or for CJK characters, enter the reading of the character (for example, enter [yin]). For examples see the Unicode charts webpage,  has a name index. CJK NACO Reviewer Group recommendation: Enter transliteration of the character within brackets based on ALA-LC Romanization Tables. Example: Author’s name: 靏見誠良. “靏”is a non-MARC-8 character 1001 Tsurumi, Masayoshi, ǂd 1944- 4001 [Tsuru]見誠良, ǂd 1944- OCLC Connexion Client version 2.6.3: cataloging using full Unicode Except Authority records continue to be limited to the MARC-8 character set. LC-PCC PS 1.4 on Characters can’t be reproduced by the facilities available Greek and Other Non-Latin Script Letters, Ideographs, Etc.

14 Report on CJK NACO Project activities
Formed CJK NACO Reviewer group Reviewed and updated CJK NACO Review Guidelines Discussed on NACO questions and make recommendations for best practices CJK NACO Training (Sept 2016) as a tag-along format to PCC NACO training Webinar + self-study (8 general webinars + 5 CJK webinars) 21 registered participants + a few show-ups Thanks to 15 reviewers who assigned to review 17 participants’ NACO work Thanks to trainers: Paul Frank, Jessalyn Zoom, Ryan Finnerty CJK NACO Project website updates Membership list & Reviewer list CJK NACO Review Guidelines CJK Training materials added

15 September 2016 training participants
Institution Eunhee Nah Harvard Haiqing Lin UC Berkeley Mia Ackerson Naomi Shiraishi Jia Lin Jin* Yoko Kudo UC Riverside Jeong Oh LAPL Hui Li UCLA Jian P. Lee OSU Chen Gao Sanghee Seo Yun-Hee Lee Chiharu Watsky* Princeton Junko Tanaka* Mieko Mazza* Stanford Audrey Chen* Univ of Maryland Suzhen Chen U Hawai'i Michelle Jo Univ of Sydney Doris Seely U Minnisota Chingmy Lam Ya Min Wu UBC Betty Zhan Niles Public Library

16 CJK NACO Review Group Members
Reviewer Institution Erminia Chao Brigham Young Univ Jia Lin Jin Harvard Sarah S Elman Columbia Chiharu Watsky Princeton Teresa Mei Cornell Yue Shu Smithsonian Cathy Yang LC Mieko Mazza Stanford Jessalyn Zoom Erica Chang U Hawai'i Koji Takeuchi Suzhen Chen Sarah Byun Shi Deng UC San Diego Soon Yang Jia Xu Yale Youngki Lee Yukari Sugiyama

17 Report on CJK NACO Project activities
Upcoming activities Expand and update CJK NACO best practices on CJK NACO Project website Develop CJK training materials with more CJK examples Need help from CJK NACO participants and reviewers Open CJK NACO Training in fall to new members and refreshers Host CJK NACO online Q&A sessions with PCC NACO experts (Paul Frank, etc.) Need help from CJK NACO participants to send in questions for case studies Update documents on CJK NACO Project website as needed Build CJK NACO Project work space ect%20Working%20Space Welcome any suggestions from members It takes a village. Thanks to everyone for your contributions!

18 NACO Updates Since April 2016
DCM Z1 updates of February 2017, October 2016, August 2016, and April 2016 issues Updates of LC Guidelines to the MARC21 Format for Authority Data Prepared by Jessalyn Zoom

19 046 Special Coded Dates : Recording Century Dates
Use the 1st two digits of the hundred year span when recording a century in the 046 field (e.g., use “17” to represent the 18th century, ) 046 ## $s 17 100 1# Wang, An, $d active 18th century An approximate century (e.g., active approximately 12th century) cannot be recorded in the 046 field Until further notice do not use subfield $q or $r. Continue to use subfield $s and subfield $t for start and end periods for corporate bodies. No need to provide a source in $2, it is in ISO 8601 date scheme (LC-PCC PS )

20 368 Other Attributes of Person or Corporate Body (
368 $a Type of corporate body (R), $b Type of jurisdiction (R), and $c Other designation (R) : Prefer controlled vocabulary for terms Record the source in subfield $2 For consistency, capitalize the first term in each subfield $a, $b and $c 368 $d Title of person (R) : Designation indicative of royalty, nobility, or ecclesiastical rank or office, or a term of address for a person of religious vocation. Best practice: Record titles of royalty, nobility or religious rank in the form used in the authorized or variant access points DCM Z1: Prefer controlled vocabulary for terms in subfield $a, $b, and $c, recording the source in $2. For consistency, capitalize the first term in each subfield $a, $b, and $c. Do not record professions or occupations in subfield $c (Other designation). Profession or occupation may be recorded in field 374. $a - Type of corporate body $b Type of jurisdiction $c Other designation $d Title of person

21 368 Other Attributes of Person or Corporate Body Examples (
100 0# $a Akiko, $c Princess, daughter of Tomohito, Prince of Mikasa, $d 1981- 368 ## $d Princess, daughter of Tomohito, Prince of Mikasa 100 0# $a Huike,$c da shi, $d 368 ## $d da shi 100 1# $a Chu, Tony $c (Fictitious character) 368 ## $c Fictitious characters $2 lcsh 374 ## $a Detectives $a Psychics $a Chinese Americans $2 lcsh 100 0# $a Kiritsubo, $c Emperor of Japan (Fictitious character) 368 ## $d Emperor of Japan 374 ## $a Emperors $2 lcsh $a - Type of corporate body $b Type of jurisdiction $c Other designation $d Title of person

22 374 Occupation List of controlled vocabulary and source code list greatly expanded Occupation Term Source Codes - Dictionary of occupational titles - $2 dot LC Demographic Group Terms - $2 lcdgt and more … Subject Source Codes - Hong Kong Chinese Authority File (Name) - $2 hkcan Kihon kenmei hyômokuhyô = [Japan Library Association] Basic subject headings - $2 jlabsh Dictionary of occupational titles: Record the code in subfield $2

23 375 Gender More gender source codes lists included
Gender Code and Term Source Codes Library of Congress subject headings - $2 lcsh LC Demographic Group Terms - $2 lcdgt Art & architecture thesaurus - $2 aat Medical subject headings - $2 mesh and more … Record the code in subfield $2

24 Subfield $s - Start period and Subfield $t - End period in 368, 370, 371, 372, 373, 374, 375, 376
Best practice: Although the MARC format does not specify a form of date in these subfields, the following practice is recommended for consistency. Input dates using the Gregorian calendar in the form yyyy If more specific dates are necessary, consider recording them in another field (e.g., 670, 678) It is not necessary to reformulate dates in existing NARs to conform to this practice 373 ## $a Chicago Bulls (Basketball team) $2 naf $s 1984 $t 1993 373 ## $a Washington Wizards (Basketball team) $2 naf $s 2001 $t 2003

25 Individual Fictitious Character, Legendary Character (RDA 9
Individual Fictitious Character, Legendary Character (RDA 9.0, SHM 1610) All headings for individual fictitious characters are established in the name authority file May be used as subjects (MARC 600 field) If appropriate, notify PSD or submit a SACO proposal to cancel the LCSH authority record Headings for groups of fictitious characters (e.g., the Hardy Boys, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) continue to be established in LCSH and are tagged 150.

26 Individual Fictitious Character, Legendary Character Example
n # $a Kitarō $c (Fictitious character) 368 ## $c Fictitious characters $2 lcsh 375 ## $a Males $2 lcdgt 400 0# $a 鬼太郎 $c (Fictitious character) 667 ## $a Non-Latin script reference not evaluated 670 ## $a Gegege no Kitarō, 2013-<2015>: $b v. 4, t.p. (鬼太郎 = Kitarō) 670 ## $a Wikipedia, viewed Nov. 4, 2015 $b (Kitarō is a yōkai boy born in a cemetery and, aside from his mostly decayed father, the last living member of the Ghost Tribe; created in 1960 by Shigeru Mizuki as one of the characters in a manga series "Gegege no Kitarō")

27 Recording Relationships : 510 – See Also From Tracing
Until a decision is reached by the PCC Policy Committee on the use of relationship designators in authority records, LC/PCC catalogers may continue to use the subfield $w codes “a” (earlier) and “b” (later) or optionally use the appropriate relationship designators from Appendix K to provide relationship links between conference entities 110 1# $a Hong Kong. $b Census and Statistics Department 510 1# $a Hong Kong. $b Census Department $w a 510 1# $a Hong Kong (China). $b Census and Statistics Department $w b OR 510 1# $i Predecessor: $a Hong Kong. $b Census Department $w r 510 1# $i Successor: $a Hong Kong (China). $b Census and Statistics Department $w r

28 Recording Relationships : 510 – See Also From Tracing
LC/PCC catalogers may use subfield $i with subfield $w coded “r” to provide relationships between corporate entities and the names of other persons, families or corporate body, or authorized access points for works or expressions use terms from Appendix I, J, or K in subfield $i use a capital letter for the first letter of the term and follow the term with a colon this technique may also be used to related authorized access points for works and expressions containing corporate names 100 1# $a Choi, Dong Sull, $d 1937- 510 2# $i Employer: $a Brigham Young University $w r 110 2# $a Dannō Hōrinji (Kyoto, Japan) 500 0# $i Founder: $a Taichū, $d 1552?-1639 $w r Use judgment about whether to make reciprocal 5XX

29 672 Title Related to the Entity
Primary purpose: document that there is a relationship between the 1XX entity and the title recorded in the 672 field Used in the name authority record represented by the 100, 110, 111, or 151 Does not replace the need to use the 670 field (for the title for which the authority record is being created) Non-Latin script elements should be given in romanized form 672 #0 $a United States history $b a selective guide to information sources 672 #4 $a The sun also rises $f 2000 672 #0 $a Bread and other bakery products industry $w (DLC)### $w (OCoLC) $w (CaOONL) XE Instruction sheet on the use of the 672 and 673 came out since last 2016 workshop. Note: 1st indicator undefined, 2nd indicator – Nonfiling characters (see 2nd example) $a title proper, $b remainder of title, $f date associated with the title, $w bib control number

30 673 Title Not Related to the Entity
Primary purpose: document that there is no relationship between the 1XX entity and the title recorded in the 673 field Used in the name authority record represented by the 100, 110, 111, or 151 Does not replace the need to use the 675 field as described in the 675 section of DCM Z1 Non-Latin script elements should be given in romanized form 673 #4 $a The Crossley baby $f 2008 673 #0 $a Paintings and drawings on the backs of National Gallery pictures $w (DLC)### $w (OCoLC)

31 Medium of Performance Term – 162, 462, 562, 762
NACO: Do not use this field SACO: Information about these fields were newly added to the LC Guidelines since April 2016.

32 PCC Series Practices Under RDA
PCC series practice: Transcription of the series statement is mandatory if applicable. Searching for series authority records, tracing the series, and the creation and maintenance of series authority records are optional. Those who wish to contribute series authority records should consult: NACO Series Training documentation for PCC Participants at RDA/course%20table.html (Last update: February 2017) appropriate DCM Z1 Individual PCC institution may have its own series policy. LC no longer create or update SARs.

33 LC Guidelines for Name Authority Records
430 See From Tracing, 451 See From Tracing, 511 See Also From Tracing 111 Meeting Name, 130 Uniform Title, 151 Geographic Name, 530 See Also From Tracing, 551 See Also From Tracing SACO and SUBJECTS: Do not use $g – Miscellaneous information (Data element that is not more appropriately contained in another defined subfield $j, $k, $l, $q, $s, $4 (511 only) NACO: Do not use $g – Miscellaneous information (Data element that is not more appropriately contained in another defined subfield) SACO and SUBJECTS MARC Format for Authority Data example: 111 2# $a Symposium on Nonsteady Fluid Dynamics, $c San Francisco, $d 1978 $g (Projected, not held)

34 LC Guidelines for Subject Authority Records
150 Topical Term, 155 Genre/Form Term, 450 See From Tracing – Topical Term, 455 See From Tracing – Genre/Form Term, 550 See Also From Tracing – Topic Term, 555 See Also From Tracing – Topic Term NACO: Do not use SACO and SUBJECTS Do not use (updates included certain subfields , e.g., $g, $v, $x, $y, $z, etc.) Be sure to check back the LC Guidelines document in course of using these MARC fields.

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