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L'opzione eRHIC - EIC@Brookhaven S. Dalla Torre INFN- TS Genova, 17/1/2017.

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Presentation on theme: "L'opzione eRHIC - EIC@Brookhaven S. Dalla Torre INFN- TS Genova, 17/1/2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 L'opzione eRHIC - EIC@Brookhaven
S. Dalla Torre INFN- TS Genova, 17/1/ EIC Silvia DALLA TORRE

2 Thank you for the invitation!
fundamental COMPASS contribution to one of the central fields of EIC physics interest of the COMPASS Trieste group in EIC, with concrete actions in the last year Genova, 17/1/ EIC Silvia DALLA TORRE

3 THIS TALK: L'opzione eRHIC - EIC@Brookhaven
According to the organizers’ request, more focus on activities/proposals from BNL community more related to eRHIC even if a full disentangle is not possible because the US community works in a synergic way: the coherent action of the US community is a must for the project approval & for the construction of the accelerator complex, which requires the specific competence of both laboratories Trieste COMPASS group is not an “eRHIC supporter”(nor a JLEIC fan); our true interests are: seeing the EIC project flying w/o scarifying on the physics programme contributing in building up a relevant and committed INFN community for the experimental activity at EIC Genova, 17/1/ EIC Silvia DALLA TORRE

4 BNL context

5 BNL context RHIC eRHIC >70% when weighted with L time
W. Fischer, CONF XII, Sep 2016 Genova, 17/1/ EIC Silvia DALLA TORRE

6 BNL context, cont. Mastering high-energy polarized p accelerators:
The coherent electron cooling is already needed for RHIC operation at the beginning of the 20’ Mastering high-energy polarized p accelerators: Polarized Source and pre-acceleration Spin rotators, spin flipper, Siberian snakes Polarimeter system: pC for fast measurements pp for absolute calibration Genova, 17/1/ EIC Silvia DALLA TORRE

7 BNL context: running experiments
STAR physics: QGP (polarized) nucleon structure photon/pomeron interactions STAR main detectors SVD (strip, drift) TPC (dE/dx~7%; dp/p~2%) forward TPC RICH (prox. foc. + CsI MWPC) Solenoid TOF e.m. calorimeter (barrel, end-caps) ZDC STAR Solenoidal Tracker at RHIC PHENIX - Pioneering High Energy Nuclear Interaction eXperiment PHENIX main detectors: 2 ZDC 2 beam-beam counters (timing and triggering; quartz+PMTs) vertex detector (barrel: strips; end-caps: pads) e.m. calorimeter (PbSc:timing; PbGl: en. res.) Gaseous trackers (pad ch.s: 3D inf.; drift ch.s: precision; TEC: also PID) TOF (scintillators, 2PMT r-o, 85 ps resolution) RICH (p/e discrimination, gaseous, focalization, PMTs) HBD (Cherenkov, GEMs, upgrade >2008) Muon detectors (Iarocci tubes) PHENIX physics: QGP Prompt photons p spin structure Genova, 17/1/ EIC Silvia DALLA TORRE

8 BNL context: PHENIX upgrade for running in the 20’s
PHENIX  sPHENIX sPHENIX, detector: 1.5 T superconductor solenoid (ex Babar) additional trackers outside the VTX (5 strip layers added to the 2 existing pixel layers ) barrel tungsten-scint. (SiPMs) + preshower (prompt g vs p0) barrel h cal.: iron-scintillator (SiPMs) (also solenoid return flux) forward h cal. sPHENIX is designed also to serve as the foundation (solenoid + calorimetry) for a future EIC detector, referred to as ePHENIX: LOI, 2013 sPHENIX physics: Mainly designed for AA, QGP via detailed jet, b- jet tagging, prompt g, charged h’s studies sPHENIX, An Upgrade Proposal from the PHENIX Collaboration November 19, 2014 Genova, 17/1/ EIC Silvia DALLA TORRE

9 BNL context: STAR continuous upgrade program
STAR upgrades: Completed by 2014 Heavy Flavor Tracker (HFT): MAPS, conventional pads, conventional strips Muon Telescope Detector (MTD): MRPC in avalanche mode, also for triggering a preshower (2015) and postsower(2017)upgrade: Scintillator with Si readout For TPC Inner section (iTPC): pad r-o and new wires in MWPCs Event Plane and centrality Detector (EPD): scintillating tiles in radial geometry, also for triggering End-cap TOF for low momenta PID For Forward electromagnetic and hadron Calorimetric System (FCS): Forward Tracking System (FTS): Si alone or combined with TGCs a la ATLAS STAR upgrades Genova, 17/1/ EIC Silvia DALLA TORRE


namely, in term of detectors: high resolution inner tracking, low mass EMC with preshower barrel and forward RICHes complemented by TOF, dE/dx complete acceptance design high resolution inner tracking Vertex & TPC very forward detectors (Roman pots) Wide acceptance ZDC A. Kiselev, EICUG meeting, July 2016 Genova, 17/1/ EIC Silvia DALLA TORRE

namely, in term of detectors: high resoultion inner tracking EMC with preshower (+ TRD) barrel and forward RICHes complemented by TOF, dE/dx complete acceptance design high resolution inner tracking TPC very forward detectors (Roman pots) Wide acceptance ZDC a wide range of CM energies, h beam species and and all this spanning scattering species (DIS, SIDIS, Exclusive) A. Kiselev, EICUG meeting, July 2016 Genova, 17/1/ EIC Silvia DALLA TORRE

x – Q2 plane vs CM energy Cuts: Q2>1 GeV, 0.01<y<0.95, z>0.1 Rapidity and momentum evolution vs CM energy shown by p kinematics Genova, 17/1/ EIC Silvia DALLA TORRE

p scattering angle in DVCS events vs CM energy e momentum vs CM energy in rapidity bins Genova, 17/1/ EIC Silvia DALLA TORRE

Rapidity Coverage: tracking: -4 < h < 4 calorimetry: -5 < h < 5 p,K,p identification: -3 < h < 3 PID Requirements: lepton / hadron separation strongly rapidity dependent 1:1 at h < :1 to 103:1 at -4<h< :1 at -1<h <1 p,K,p Identification: p/(K,p) ratio ~  need high K efficiency and purity  positive ID K/p ratio ~1 momentum-coverage: -5 < h < 2: 0.1 GeV < p < 10 GeV 2 < h < 5: 0.1 GeV < p < 100 GeV Momentum / Energy resolution: RICH in f/b rapidity: dp/p < 1% p < 10 GeV 1<|h|<3 From combined Calorimeter and Momentum resolution: in x-Q2 bins > 60% for 0.01<y<0.95 SUMMARIZING BY SOME FIGURES E.C. Aschenhauer, EIC meeting, Glasgow 2016 Genova, 17/1/ EIC Silvia DALLA TORRE

Polarized electron-ion collider: Measure L, Pe, Ph L reference: HERA ep→epg (Bethe-Heitler) unpolarized: uncert. ~0.2% (th), 1-2% (exp.= acceptance) double pol. , uncert. : theoretical TBD, experimental from P measurements Pe reference: HERA Compton backward scattering Ptrans, Plong separately measured uncer. ~ 2%; aiming at 1% Ph reference: RHIC absolute meas. (each filling) : A_N in el. pp 5% stat % syst. fast meas. (each bunch): AN in pC tot uncert.: 3.4% similar scheme for polarized 3He Other auxiliary detectors (not sitting in the central detector area) Roman Pots ZDC Low Q2-tagger Genova, 17/1/ EIC Silvia DALLA TORRE


18 EXPERIMENTAL APPROACHES: central detector layout
BeAST – designed from scratch ePHENIX – evolution of sPHENIX [ Detector design for JLEIC ] Genova, 17/1/ EIC Silvia DALLA TORRE

19 HOW MANY DETECTORS ? Both collider concepts can host more than one detector, in case also with complementary characteristics: for instance, \ full acceptance vs high rate capabilities Genova, 17/1/ EIC Silvia DALLA TORRE

20 EXPERIMENTAL APPROACHES: a summary table of the current base-line options
for comparison Genova, 17/1/ EIC Silvia DALLA TORRE

The green-field approach BeAST and ePHENIX are largely overlapping, a part the different solenoid characteristics A large number of experimental technologies are common to several or all approaches and the present intellectual investment of the community in these directions are therefore fully justified There is no frozen design: the best of all technologies can be merged in the final detector(s) Genova, 17/1/ EIC Silvia DALLA TORRE

Generic Detector R&D for an Electron Ion Collider ( Started in 2011 by BNL, in association with Jlab and the DOE Office of NP Goals: develop detector concepts and technologies relevant for experiments in at EIC ensure that required techniques and resources are well established within the EIC user community annual fund level: $1.0M - $1.5M, subject to funds availability (from DOE NP) 1 call per year Genova, 17/1/ EIC Silvia DALLA TORRE

Generic Detector R&D for an Electron Ion Collider supported activities From the AC report: “The committee especially appreciates the international interest in the EIC with participation from INFN, Trieste, the University of Birmingham and the Weizmann Institute of Science, in addition to the existing international participation of CEA Saclay, GSI Darmstadt, INFN Rome and Ferrara, IPN, Orsay, the University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaiso, and the Yerevan Physics Institute.” Genova, 17/1/ EIC Silvia DALLA TORRE

24 EXPERIMENTAL APPROACHES: about the baseline technologies
Genova, 17/1/ EIC Silvia DALLA TORRE

25 EXPERIMENTAL APPROACHES: the most challenging areas (*)
A step forward TPC sensors for high-rates ALICE will open the way to high-rate TPC sensors; going further at EIC fully recovering the dE/dx resolution Mass GEM production outside CERN a challenge on both sides of the Atlantic ocean The future of aerogel RICHes mass production issues (can the Japanese miracle for Belle II be reproduced ?) which are the limit of combining aerogel and gas in a dual RICH ? (LHCb has given up with positive outcome) High-momentum RICHes with reduced radiator length a challenge presently w/o definite answers (*) according to my analysis Genova, 17/1/ EIC Silvia DALLA TORRE


27 Trieste present engagement
EIC support the permanent staff of our group has registered in the EICUG group representative and CB member: Andrea Bressan Silvia Dalla Torre member of the drafting committee for the EICUG charter attending the 2016 EICUG meetings (Berkley, January 2016; Argonne, July 2017) R&D the hardware experts in our group have joint the eRD6 Consortium with a specific research program dedicated to gaseous single photon detectors for PID and synergies with TPC r-o The requested financial support for the specific activities for FY 2017 granted At work to get them available in Italy Matching founds requested joining the INFN initiative RD_FA (CSN I), WP 4 (PI: Stefano Levorato) Physics and simulations The analysis experts of our group have joints the eRD20 proposal “Developing Analysis Tools and Techniques for the EIC” eRD20 financed for the FY 2017 Matching founds requested joining the INFN initiative RD_FA (CSN I), WP 1 Genova, 17/1/ EIC Silvia DALLA TORRE

28 Trieste present engagement: R&D planes
resistive MM with small pad size O(10 mm2) PCB 0.15 mm fiberglass HV is applied here through a resistor ground) Signal read-out from this pad Further reduction of the Ion BackFlow (IBF) rate: presently ~ 5% SYNERGIC with TPC Issues related to hybrid MPGD-based PDs operated in C-F atmosphere: photolelectron extraction Detector gain ageing GEM vs THGEM as photocathodes Photoelectron extraction studies RICH specific C. D. R. Azevedo et al., 2010 JINST 5 P01002 Genova, 17/1/ EIC Silvia DALLA TORRE

29 Trieste present engagement: physics studies
PRESENT ACTIVITIES FOR EIC Insert spin effects into the Monte Carlo event generators (presently focused on FFs): Account for radiative effects at Monte Carlo level Run EIC ROOT to give inputs for hardware design RICH dedicated simulations Genova, 17/1/ EIC Silvia DALLA TORRE

30 Trieste present engagement: promoting EIC in Italy & Europe
EICUG – EIC User Group ( The community supporting EIC 662 inscribed so far (experimentalists and theorists) – 45 from INFN Previous meetings: January 2016, Berkley July 2016, Argonne Agenda: physics detectors accelerators INFN initiative towards the formation of an international community The JULY 2017 meeting of the EICUG will be host at INFN – Trieste 18-22 July 2017 Goals: Offer an opportunity to the whole INFN to learn more about – open to everyone ! Allow the interested INFN physicists to meet together in the right context to start forming a coherent community More in general: offer an opportunity to European scientists, including the young component, to get in contact with EIC Genova, 17/1/ EIC Silvia DALLA TORRE


For this meeting, my effort is dedicated to present to you as many facts as I could in the given time limit and proposed subject The physics case (not even touched in my talk) is definitely central in hadron physics and motivates the support to EIC of many of us There are also stimulating technological challenges in the detector area (and the accelerator complex); European and INFN know-how are definitely needed in several fields There are also relevant motivations related to scientific policy: EIC represents one of the future pillars for the progress of fundamental research in US Genova, 17/1/ EIC Silvia DALLA TORRE

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