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APICS CPIM Reconfiguration
February 15, 2017 Update Lisa: Thank you. I’m excited to be talking to you today about APICS plans for a CPIM reconfiguration.
Agenda CPIM Reconfiguration Exam and Courseware Anticipated Rollout
Customer and market drivers Task Force recommendations Exam and Courseware Configuration Development Anticipated Rollout Protecting Current Market During Transition Proposed Business Model Lisa: Thank you, Dean. Today we will discuss an overview of the CPIM Reconfiguration and the subsequent changes being made to the exams and courseware. We will review the anticipated rollout plan and discuss ways in which we can partner together to protect the current market and continue the pipeline during this transition. Finally, the proposed business model along with financials will be detailed followed by a question and answer session, so let’s get started.
CPIM Task Force (formed 11/2015)
The CPIM Task Force was charged with: Reviewing the current CPIM business model Determining strengths and weaknesses of the program Making a final recommendation for the number of CPIM exam modules The CPIM Task Force was facilitated by an external psychometrician Conducted meetings to ensure all information, data and voices were equally considered Provided insight into the psychometric viability of options Kept the task force focused on achieving their task Lisa: So a quick recap on the background of the reconfiguration decision. A CPIM task force was formed late 2015 to evaluate the current CPIM business model, determine strengths and weaknesses of the program, and ultimately make a final recommendation for the number of exam modules if the task force determined that a change was in fact needed. The task force was facilitated by an external psychometrician to ensure all data and voices were equally considered while providing insights into the psychometric viability of any options being considered. Of number one importance was to ensure CPIM continues to adhere to high-stakes, legally defensible certification best practices.
Task Force Considered Many Factors
Lisa: The task force reviewed many business factors including candidate feedback and testing behaviors, business statistics and industry research data. As an example, this chart compares the number of worldwide certifications issued for CPIM & CSCP since Please keep in mind this is certifications issued, not exams delivered. This graph indicates a continual upward trend for CSCP, where CPIM has been on a continual and worrisome downward trend. Further research determined that CSCP was not the cause for a decline in CPIM numbers.
Total exam time vs. Time per question
The complexities of CPIM are out of synch with other certification leaders. Average Time Per Question (minutes) 75% of candidates who passed BSCM never earned CPIM Lisa An example of industry comparison data indicates that the CPIM exam design is such an outlier from other highly regarded industry certification programs that we had to extend the chart just to fit CPIM on the graph. Example programs we used for exam comparisons included the ASAE’s Certified Association Executive, ISM’s Certified Professional in Supplier Diversity (CPSD), the CPA credential, ISACA’s Certified in Risk & Information System’s Control, Oncology Nursing, and the physical therapist certification. It is also worth noting here that a surprising 75% of candidates who pass the Basics exam never complete their certification. Cumulative Exam Time (hours)
CPIM Task Force Outcome
Final CPIM Task Force Recommendation: The Task Force unanimously supported a change to the CPIM configuration. The Task Force was comprised of twelve members, with two members from six distinct constituencies: Courseware, Certification, Instructors, International Partners, NA Chapters, Corporate Clients and an external facilitator. The Task Force voted in favor of a 2-module configuration. Lisa: The CPIM task force which comprised a diverse constituency of courseware, certification, instructors, international partners, chapters, and corporate clients unanimously supported a change to the CPIM exam configuration. A 2-module configuration was recommended to the APICS Board of Directors who then approved this recommendation on July 30, 2016. The APICS Board of Directors approved this recommendation on July 30, 2016.
Planned Exam and Courseware Configuration
Lisa: So let’s take a look on how this decision affects the Certification exam structure and the associated courseware.
Reconfiguration of Exam Objectives
The CPIM Part 1 exam (previously known as the Basics of Supply Chain Management) will remain as a standalone exam expanded to 150 questions and 3 ½ hours to introduce new technology- enhanced item types. The CPIM Part 2 exam will cover the content contained in MPR, DSP, ECO and SMR (weighing 25% each) through a sampling process that we currently use for existing exams and be expanded to 150 questions and 3 ½ hours. The new exam configuration will remain psychometrically validated and legally defensible. The CPIM body of knowledge would be minimally impacted and candidates will still be required to master the same knowledge, skills and abilities as in the current CPIM Certification. Lisa: In the new 2-module structure, the first module will be known as Part 1, previously known as the Basics of Supply Chain Management. This exam will essentially cover the same content outline as the previous Basics exam but will be expanded to 150 questions with a 3 ½ hour time limit. New technology-enhanced item types will be included providing the candidate with a more technology-rich testing experience. When this new exam launches, we will no longer be issuing certificates upon passing the exam. Since we are encouraging completion of the certification program, we feel that formally recognizing an interim milestone may impede progress. However, Individuals who pass Part 1 will receive a LinkedIn banner, similar to an electronic badge, that can be displayed on their profile indicating they have passed the CPIM Part 1 exam. Also, Candidates who pass the learning system final exam with an 80% or better will receive a downloadable certificate of completion while Partners who wish to continue recognizing this achievement may choose to issue their own certificates as well. The second module which will be known as Part 2 will cover the content contained in MPR, DSP, ECO and SMR with approximately equal weighting among those 4 areas. This exam will also be 150 questions and 3 ½ hours in length. Both exams will remain psychometrically validated and follow best practice certification exam development processes. There will be minimal impact to the existing CPIM body of knowledge as candidates will still be required to master the same skills and abilities as reflected in the existing structure. Bob, can you talk about changes to the CPIM courseware?
Benefits of Proposed Courseware Configuration
Learning System Enhanced online experience for students: pretest, quizzes, activities, videos/presentations on difficult topics, multiple posttests and practice exams. Exam Simulators to be rolled into the online Learning System. Flipped Classroom Capabilities Instructors and corporations can use online activities/presentations/quizzes as assignments or as part of a “flipped classroom” approach (learn online, practice in class). Social Learning Additional tools for more social participation in online Learning System, such as Announcements, “Ask the Instructor,” Group Discussion Activities, all within the Learning System that the students and instructors see. Instructor Guide and PowerPoints for Classroom Face-to-face, blended, live online. Streamlined Learning Path Anticipated certification to be completed within 9 months. Bob: Thanks, Lisa – I’m happy to tell everyone that we are replacing the Participant Workbooks and Self-Study Kits with new Learning Systems designed for us by the Holmes Corporation. Those of you who have taught or studied CSCP or CLTD will find the new Learning Systems very familiar. Note that the exam simulators are being incorporated in the new online portions of the Learning Systems. They will cease to be a “separate” product and will only be available to those who purchase the current Master Planning of Resources (MPR), Detailed Scheduling of Operations (DSP), Execution and Control of Operations (ECO) and the Strategic Management of Resources (SMR) Participant Workbooks until those workbooks are no longer sold. In addition to the change to Learning Systems, we are working to enhance the online experience with videos/presentations on difficult topics that instructors can use to enhance their class or as “Flipped classroom” tools. Additional social learning tools are being added for instructors that can add a social learning environment to your classes. Announcements, “Ask the instructor” and a group discussion area will all be available to your students when you set up your CPIM Part 1 or Part 2 class and will be available to your students whenever they go into their CPIM online Learning System. Over time, we will add these tools to CSCP and CLTD. Of course, there will be instructor guides and PowerPoints for classroom use. We believe they will be helpful for instructors whether they are holding face-to-face, blended or line on-line classes.
CPIM Learning System Components
Participant Materials The CPIM body of knowledge will follow the two-part configuration identified in ECM v6.0. The reading materials will be available in print and e-reader formats. Online Materials and Resources The online component will provide tests, exercises, and additional resources for both learning and teaching. Premium features will support a blended learning experience. Instructor Materials Instructor materials will include instructor Resource Books with facilitator notes, PowerPoint slides, classroom exercises, student slide books and an optional final exam. Bob: As I’ve already said, the Holmes Corporation is working with us to develop the new Learning Systems and instructor materials. Since CPIM is an existing product, it is our objective to have the instructor materials released at the same time the Learning Systems are released.
CPIM Learning System Delivery Formats
The CPIM Learning System will support two different delivery modes, based on audience needs: (1) Self-Study and (2) Instructor-led. Online features that are available will vary to accommodate the delivery format. Feature: (by Part) Self-Study Version Instructor-led Announcements Class Roster “Ask the Instructor” Threaded Discussions Pretest Embedded e-Reader Section Quizzes Posttest Practice Exam Instructional Videos Interactive Case Studies Glossary/Flashcards Resource Center Partners will be offered instructor-led version, to support blended learning opportunities. Bob: As you know, APICS’s Learning Systems can be used for both Self-Study and Instructor-led. (CLICK) The new Social leaning tools I mentioned a few minutes ago will help our partners provide the extra that students will be looking for from a classroom. They are one way the partner can add value to the class to make the class more attractive than self-study.
Proposed Business Model Focus
Customer focused Product flexibility designed for needs of today’s students: Instructor-led or self study Flipped classroom Electronic delivery capability Enhanced Value Proposition (EVP) Partners – increasing student adoption Students – enabling enhanced, multimode learning experiences Global pricing Align pricing and model with other similar product offerings by both competitors and APICS Overall reduction in customer cost and time commitment Comprehensive, condensed learning path Learning System based Designed to address the needs and time constraints of today’s students Bob: As Professional Development considered how to merge the original 5 sets of courseware into two, there were several things that were very important to us. First, the new courseware had to meet customer needs. We wanted the new courseware to be flexible for a variety of learning modalities and enhance the value proposition for the new CPIM program with the new Learning Systems. It was also important to APICS to align the pricing of CPIM with other similar products, from APICS and from competitors. We also needed to align the North American and Rest-of-World pricing, that was significantly disadvantaging our international candidates. CPIM had been undervalued in the marketplace and we were incenting potential candidates to take a Basics class and exam and not going any further. We believe the value in CPIM is not Basics only, but the entre certification, so want to make it easier for our candidates by significantly reducing their time commitment to earning the CPIM. Finally, we knew that to combine the last four current modules of CPIM into a single course, we had to go a Learning System, rather than the Workbooks we had been using for CPIM. And our team at Holmes is helping us to desing the Learning Systems to address the needs and time constraints of today’s candidates.
Anticipated Roll-out Plans
Bob: Lisa, you recently recorded a presentation detailing the timeline for the CPIM Reconfig, but could you give us a high level overview of the timing now?
Draft CPIM Reconfiguration Timeline
8/1 /16 Exam development changes begun 10/16 Begin development of new courseware 11/16 – 1/17 Detailed partner / Corporate socialization with developmental feedback 12/16 Announce pricing model and launch date for new configuration 06/17 Updated CPIM ECM available Q3-17 Courseware is available for purchase 11/1/17 Exams are available for purchase* Note: Current 4-exam (MPR, DSP, ECO & SMR), CPIM configuration will be maintained during YE 2018 to allow for candidate transition. Visit: to view the timeline presentation * Estimated timeframe, subject to date change. Lisa: Development for the CPIM reconfiguration has already begun beginning last August with exam development followed by courseware development and public communications which began at our International Conference in Washington D.C. The pricing model and launch dates were communicated to partners in December and we will continue to provide updates as we progress on our launch timeline. The ECM is expected to be available in March and the new courseware and exam is planned for purchase in the third quarter of this year. Please note that the remaining 4-modules of the legacy configuration will still be maintained through year end 2018 to allow enough time for individuals in progress to complete their planned program. For more detailed information, please refer to the online CPIM Reconfiguration timeline presentation located on the APICS website.
Ensuring Successful Transition
Lisa: Bob, can you provide some guidance on how to ensure a successful transition?
Ensuring Successful Transition
Modules 2-5 as well as the new combined exam will be offered simultaneously during an extended interval providing individuals time to transition. The 10-year exam expiration policy for legacy BSCM exams will continue to be honored. Candidates will be assured to either begin or continue their CPIM pursuits. For those who have passed a few exams, there will be less financial investment required to complete the legacy CPIM configuration. For those who have passed a few exams, waiting for the new combined exam will require a review of material that they were already tested on. Communication will be timed and distributed in a manner to avoid a potential “run on the market.” Bob: Sure, Lisa, We want all of our current candidates, and partners to know that we will continue to support them during this transition. MPR, DSP, ECO & SMR and the Part 2 exam will be offered simultaneously during an extended interval. Anyone who has already taken one of these exams, or purchased an exam or a workbook or self-study guide, will have the opportunity to complete their CPIM using the legacy materials and exams. We will keep the 10-year exam expiration policy on the legacy BSCM, although the new Part 1 and Part 2 exams will have a 3 year exam expiration date. Candidates can either continue down the path they have started with the legacy exams, or they may choose to take the new exams. Anyone who has passed the legacy Basics of Supply Chain Management exam will not have to take the Part 1 exam, if they choose to change to the new format and want to take the new Part 2 exam. For those who may have passed 2 or three exams, it will be less expensive and quicker to finish the exams they have left than to wait for the new exams. We have a very detailed marketing cadence to candidates who have finished one or more CPIM exams encouraging them to complete the path they’ve chosen while they can. And we encourage them to reach out to our partners to look for classes to help them prepare for the legacy exams.
Proposed Business Model
Bob: So, Lisa and I have filled in some of the background about why we’re making this change, and what the transition will look like, but I know that for many of you, the only thing you’ve heard so far is “Blah, blah, blah!” So, put your trays in the upright position and fasten your seat belts and Dean will give you the information that you dialed in for. Dean?
The New CPIM Pricing Model
Objectives: Keep it fair, simple and uncomplicated and consistent with other APICS products Implement uniform global pricing to better address the needs of multi- national customers. Incent students to commit upfront to completing CPIM training through to certification. Fast Fact: Did you know that current CPIM member pricing is 44% higher outside of North America? Dean: Thank you Bob The new CPIM Pricing Model is intended to Make the buying process for our partners and customers simple and consistent and inline with other core APICS products such as CSCP and CLTD Establish global pricing for CPIM. APICS is a global organization and out current pricing structure is not globally consistent. In fact our price for CPIM is 44% higher outside of NA. Which is confusing to the market Incentivize students to complete their certification with a condensed learning path and a significant price reduction for the majority of the market.
New CPIM Public Pricing
Core/Nonmember PLUS Member $ 545 $ 645 $ 645 $ 645 Pricing model is designed with a focus on incenting the complete value proposition to include training and exams. While the new Learning System and Exams can be purchased unbundled (separately), the pricing model is designed to encourage students to commit to professional development thru to certification. *Member pricing excludes student member pricing Dean: As indicated in the initial distributed December of 2016 the New configuration will have the public price of: LS: M-1 ($395) M-2 ($495) E: M-1 ($495) M-2 ($495) Total $1,880
Q&A Bob introduces Q&A period
And now it is time for our Questions and answers
Thank You! (Script) All content and materials included in this APICS webinar are the property of APICS, and are protected by the United States and international copyright laws. All rights are reserved.
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