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General membership meeting – MAY 22, 2017

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1 General membership meeting – MAY 22, 2017
Timber Ridge PTSA General membership meeting – MAY 22, 2017

2 Agenda Call to Order Approve Previous Meeting’s Minutes (from March 30th General Meeting) Nominating committee: present nominations and vote Revised Budget: review, discuss, and vote Proposed Budget: review, discuss, and vote Adjourn

3 MEETING MINUTES See handout of March 30th Meeting Minutes All Meeting Minutes are also available online at: Approve March 30th minutes

4 Elected officers - nominations
The Nominating Committee places the following names into nomination: For the office of President: Janell Wickersham For the office of Vice President: Shelly Bean and Krissy Jones (Co-chairs) For the office of Treasurer: Janelle Laskowski For the office of Secretary: Jennifer Barragan and Kelsey Liaw (Co-chairs)

5 Nominations from the floor?
If only one candidate is nominated for an office, the candidate shall be declared elected. If multiple candidates are nominated for an office, officers shall be elected by ballot. A majority vote is necessary to elect. 

6 Revised Budget Increase INCOME Line item for “Yearbook” to $10,600 to account for higher than anticipated sales Increase EXPENSES Line item for “Yearbook” to $10,100 to cover billed amount Increase EXPENSES Line item for “Charitable exemption filing” to $ (add $60 for state filing) Motion to Vote?

7 proposed Budget The goal of this budget is to ensure that we have money to operate over the summer.  We know we will likely have to revise in September and for sure in November. Many of the line items will depend on our fundraising and corporate matching income.  We don't have enough data to accurately predict these numbers.  That is why you will see zeros in a few places or conservative estimates in places.  We will likely carry over around $24,000.  This will give us a nice reserve for lean years.  It also will allow us to sign an Art contract over the summer if needed.  Motion to Vote?

8 What did our ptsa do for our school this year?

9 Chartered a Brand New PTSA!
Successfully filed and awarded 501(c)3 status! Awarded Outstanding PTSA Website for the school year by WSPTA Coordinated after school enrichment through the YMCA, DMW, Village Theatre, Guitar with Bill, Jet Gymnastics, Smart with Art, Coding Class and more! Bi-Weekly Newsletters to keep parents in the know Arranged the Box Tops and Amazon Affiliates fundraising programs Established "Restaurants Give Back" program, raising $3,000!

10 Hosted Free Events To Students and Families!
Back to School BBQ Morning with Mom Back to School Bash Donuts with Dad (upcoming) Winter Bazaar with over 20 vendors! Parents Night out at Sigillo Cellars Mom’s Night out at Glass and Bottle STEM Night with fabulous hands- on learning activities Education Funding Forum Movie Night ReadyGen Curriculum Informational Scholastic Book Fair that raised $3,500 for our school!

11 Established New Programming at TRES
Funded over $7,000 for in-school art enrichment with Smart With Art Supported the Watch D.O.G.S. program Designed and sold TRES spiritwear Coordinated school yearbook Coordinated school supply program Monthly teacher appreciation events for our staff throughout the year Supported 5th grade camp fundraising at Winter Bazaar, Movie Night, and Book Fair

12 Granted over $20,000 to Our Classrooms!
$ per classroom stipend Literacy centers supplies for Kindergarten Marimbas for music Raz Kids for 1st graders Die-cut machine for school workroom Chromebooks for a 1st grade classroom Wixie Program for K-2 2nd Grade STEM games Small group literacy materials for K-5 3rd Grade play clocks Self regulation tools for K-5 3rd Grade Author Studies book collection Social-Emotion learning books 4th Grade WA State History book sets including Lewis & Clark books, Native American books, and Pioneer books Speech therapy games, puzzles, and toys A social skills program for Kindergarten 5th Grade math games Dramatic kitchen play toys for Kindergarten 5th Grade literacy books Headphones for Kindergarten Recess Rack for playground toys

13 Upcoming Events June 2nd, 7:45am-8:15am - Donuts with Dad at Timber Ridge June 3rd, 6:10pm - Mariner's Night at Safeco Field June 8th, 3:00pm - Volunteer Appreciation Event at Timber Ridge June 14th (8:30-11am 3rd-5th, 12:30-3:00pm K-2nd ) - Field Day at Timber Ridge June 16th, 6:00pm-8:00pm - Movie Night at Timber Ridge

14 SAVE-THE-DATE Friday, July 21st, 10-11:30am - Kindergarten Playdate at Jeanne Hansen Park Saturday, August 19th, 3-4:30pm - Kindergarten Playdate at Jeanne Hansen Park Sunday, August 27th, 5:00-7:00pm - Back-to-School BBQ at Jeanne Hansen Park Thursday, September 7th, 6:30-7:30pm - Back-To-School Bash at Timber Ridge

15 OTHER Questions? New Business • Comments • Concerns

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