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Chair Fairtrade for Bassetlaw and Fairtrader in Retford for Traidcraft

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1 Chair Fairtrade for Bassetlaw and Fairtrader in Retford for Traidcraft
What do we know about Fairtrade in C of E churches Fairtrade for Bassetlaw Traidcraft? Kathy Cowbrough Chair Fairtrade for Bassetlaw and Fairtrader in Retford for Traidcraft 1

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3 What does the symbol represent?
open to interpretation – some see a parrot, others a green leaf, some see the black swirl at the centre as a road leading to a brighter future. The most popular: imagine the blue as sky, the green as grass, the black dot and swirl at the centre as a person holding one arm aloft. That figure represents the people at the heart of the Fairtrade system – it could be a farmer holding up their product, a shopper reaching to purchase, or a campaigner fighting for greater justice in international trade. Adopted by FLO International in 2002. 3

4 Kathy Cowbrough Vice Chair, FairtradeforBassetlaw and Traidcraft Speaker

5 Fairtrade means… A fair and stable price for producers
“…we can buy pens and notebooks so children can go to school. We have bought seeds and fertiliser to grow vegetables and improve our family’s diet.” Sira Souko Cotton farmer, Batimakana, Mali Kathy Cowbrough Vice Chair, FairtradeforBassetlaw and Traidcraft Speaker

6 Fairtrade means… Extra income to invest in bringing about change for the future
Farmers at Mabale Growers’ tea factory in Uganda used some of their Fairtrade premium to build a road for the local community enabling easier access to local markets. Kathy Cowbrough Vice Chair, FairtradeforBassetlaw and Traidcraft Speaker

7 Fairtrade means… Producers are working to protect their environment
Coffee farmers in one co-operative in Costa Rica are protecting the rainforest with new coffee driers that run on recycled coffee bean husks and organic material, rather than using firewood. Kathy Cowbrough Vice Chair, FairtradeforBassetlaw and Traidcraft Speaker

8 Fairtrade means… Small farmers have a stronger position in world markets
“For us small producers, we are very committed to Fairtrade. It is our means of survival here in the Dominican Republic. We see Fairtrade as being part of a big family.” José Peralta Banana Grower ASOBANU, Dominican Republic Kathy Cowbrough Vice Chair, FairtradeforBassetlaw and Traidcraft Speaker

9 Under Fairtrade, farmers receive:
Agreed stable and sustainable prices An extra payment (a premium) to invest in environmental or economic development projects - decided democratically by producers within farmers organisations or workers on plantations in social, environmental or economic development projects, decided upon democratically by producers within the farmers’ organisation or by workers on a plantation. Kathy Cowbrough Vice Chair, FairtradeforBassetlaw and Traidcraft Speaker

10 Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world. By requiring companies to pay sustainable prices (which must never fall lower than the market price), Fairtrade addresses the injustices of conventional trade, which traditionally discriminates against the poorest, weakest producers. It enables them to improve their position and have more control over their lives. 10

11 What Fairtrade products do you know about?

12 There are over 4,500 Fairtrade products from coffee and tea to flowers, cotton and gold, so when you shop, look for the FAIRTRADE Mark. 12

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15 Look out for these tasty fair trade treats!

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17 Fairtrade and your church
How many use Fairtrade product in your church? What options do you have for supporting Fairtrade in your church? Would it make a difference in how your congregation views your church if you offered Fairtrade? Would it make a difference to how others view your church if you offered Fairtrade Kathy Cowbrough Vice Chair, FairtradeforBassetlaw and Traidcraft Speaker

18 How might you network Fairtrade?
Do we use venues where Fairtrade products are offered? Do we ask when shopping or visiting cafes if they offer Fairtrade products? As your local councillor how the council supports Fairtrade? Kathy Cowbrough Vice Chair, FairtradeforBassetlaw and Traidcraft Speaker

19 What Traidcraft does 19

20 We trade Sometimes producers just can’t find ways to access markets so, in addition to the trading activity of Traidcraft plc, Traidcraft Exchange has been involved in setting up trading companies in country and facilitating trade links between poor producers and international buyers. We support Producers often struggle to access new markets. We build the capacity of local organisations to offer the practical support that they need, for example by providing market information, product development assistance, or training in quality assurance. We influence Even when they have knowledge and skill, sometimes producers face other barriers to trade, such as the complex rules and regulations that govern world trade, high import tariffs, or import quotas. Our experience means we are able to talk to government and big business about the need for change and how it can be achieved.

21 Trade Bringing direct benefits to producer communities.
What Traidcraft does: Trade Bringing direct benefits to producer communities.

22 What Traidcraft does: Support Helping people develop the skills needed to run their own businesses or to train others to do so.

23 What Traidcraft does: Influence Changing the rules that govern trade, challenging injustice, and encouraging changes in public and political attitudes

24 What we can do to support

25 sells a wide range of products on line, via catalogue, Fair Traders, Fairtrade shops

26 Fairtrade in Bassetlaw?
What do we know about this?

27 What does it mean to be a Fairtrade District?
Photo: Richard Else

28 What does it mean to be a Fairtrade District?
5 goals think of 5 C’s Council Commerce (retail and catering) Community Common Consensus (public support gained through media coverage and events) Captains (steering group)

29 Examples of two goals Commerce: At least four Fairtrade product ranges are readily available in the area’s retail outlets (shops, supermarkets, newsagents and petrol stations) and two products served in local catering outlets (cafés, restaurants, pubs) Community:Local workplaces and community organisations (places of worship, schools, universities, colleges and other community organisations) support Fairtrade and use Fairtrade products whenever possible. A flagship employer is required for populations over 100,000.

30 Fairtrade Churches Churches incorporate fair trade themes into worship, events and organise hundreds of Fairtrade events throughout the year in a bid to support trade justice and help alleviate poverty. 30

31 How to become a Fairtrade Church
Register with the Fairtrade Foundation and your church council must agree to the following: Use Fairtrade tea and coffee after services and in all meetings for which you have responsibility Move forward on using other Fairtrade products such as sugar, biscuits and fruit Promote Fairtrade during Fairtrade Fortnight and during the year through events, worship and other activities whenever possible 31

32 Fairtrade Fortnight 2017 Monday 27th Feb - Sunday 12 March

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34 Look for the these logos on products:
The Traidcraft product logo The Fairtrade Mark 34

35 What can we do here to help more people know about fairtrade products?

36 I trust we gained some ideas on how we can support Fairtrade in our community. Thanks for your time and new ideas are always weclome. 36

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