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Ch.06-First 2 years – Cognitive Birth – 2 years

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1 Ch.06-First 2 years – Cognitive Birth – 2 years

2 You are playing with your 10-month-old child, and put the ball in your pocket. Your child goes over to look in your pocket for the ball. This would indicate the child ____________. A. lacks object permanence B. Has object permanence C. Cannot spell object permanence D. Has attention deficit disorder E. None of the above

3 You are playing with your 10-month-old child, and put the ball in your pocket. Your child goes over to look in your pocket for the ball. This would indicate the child ____________. A. lacks object permanence B. Has object permanence C. Cannot spell object permanence D. Has attention deficit disorder E. None of the above

4 What does this demonstrate?
Baby lacks object permanence Baby has object permanence Baby can’t spell object permanence None of the above

5 What does this demonstrate?
Baby lacks object permanence Baby has object permanence Baby can’t spell object permanence None of the above

6 You give a 16-month-old child a dish of ice cream
. You give a 16-month-old child a dish of ice cream. The child licks the ice cream, sticks his finger in it, and plays with it. This would demonstrate Piaget's concept of ____________________ Piaget’s “Little scientist” He is considering the consequences Piaget’s preoperational stage Skinner’s reinforcement None of the above

7 You give a 16-month-old child a dish of ice cream
You give a 16-month-old child a dish of ice cream. The child licks the ice cream, sticks his finger in it, and plays with it. This would demonstrate Piaget's concept of _________________ Piaget’s “Little scientist” He is considering the consequences Piaget’s preoperational stage Skinner’s reinforcement None of the above

8 The visual cliff What will the baby do?
Cross over to Mother Refuse to cross over to Mother Ask, “How much as I getting paid for this experiment?”

9 The visual cliff What will baby do? Cross over to Mother
Refuse to cross over to Mother Ask, “How much as I getting paid for this experiment?”

10 The visual cliff Why did the baby refuse to cross the visual cliff?

11 The visual cliff Why did the baby not cross the visual cliff?
They develop depth perception very early.

12 You buy a toy to hang over your baby's crib, and bounce it to make it move. Your baby is been attracted to the toy. Why is this? Babies preference for lying on their back Dynamic perception Static perception Color perception None of the above

13 You buy a toy to hang over your baby's crib, and bounce it to make it move. Your baby is been attracted to the toy. Why is this? Babies preference for lying on their back Dynamic perception Static perception Color perception None of the above

14 . The order in which your baby will learn language is
A. Cooing, babbling, reflexes, spoken words B. Babbling, cooing, reflexes, spoken words C. Reflexes, cooing, babbling, spoken words D. Cooing, reflexes, babbling, spoken words

15 . The order in which your baby will learn language is
A. Cooing, babbling, reflexes, spoken words B. Babbling, cooing, reflexes, spoken words C. Reflexes, cooing, babbling, spoken words D. Cooing, reflexes, babbling, spoken words

16 overgeneralization undergeneralization holophrase naming explosion
Henry is 16 months old. He points at the refrigerator and says, “Juice?” What form of speech is he using? overgeneralization undergeneralization holophrase naming explosion

17 overgeneralization undergeneralization holophrase naming explosion
Henry is 16 months old. He points at the refrigerator and says, “Juice?” What form of speech is he using? overgeneralization undergeneralization holophrase naming explosion

18 Skinner’s Chomsky’s Social Pragmatics’ Hybrid None of the above
You believe that children are prewired to learn any language. Whose language theory influenced your thinking? Skinner’s Chomsky’s Social Pragmatics’ Hybrid None of the above

19 Emergentist Coalition’s
You believe that children are prewired to learn any language. Whose language theory influenced your thinking? Skinner’s Chomsky’s Social Pragmatics’ Emergentist Coalition’s

20 Your young child wakes up a few nights per month seemingly in a panic
Your young child wakes up a few nights per month seemingly in a panic. She sits up in bed screaming and crying. You rush in to calm her and to see what is happening. The child usually returns to sleep and doesn’t remember this happening at all. What is the best explanation for this behavior? A. She may be exhibiting symptoms of early onset epilepsy. B. She has excessive anxiety during the day. C. She has too much sugar in her diet. D. She is probably experiencing night terrors, a fairly common event in early childhood. Answer: D Believe in yourself! You can do more than you think you can!

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