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GST Seminar CA Dibyendu Das May 2017
Contents Section 1 Invoice and other documents for supply Section 2
E-Way bill Section 3 Place of supply Section 4 Time of supply Section 5 Accounts and Records May 2017
Tax invoice and other documents for supply
Section 1 Tax invoice and other documents for supply
Time limit for issuing tax invoice
SUPPLY OF GOODS Involving movement of goods Before or at the time of removal of goods for supply to the recipient Continuous supply of goods Before or after the time of issuance of periodic statement or receipt of payment No movement of goods involved Before or at the time of delivery of goods or making available thereof to the recipient Note: The above provisions are mandatorily applicable for all taxable supply of goods made, except where the value of supply is less than INR 200 and the recipient is not registered. May 2017 4
Time limit for issuing tax invoice
SUPPLY OF SERVICES Normal scenario Before or within 30 days from the date of the provision of service Banks, Insurance & Financial Institutions Before or within 45 days from the date of the provision of service Supply of service between distinct person, as above Before accounting or expiry of the quarter Continuous supply of service On or before due date of periodic payment, as per contract Before or at the time supplier receives payment; or on or before completion of the specified event Note: The above provisions are mandatorily applicable for all taxable supply of goods made, except where the value of supply is less than INR 200 and the recipient is not registered. May 2017 5
Manner of issuing tax invoice
Supply of taxable goods Original copy “Original for Recipient” Duplicate copy “Duplicate for Transporter” Triplicate copy “Triplicate for Supplier” Supply of taxable service Duplicate copy “Duplicate for Supplier” The serial number of invoices issued during a tax period shall be furnished electronically through the common portal in Form GSTR – 1 Multiple series of serial numbers can be maintained for a single registration May 2017 6
Particulars of Tax Invoice
Sr. No. Particular(s) under GST 1 Name, Address & GSTIN of the supplier 2 Consecutive serial number in one or multiple series (unique for a F.Y.) 3 Date of its issue 4 Name, Address & GSTIN of recipient, if registered 5 Name and address of the recipient, if unregistered and the address of delivery along with name of state and its code and value is INR 50,000/- or more 6 Place of supply (State) to be mentioned 7 Name and address of “Bill to” customer and “Ship to” customer, separately, if these are different 8 Taxable value & Quantity 9 Amount of CGST & SGST/UTGST or IGST 10 Rate of CGST & SGST/UTGST or IGST 11 Indicating where the tax is payable under reverse charge 12 Description and HSN Code of the product to be mentioned/ SAC in case of service (may not be required for specified class of persons) 13 Signature or digital signature of the supplier or his authorized representative Service Accounting Code to be prefixed with ‘s’ for differentiating from HSN; Description of goods and services may not be required to be submitted by the taxpayer as the same will be identified through the submission of HSN code for goods and Accounting Code for services May 2017 7
Particulars of Export Invoice
The export invoice shall carry an endorsement: “Supply meant for export on payment of IGST” or “Supply meant for export under bond or letter of undertaking without payment of IGST” Sr. No. Particular(s) under GST 1 Name and Address of recipient 2 Address of delivery 3 Name of the country of destination 4 Number and date of application for removal of goods May 2017 8
Debit note/ credit note
Other documents Transportation of goods without invoice Delivery Challan Exempted goods/ service, composite dealer Bill of supply Receipt of advance Receipt voucher Refund of advance Refund voucher Increase/ decrease in value of supply in original invoice Debit note/ credit note Purchase from unregistered dealer Self invoice May 2017 9
Transportation of goods without issue of invoice
A Delivery Challan may be issued by the Consignor instead of an Invoice at the time of removal of goods for transportation in certain cases Can be issued in case of following supplies Supply of liquid gas where the quantity at the time of removal is not known Transportation of goods for job work Transportation of goods for reasons other than by way of supply – for ex. for Supply within same registration) Serially numbered Challan to contain following details Date and number of the delivery challan Name, address and GSTIN of the consigner, if registered Name, address and GSTIN or UIN of the consignee, if registered HSN code and description of goods Quantity (Actual or provisional, as available) Taxable value of goods CGST+SGST/UTGST or IGST rate and amount Place of supply, in case of inter-State supply Signature Manner of Preparation of Challan To be issued in Triplicate in the following manner: Original copy marked as ORIGINAL FOR CONSIGNEE Duplicate copy marked as DUPLICATE FOR TRANSPORTER Triplicate copy marked as TRIPLICATE FOR CONSIGNER Delivery Challan details should be declared in e-Way bill May 2017 10
Particulars of Receipt Voucher
A Receipt Voucher is required to be issued in cases of receipt of advance from the recipient of goods or service Sr. No. Particular(s) under GST 1 Name, Address & GSTIN of the supplier 2 Consecutive serial number (unique for a F.Y.) 3 Date of its issue 4 Name, Address & GSTIN or UIN of recipient, if registered 5 Description of goods or services 6 Amount of Advance received 7 Rate of CGST+SGST/UTGST or IGST, as the case may be 8 Amount of CGST & SGST/UTGST or IGST in respect of taxable goods or services 9 Place of supply along with the name of State and its code, in case of a supply in the course of inter-State trade or commerce 10 Indicating where the tax is payable under reverse charge 11 Signature or digital signature of the supplier or his authorized representative May 2017 11
Documents – Debit/Credit Note/Revised or Supp. invoice
Sr. No. Particular(s) under GST 1 Name, Address & GSTIN of the supplier 2 Nature of the document (the word “Revised Invoice”, wherever applicable, indicated prominently) 3 A consecutive serial number containing only alphabets and/or numerals, unique for a financial year along with date of issue 4 Name, Address & GSTIN of recipient 5 Serial number & date of the corresponding tax invoice or, as the case may be, bill of supply 6 Taxable value, Amount of CGST & SGST/UTGST or IGST credited or, as the case may be, debited to the recipient along with Rate of Tax 7 Signature or digital signature of the supplier or his authorized representative Documents – Bill of supply (Exempted/Composite Supply) Sr. No. Particular(s) under GST 1 Name, Address & GSTIN of the supplier 2 A consecutive serial number containing only alphabets and/or numerals, unique for a financial year along with date of issue 3 Name, Address & GSTIN of recipient 4 Serial number & date of the corresponding tax invoice or, as the case may be, bill of supply 5 Description and HSN Code of the product to be mentioned/ SAC in case of service 6 Value of goods or services taking into account discount or abatement, if any 7 Signature or digital signature of the supplier or his authorized representative '- Works contract - Invoice may be issued as per milestone. On what document would standalone movement of goods take place? - Normal loss - Treatment and documentation? May 2017 12
Section 2 e-Way bill
E-way bill Every registered supplier shall be required to furnish information electronically before movement of goods in Form GST INS-01 where the consignment value of such goods exceeds INR 50,000. E-way bill would be required for movement of goods in relation to supply, for reasons other than supply as well and for all inward supplies from an unregistered person. The e-way bill once generated, shall be valid for 1, 3, 5, 10 or 15 days from the date of generation depending upon the distance the goods have to be transported. Where the e-way bill is generated but the goods are not transported or are not being transported as per details furnished, within 24 hours, then such e-way bill shall be cancelled electronically, unless such e-way bill has been verified in transit in accordance with these rules The registered recipient shall be required to communicate his acceptance or rejection of the consignment covered by the e-way bill within 72 hours of the details being made available to him on the portal. Otherwise, it shall be deemed that he has accepted the said details. '- Works contract - Invoice may be issued as per milestone. On what document would standalone movement of goods take place? - Normal loss - Treatment and documentation? May 2017 14
Section 3 Place of supply
Place of Supply For Goods (Other than Import/Export)
When movement of goods is involved Place where movement terminates for delivery When movement of goods is not involved Location of goods at the time of delivery to recipient Delivery of goods on direction of third person Principle place of business* of third person On-site assembly/installation Place of assembly/installation Supply of goods on board a conveyance Location at which goods are taken on board *Principal place of business = place of business specified as the principal place of business in the certificate of registration May 2017
Goods delivered on direction of third person
Place of supply shall be Maharashtra – IGST shall be levied by Supplier on tax invoice raised on ABC Ltd Input tax credit shall be available to ABC Ltd ABC Ltd shall raise a tax invoice on the customer charging CGST & SGST Seamless flow of credit between ABC Ltd and Customer Supplier IGST Maharashtra Gujarat CGST + SGST Key issues Whether transaction consists of two supplies (C to B) and (A to C)? What is the place of supply? Whether the supply is inter-State or intra-State? Whether the implications are similar for in-transit sale transactions and transactions where goods are physically supplied from ? ABC Ltd (Third Person) Customer Flow of invoice Movement of Goods May 2017
Place of Supply for Goods Import and Export
Location of the importer Import of goods into India Outside India XYZ Ltd India Importer Location outside India Export of goods from India Outside India XYZ Ltd India Exporter Movement of Goods May 2017
Place of Supply of Service Location of supplier and recipient in India
Nature Place of Supply Default rule Supply made to a registered person - Location of the registered person Supply made to unregistered person – Location of recipient where address on record exists. Specific rule Covered in upcoming slides Key takeaways Place of supply crucial to determine whether the supply is a inter-state supply or intra-state supply Accordingly tax to be levied May 2017
Place of Supply of Service In relation to Immovable Property
Repair & Maintenance Service Works contract Import of service Marketing Service Project Development Service Location at which immovable property is located or intended to be located Services supplied directly in relation to an immovable property May 2017
Place of Supply of Service
Description If supplied to a registered person If supplied to any other person Event related service or training service Training and performance appraisal service Organisation of cultural, scientific, sporting, educational, entertainment event or any ancillary event Insurance Service The location of such registered person Location where the services are actually performed Location where the event is actually held Location of the recipient of the insurance service Transportation Service Transportation of goods, including by way of mail or courier Passenger transportation service Location at which the goods are handed over for their transportation Location where the person embarks on a conveyance for a continuous journey On board services Service on board a conveyance including vessel, aircraft, train or motor vehicle First scheduled point of departure of the conveyance Event based service Financial Service Banking and financial services including stock broking services Location of the recipient on the records of the supplier Location of the supplier if the location of the recipient is not available May 2017
Place of Supply of Service
Description Place of supply Performance based services Restaurant and catering services, personal grooming, fitness, beauty treatment, health services Location where the services are actually performed Telecommunication Service Service by way of fixed telecommunication line, leased circuits, internet leased circuit, antenna services Location where the antenna, line, cable or circuit is installed for supply of service Mobile connection and internet services provided on post paid basis Billing address of the recipient of service Prepaid telecom, internet or DTH service Through a selling agent, re-seller, distributor of SIM cards – address of the selling agent, distributor or re-seller Directly to final customer – where such pre-payment is received Any other case Address of the recipient as per the records of the supplier May 2017
Place of Supply of Services Location of supplier or recipient outside India
Nature Place of Supply Default rule Location of recipient of service is known in ordinary course of business – Location of recipient of service Location of recipient of service is not known in ordinary course of business – Location of supplier of service Specific rule Specific scenarios prescribed depending upon nature of service Key takeaways Place of supply crucial to determine whether the supply is a inter-state supply or intra-state supply Accordingly tax to be levied May 2017
Place of Supply of Services Location of supplier or recipient outside India
Service directly in relation to immovable property Location where the immovable property is located or intended to be located Location where the service is actually performed* Service supplied in relation to goods made physically available to supplier** Service supplied by way of admission to events Location where the event is actually held Location of supplier of services Services supplied by banking company, intermediaries *Except when service is provided from remote location **The provision shall not apply in respect of services provided on goods temporarily imported into India for repairs and are exported after repairs without being put o use May 2017
Place of Supply of Services Location of supplier or recipient outside India
Transportation of goods (other than mail or courier) Transportation of passenger Place where passenger embarks on a conveyance for a continuous journey Place of destination of goods May 2017
Place of Supply of Services
Services consisting of hiring of means of transport, including yatch but excluding aircrafts and vessels upto 0ne month Location of supplier of services Location of recipient of service Online information and database access or retrieval services Service supplied on board a conveyance during the course of passenger transport operation First scheduled point of departure of the conveyance for the journey May 2017
Section 4 Time of supply
Time of supply of goods Time of supply of goods
General Provision for goods Earlier of: Date of issue of invoice Date of receipt of payment Reverse charge for goods Date of receipt of goods Date on which payment is made Date immediately following 30 days from the date of invoice May 2017
Time of supply of services
General Provision for goods Earlier of: Date of issue of invoice Date of receipt of payment Reverse charge for services Date on which payment is made Date immediately following 60 days from the date of invoice Import of services from AE Earlier of: Entry in the books of account of recipient Date of payment May 2017
Advances Procedure Month 1 – advance received
Impact/ Challenges Bifurcation of advance against each HSN/ SAC in case of common invoice for multiple services required State Code to be provided - advances would need to be specifically aligned to a State Transaction ID would be auto generated by system on payment of tax and needs to be captured in IT system Advance received for services to be supplied Receipt voucher or other specified document to be issued Time of supply of service – receipt of payment – tax liability triggered Invoice wise and SAC wise reporting in GSTR -1 (Part 11) Transaction ID would be generated on payment of tax for each transaction May 2017
Advances Procedure (contd)
Month 2 – invoice raised Invoice raised – preferably should have details of advance document number Invoice details (for which advance received) to be reported in part 12 of GSTR 1 Tax to be paid on balance invoice value after adjustment of tax paid on advance Impact/ Challenges How to show tax adjustment for GST of advance on actual invoice? System to be configured to link document for advance to actual invoice and auto reporting for return In case of partial adjustment of invoice against advance - Invoice to be reported twice - in outward supply as well as in part 12 of GSTR 1 Transaction ID may be used multiple times till advance adjusted May 2017
Section 5 Accounts and Records
Accounts and Records Maintenance of accounts and records by registered persons Production or manufacture of goods Inward and outward supply of goods or services or both Stock of goods for each commodity received & supplied, Input tax credit availed Output tax payable and paid Advances received, paid and adjustments made thereto Goods or services imported/exported or supplies covered under reverse charge Register of tax invoice, credit note, debit note, delivery challan issued or received Names and complete addresses of suppliers or recipient, from/to whom goods or services have been received/supplied Records/Details pertaining to following to be maintained at principal place of business Invoices Bills of supply Delivery challans Credit/Debit Notes Documents to be kept alongwith the records mentioned above Receipt Voucher Payment Voucher Refund Voucher E-Way bill May 2017 33
Accounts and Records Other provisions
More than one place of Business More than one place of business is specified in the certificate of registration Books of accounts, including electronic records, relating to each place of business shall be kept separately at such places of business Different activities undertaken The account or records specified shall be maintained separately for each activity like: Manufacturing Trading Provision of services; etc. Manner & Time for maintaining records Accounts and other records may be kept & maintained in Electronic form Records should be retained till six years from the due date of furnishing of annual return for that year For matters under any litigation under the GST Act, accounts and records pertaining to that issue shall be retained for one year after the final disposal/conclusion of the litigation Records may be maintained in electronic form and it shall be authenticated by a digital signature May 2017 34
Accounts and Records Requirements of maintaining records for specific set of persons Manufacturer Monthly production accounts, showing the quantitative details of raw materials or services used in the manufacture and quantitative details of the goods so manufactured including the waste and by products thereof Service Provider Quantitative details of goods used in the provision of each service, details of input services utilised and the services supplied Carrier or C&F Agent Applies to a person having custody over the goods in the capacity of a carrier or a C& F Agent for delivery to a recipient on other’s behalf He shall maintain true and correct records in respect of such goods handled by him May 2017 35
Agent –accounts depicting (for each contract separately)
Accounts and Records Requirements of maintaining records for specific set of persons Agent –accounts depicting Authorization received from each principal to receive or supply goods/services on his behalf Description, value & quantity of goods or services supplied/received on behalf of principal Details of accounts furnished to every principal Tax paid on receipts or on supply of goods or services effected on behalf of every principal Description, value & quantity of goods or services received & utilized in execution of each contract Works Contractor (for each contract separately) Names and addresses of the persons on whose behalf the works contract is executed Details of payment received in respect of each works contract Names and addresses of suppliers from whom he has received goods or services May 2017
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