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Mike Dane Gus Jared Matthew

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1 Mike Dane Gus Jared Matthew
Perpetual Virginity Mike Dane Gus Jared Matthew

2 The meaning of the title and objections
Mary is virgin before, during, and, after. Protestants struggle with this title because there is not definitive proof in scripture.

3 Intactness means sinlessness
God wanted Mary’s bodily intactness to reflect her spiritual intactness, which is why he kept her a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus Also why Mary was assumed into heaven Intactness means sinlessness

4 How it reflects on Mary The title does not downgrade sex.
It reflects Mary’s intactness or sinlessness.

5 Matthew 13:55 “Is he not the carpenter’s son? Is not his mother named Mary and his brothers James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas?” Misuse of the word “brother” “brother” actually means “from the same womb” but in English the word “brother” refers to many relationships (brothers in Christ, good friends) James and Joseph are the sons of another Mary, not Mary the mother of Jesus

6 Mathew 1:24-25 “When Joseph awoke, he did as the angle commanded him and took his wife into his home. He had no relations with her until she bore a son, and he named him Jesus.” Protestants often say that since it says till, that Mary had relations after Jesus was born. This is not the case because the word till does not mean until. This means that nothing had changed in Mary’s condition regarding her virginity. Also people assume that Jesus was Mary’s firstborn, that Mary had other children later on. But the word firstborn refers to a title and privilege that Jesus held, meaning that it doesn’t imply that Jesus was one of several children of Mary.

7 typology Mary is a type as the new Ark of the Covenant.
God insisted that the Ark be without stain or defect.

8 Quiz ____________ means sinlessness. Mary is a Type as the new __________________. T or F Protestants don’t believe in the doctrine of perpetual Virginity because it is not clearly written in Scripture. T or F Mary’s Title as Perpetual Virgin downgrades sex. T or F Mary’s Bodily intactness contradicts her spiritual intactness.

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