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Table of Contents Chapter 1 Physical Activity, Exercise, and Health

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1 Table of Contents Chapter 1 Physical Activity, Exercise, and Health
Chapter 7 Basics of Cardiorespiratory Endurance Chapter 2 Safety and Injury Prevention Chapter 8 Developing Cardiorespiratory Endurance Chapter 3 Designing a Personal Fitness Program Chapter 9 Basics of Resistance Training Chapter 4 Nutrition and Your Personal Fitness Chapter 10 Developing Muscular Fitness Chapter 5 Your Body Composition Chapter 11 Basics of Flexibility Chapter 6 Maintaining a Healthy Body Weight Chapter 12 Personal Fitness Throughout Life Fitness Check Table of Contents

2 Chapter 1 Physical Activity and Personal Fitness
Lesson 1 Physical Activity, Exercise, and Health Lesson 2 Risk Factors and Your Behavior Lesson 3 Developing a Positive Fitness Attitude Lesson 4 Guidelines for Getting Started Chapter 1 Table of Contents

3 Chapter 2 Safety and Injury Prevention
Lesson 1 Personal Fitness Screening Lesson 2 Environmental Concerns Lesson 3 Safety Gear and Clothing Lesson 4 Preventing Fitness Injuries Lesson 5 Avoiding Harmful Substances Chapter 2 Table of Contents

4 Chapter 3 Designing a Personal Fitness Program
Lesson 1 Health-Related and Skill-Related Fitness Lesson 2 FITT and the Principle of Overload Lesson 3 The Principle of Specificity Lesson 4 The Principle of Progression Lesson 5 Warm Up, Work Out, Cool Down Chapter 3 Table of Contents

5 Chapter 4 Nutrition and Your Personal Fitness
Lesson 1 The Importance of Nutrition Lesson 2 Vitamins, Minerals, and Water Lesson 3 Choosing Foods Wisely Lesson 4 Nutrition for Peak Performance Chapter 4 Table of Contents

6 Chapter 5 Your Body Composition
Lesson 1 The Basics of Body Composition Lesson 2 Influences on Your Body Composition Lesson 3 Evaluating Your Body Composition Lesson 4 Maintaining a Healthy Body Composition Chapter 5 Table of Contents

7 Chapter 6 Maintaining a Healthy Body Weight
Lesson 1 Body Weight and Health Risks Lesson 2 Body Image and Weight Control Lesson 3 Nutrition Myths and Fad Diets Lesson 4 Methods for Weight Control Chapter 6 Table of Contents

8 Chapter 7 Basics of Cardiorespiratory Endurance
Lesson 1 Your Heart, Lungs, and Circulation Lesson 2 Problems and Care of Your Heart and Lungs Lesson 3 Influences on Cardiorespiratory Endurance Lesson 4 Aerobic vs. Anaerobic Physical Activities Chapter 7 Table of Contents

9 Chapter 8 Developing Cardiorespiratory Endurance
Lesson 1 Evaluating Your Cardiorespiratory Endurance Lesson 2 Aerobic Activities Lesson 3 Applying FITT to Cardiorespiratory Workouts Lesson 4 Selecting Fitness Equipment Chapter 8 Table of Contents

10 Chapter 9 Basics of Resistance Training
Lesson 1 Benefits of Resistance Training Lesson 2 Your Muscles and Their Functions Lesson 3 Resistance-Training Myths Lesson 4 Resistance-Training Equipment and Gear Chapter 9 Table of Contents

11 Chapter 10 Developing Muscular Fitness
Lesson 1 Beginning a Resistance-Training Program Lesson 2 Planning Your Resistance-Training Workout Lesson 3 Applying FITT to Resistance Training Lesson 4 Achieving Muscular Fitness Chapter 10 Table of Contents

12 Chapter 11 Basics of Flexibility
Lesson 1 Influences on Flexibility Lesson 2 Evaluating Your Flexibility Lesson 3 Developing Your Flexibility Lesson 4 Flexibility Exercises and Activities Chapter 11 Table of Contents

13 Chapter 12 Personal Fitness Throughout Life
Lesson 1 Fitness: A Lifetime Goal Lesson 2 Your Changing Personal Fitness Goals Lesson 3 Choosing Fitness Professionals Lesson 4 Choosing Fitness Products Chapter 12 Table of Contents

14 Chapter 1 Methods for Evaluating Health-Related Fitness
Chapter 7 Evaluating Cardiorespiratory Endurance Chapter 2 Applying Biomechanics Chapter 8 Estimating Percentage of V02 max Chapter 3 Demonstrating Skill-Related Fitness Chapter 9 Evaluating Muscular Endurance Chapter 4 Understanding the Energy Equation Chapter 10 Determining Intensity Chapter 5 Measuring Body Composition Chapter 11 Evaluating Your Flexibility Chapter 6 Exercise and Overweight Chapter 12 Designing an Aerobic-Exercise Routine Table of Contents

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