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Commodities Fund COMMODITIES FUND, A CREDIT FACILITY PROVIDER FOR COFFEE DEVELOPMENT Richard Omelu Head of Credit – Commodities Fund (Kenya) May 18th, 2017

2 PRESENTATION OUTLINE Coffee Farming in Kenya; Value chain; Challenges; Govt Intervention Commodities Fund (Background, Role, lending model, performance; Achievements) Lessons learnt, Conclusion

3 Coffee Farming in Kenya
Kenya is a coffee Arabica producer. Coffee - Fourth leading foreign exchange earner after Tea, Tourism and Horticulture. In 2015, the subsector earned USD 206 Million (Kshs billion/ Tshs Billion) as foreign income (Source: Coffee Directorate). Sector directly and indirectly supports close to FIVE million Kenyans.

4 Coffee Farming in Kenya
Smallholder farmers: 77% - producing 65% of total coffee production); estate farmers: 23%, producing 35% of total coffee. 113, 500 ha under coffee, (Coffee Directorate). small holder farmers have less than 1 ha of land under coffee, estate farmers have large farms Estate growers: Easy access financing; modern technologies; better practices; better yield and quality

5 Coffee Farming in Kenya
Segmentation of Coffee Production; Estates vs small holders YEAR ANNUAL COFFEE PRODUCTION (“000”Metric Tons) 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 SMALL HOLDER 21.90 32.70 27.20 30.90 ESTATE 17.90 16.80 14.80 15.30 TOTAL 39.80 49.50 42.00 46.20

6 Coffee Farming in Kenya
Kenya Coffee Value Chain Miller Cooperative Society Factory Farmer Auction (NCE)/ Buyer Marketing Agent

7 Coffee Farming in Kenya
Challenges Limited access to affordable finance. Long value chain Unpredictable climate change High costs of production Poor and limited agronomical practices Obsolete coffee processing machines Limited access to affordable coffee planting materials

8 Coffee Farming in Kenya
Challenges Leadership and governance challenges faced by co-operative societies Encroachment of urbanization into traditional coffee growing zones Ageing coffee farmers Low domestic consumption of coffee High farmer indebtedness

9 Coffee Farming in Kenya
Government Intervention Establishment - Commodities Fund (Formerly CoDF) Establishment of AFA-Coffee Directorate, Nairobi Coffee Exchange and direct sales option Establishment of Coffee Research Institute Presidential Coffee Task Force: Identify challenges; recommend remedial measures including PPP. Writing off of old coffee debts Supervision of Cooperative societies Devolution of agriculture function-extension services

10 Commodities Fund Background
Established under Crops Act 2013, following merger of two former Funds; Coffee Development Fund and Sugar Development Fund.

11 Commodities Fund Legal Mandate
To provide sustainable, affordable and accessible credit and advances to farmers and development of supply value chain of scheduled crops regulated by the Agriculture and Food Authority (Authority), including: Coffee; Fibre (Sisal and Cotton); Food Crops; Horticulture; Nuts and Oils; Pyrethrum and other related crops; Sugarcane; Tea. The Fund is currently managing coffee and sugar loan portfolios

12 Commodities Fund The Role of the Fund
The role of the Fund is to provide sustainable affordable credit and advances to farmers for all or any of the following purposes: Farm improvement eg infrastructure Farm inputs Farming operations Price stabilization Any other lawful purpose approved by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries

13 Commodities Fund Sources of Monies
Monies paid as license fees, commission, export or import agency fees and fees that may accrue to or vest in the Agriculture and Food Authority (AFA) Internally generated incomes-revolving funds Funds appropriated by Parliament. Funds from any other lawful source approved by the Trustees

14 Commodities Fund Lending Models:
Agency Lending: Farmer Based SACCOs, to mobilize, recruit, vet, appraise, approve, disburse and recover due loans on behalf of the Fund. Kshs Billion (Over Tshs. 25 bn) disbursed to coffee farmers. Direct Lending: From the Fund to the farmer directly. Amount disbursed: Kshs Billion (over Tshs. 34 bn).

15 Commodities Fund Coffee Funding For The Last 10 Years
Amounts Disbursed(Kshs millions Farmers Reached Government of Kenya (GoK) grants (Kshs and USD) 2006/2007 35.2 ($0.352 Million) 2,929 100 million ($1million) 2007/2008 ($3.064 Million) 20,999 617.8 m ($6.178 Million) 2008/2009 ($ Million) 22,501 118.8m ($ Million) 2009/2010 182.4 ($1.824 Million) 11,456 230.0m ($2.3 Million) 2010/2011 ($1.137 Million) 5,630 178.3m ($ million)

16 Commodities Fund Coffee Funding For The Last 10 Years
Amounts Disbursed(Kshs millions Farmers Reached Government of Kenya (GoK) grants (Kshs and USD) 2011/2012 114.5 ($1.145 Million) 4,523 100.8m ($1.008 million) 2012/2013 149.5 ($1.495 Million) 1,492 133.2m ($1.332 million) 2013/2014 327.0 ($3.27 million) 450 62.0m ($0.62 Million) 2014/2015 551.0 ($5.51 Million) 21,400 0.0 2015/2016 ($4.308 Million) 25,500

17 Commodities Fund Loan Products
Short term loans: Financing of primary production / processing of crops. Repayment period: 8 – 12 months Medium term Loans: For rehabilitating coffee crop. Repayment period: more than 12 up to 36 months Long term Loans: To establish new crops or change season, as well as Cooperatives/Estates who want to install or replace obsolete processing units. For players engaged in value addition. Repayment Period: more than 36 up to 72 months

18 Commodities Fund: Achievement
Financing Coffee Sector to a tune of Kshs 2.6 Billion (Tshs 58.5 Billion) Robust CMIS built database to manage farmer information through online/ mobile phone based system Established a relationship with value chain players Promoted local consumption of coffee through financing coffee shops

19 Commodities Fund: Achievement
Linked farmers with other stakeholders eg Research (CRI), Regulator (Coffee Directorate), inputs suppliers, NGOs (Certification etc) Increased production and quality in funded areas Easy access to low cost credit facility Developing a financial database in the coffee sector – Non –existent there before. (Now able to forecast financial need of the sector)

20 Lessons A fully empowered low cost Fund is an important vehicle for stimulating and promoting coffee development Embrace information-based financing of coffee by building coffee chain database and clearly understanding coffee value chain requirements. Need for supervised credit administration through phased disbursement of loan funds, disbursements in cash and in kind and close monitoring of projects funded.

21 Lessons Timely sharing of pertinent information (level of indebtedness, price and market trends, best agricultural practices, etc) is critical. Farmers need to be paid in time and fairly. Need to profile and involve all key stakeholders. Coordinate, supervise and evaluate the role of each stakeholder in the coffee value chain.

22 Lessons Invest in constant engagement of stakeholders via various communication channels to build close relationships Embrace modern technology at all levels of coffee value chain Adapt to new farming practices to mitigate against climate changes.

23 Commodities Fund Benefits/Fund will ensure that:
Stakeholder objective becomes primary objective A balanced value chain – possible to adjust Fund’s focus to the value chain needs Producers are empowered up the value chain, Processors/ traders down the value chain There is coordinated financing in Coffee sector There is ability to bring in/ retain technology/ GAPs There is affordability, flexibility and sustainability. Generate national (Financial) database for coffee sector in TZ

24 Commodities Fund Conclusion
A vibrant, profitable and sustainable coffee sector is a product of well-coordinated activities initiated by a combination of well supported and fully operational Fund and various coffee sector stakeholders including producers, government agencies (Regulators/ research, policy), processors/ traders, Non Governmental organizations (Certification bodies) and other service providers.

25 Commodities Fund Thank you! Railways Headquarters, Block D-2nd floor,
Workshop Road, Off Haile Selassie Avenue P.O. Box – NAIROBI Telephone: ( ) | | | Fax: ( ) | Mobile: ( ) /8 | ( ) /9 Website: Facebook: Thank you!


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