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Children with Cancer UK

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1 Children with Cancer UK

2 What is cancer? Your body is made up of millions of cells that do different jobs and behave in different ways Cancer occurs when cells in the body multiply out of control Any type of cell may be affected, anywhere in the body If they are not treated, these cells may spread to other parts of the body

3 Childhood cancer Cancers affecting children are different from cancers affecting adults They look different under a microscope. They need to be treated differently.

4 How is cancer treated? Most children with cancer will have chemotherapy This is a special type of medicine Ellie has leukaemia, and here she is with all the medicine she needs to take for a year.

5 What is chemotherapy? Chemotherapy is a cancer treatment that attacks the cancer cells It is very powerful so can make you feel really ill Treatment can take up to three years

6 Other types of treatment
Some children need to have a bone marrow transplant Some children need to have radiotherapy She was diagnosed with leukaemia when she was three years old. Louisa needed a bone marrow transplant. Her brother Eddie donated bone marrow for Louisa. This is Louisa Buttery.

7 Children with Cancer UK
Children with Cancer UK is the leading national children’s charity dedicated to the fight against childhood cancer We fund research into: What causes cancer How we can prevent cancer How we can cure cancer How to make treatments better We want to help children like Liam, Bethan, Caitlin and Ben who are all battling cancer. You can read more about their stories on our website

8 What we do We aim to find the causes, find cures and provide care for children with cancer We fund life-saving research into the causes, prevention and treatment of childhood cancer We fund projects to provide better care for young cancer patients and their families.

9 Thank you

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