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Professional Learning Community

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1 Professional Learning Community
Mapping to the Core Professional Learning Community Math 3-6 DAY 2 1

2 Our PLC Norms Practice the “P” word (Perseverance)
Think, Talk, and Write mathematics Track your progress toward your learning targets. *Manage electronic devices Members of a professional learning community recognize they cannot accomplish their fundamental purpose of high levels of learning for all students unless they work together collaboratively. If there is anything that you need in order to make the task clearer or to ensure your full participation let your team know. Share those items (one person at a time) and come to agreement on the TEAM NORMS. Write the Team Norms down and put them in the binder. Monitor how you are doing with the 2

3 Research shows that a well-articulated curriculum, aligned to standards, is critical for student achievement. (Marzano 2003, 2006) 3

4 Housekeeping 4

5 From... To… 21st Century Mapping
Assessments Aligned to a Program Assessments Aligned to Essential Curriculum? Assessments Aligned to Benchmark and Critical Skills in Curriculum Map Instruction Focused on a Program Instruction Focused on Teaching Strategies Instruction Focused on learning through an enacted Curriculum Map: K-12 Textbook as Curriculum Essential Curriculum Curriculum Maps Benchmark Skills Critical Skills Consistent and Standardized Professional Development Customized and Responsive Professional Development: Training, Coaching, Leadership, Through data analysis

6 Making Sense of Mapping
OLD Curriculum Terms New Curriculum Terms 1. Goal 2. Lesson Plan 3. Scope & Sequence Resource Guide 4. “Understands…” 5. Materials 6. Objective 7. Collaboration 8. Test/Quiz 1. Essential Questions 2. Activities 3. Curriculum Map-Living doc 4. Higher Order Thinking Verbs 5. Resources 6. Benchmark and Critical Skills, Learning Targets 8. Formative and Summative Assessments aligned to skills 6

7 Potential Roles of Administrators in the Mapping Process
Include the mapping process in policies and procedures Communicate with staff, board, parents, community Make connections and hooks with current initiatives Work toward clarity in expectations/goals Deal with resistors Support staff Training Staff development plan Time Accountability Read-throughs Addressing gaps, repetitions, etc Leadership team Deal with obstacles Serve as a coach in the process Use data to make decisions 7

8 Potential Roles and Responsibilities of Curriculum Teacher Leaders
Communicate Goals and progress towards goals regularly with, Staff, Principals, Building Leadership Team, District Leadership Team, Central Office As a team, determine who will gather reports using the mapping technology and how you will provide feedback Assist with the development of a Professional Development Plan to provide needed skill training the areas of curriculum, instruction and assessment. Consider Peer Observations to ‘coach’ each other on the use of new instructional strategies Plan and collaborate with other building teams to help make connections Work with staff to revise and update Building Improvement Plan Help facilitate discussions about data with staff Keep focused on the “Big Picture” and help staff make the connection Be aware and sensitive to different adult learning styles Be a coach and cheerleader: clarify, guide, nudge, and support Model good facilitation skills Provide support to new staff, teach them the initial processes Understand the curriculum software and provide support or request formal training if needed 8

9 9

10 Consensus Maps A collaborative document that identifies the ‘non-negotiables’ THE CORE, for each course or subject to meet the needs of all learners to ensure they are college and career ready. This helps to eliminate repetition and identify gaps. 10

11 UNWRAPPING the Standards
We will focus on steps 1-5 before lunch and steps 6-8 after lunch. 11

12 Phase 2 Unwrapping Process
Identify nouns and noun phrases to identify the CONTENT Locate verbs to identify the SKILLS Use Resources to better understand the Depth of Knowledge, Level of Bloom’s Construct a list of skills that are essential to become proficient in the identified standard Review charts to look for K-2 gaps in skills. Determine that skills: Are aligned to the Learning Target categories, use Marzano Resource Have the level of rigor necessary to meet the expectations of the standard Write a learning progression that reflects the sequential steps for introducing, developing, and reinforcing concepts and skills We will focus on steps 1-5 before lunch and steps 6-8 after lunch. 12

13 Let’s practice … RI.8.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including analogies or allusions to other texts. 13

14 Identify the nouns… RI.8.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including analogies or allusions to other texts. 14

15 Identify the nouns and noun phrases…
RI.8.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including analogies or allusions to other texts. 15

16 Locate the verbs… RI.8.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including analogies or allusions to other texts. 16

17 Locate the verbs… RI.8.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including analogies or allusions to other texts. 17

18 What is the depth of knowledge?

19 Determine the level of understanding…
Knowledge Reasoning Demonstration Product Explain Predict Observe Design Describe Infer Perform Produce Identify Classify Compose Make Define Compare Conduct Write Recall Summarize Speak Draw Recognize Analyze Operate Represent Select Evaluate Investigate Display List Generalize Collect Model 19


21 BLOOM’S REVISED TAXONOMY Creating Generating new ideas, products, or ways of viewing things Designing, constructing, planning, producing, inventing.   Evaluating Justifying a decision or course of action Checking, hypothesizing, critiquing, experimenting, judging   Analyzing Breaking information into parts to explore understandings and relationships Comparing, organizing, deconstructing, interrogating, finding   Applying Using information in another familiar situation Implementing, carrying out, using, executing   Understanding Explaining ideas or concepts Interpreting, summarizing, paraphrasing, classifying, explaining   Remembering Recalling information Recognizing, listing, describing, retrieving, naming, finding 21

22 BIG IDEAS/Major Concept
Declarative statement that identifies the concepts that transcends grades and subjects. Serve as an umbrella concept Holds the main idea Gets to the HEART of the subject Serves as a conceptual anchor 22

23 ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS (related to BIG IDEAS and Enduring Understandings)
Over –arching interrogatives that provide focus and engage students Organizes to sharpen focus Higher level thinking Mental Velcro Connections beyond content being studied “So why is this important?” 23

24 SKILLS/Learning Targets
What do students need to know or be able to do in order to demonstrate mastery or understanding of the content? SPECIFIC, OBSERVABLE, CRITICAL SKILLS, and 21st Century Skills. Begin with an ACTION VERBS Consider the precise skills needed for a performance. DO exercise 2.1 24

25 What terms are essential to this grade level?
KEY TERMS/VOCABULARY What terms are essential to this grade level? 25

26 The Unit Mapping Process
Determine the Domain Identify the Big Idea/ Major Concept Develop Essential Questions (Reword your big idea into a question) Unpack the Core Standard Include corresponding precise skills for each piece of content (cross check with MODEL curriculum) Check level of understanding for alignment with standards Identify the assessments that would allow students to demonstrate understanding 26


28 Team work on Unit Development- 1 hour

29 Share your progress Take a Break- 10 minutes

30 Continue team work 30

31 Lunch 11:30-12:30 31

32 Curriculum Alignment Instruction Curriculum Improved Student
Achievement Assessment 32

33 These are the 21st Century Skills.
The 21st Century Skills are overarching goals for both the CCSSM and for instruction in Ohio. Cultivating 21st Century skill development is a priority in assisting students to be better prepared to compete for employment after high school.

34 21st Century Skills Creativity and innovation
Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and collaboration Information, media and technology literacy Personal management Productivity and accountability Leadership and responsibility Interdisciplinary and project-based learning In the writing of the CCSSM, consideration was given to addressing the 21st Century Skills. The red skills parallel the Mathematical Practices The blue skills directly relate to personal characteristics essential in formative assessment/instruction and to engaging students in taking responsibility for their learning. The black items connect to modes of presenting instruction or demonstrating learning. Instructional choices greatly influence the degree to which these 21st Century skills are developed.

35 35

36 Ohio’s Decision Ohio had been a participating member of two consortia. On November 15, the Ohio State Board of Education voted for Ohio to join PARCC as a governing member. Summative Performance Tasks – reading writing and mathematics PARCC what it stands for and online source.

37 Ohio’s New Assessments
PARCC developed assessments State developed assessments English language arts grades 3 – 8 and high school Mathematics Assess the Common Core Standards Operational school year Science grades 5 and 8 and high school Social Studies grade 5 and 8 and high school Assess the revised Ohio standards Operational school year

38 The Transitional Years
K-3 Diagnostics (Mathematics K-2 only) Realigned to CCSS Minor modifications to fill gaps Ready for use in OAA (Mathematics Grades 3-8) Continue to be administered through Assessing the 2001 Ohio Academic Content Standards OGT Continues after 2014 for additional opportunities for passage The current K-2 Mathematics Diagnostics are being revised to align to the CCSSM. They will be ready for use next school year. The current OAAs will continue through the school year. High School will continue to give the OGT until Ohio Revised Code is modified to establish an end date. The class of 2016 will be sophomores in the and will be required to pass the OGT for graduation unless Ohio Revised Code stipulates a transition date to the new assessments. However, the freshmen in , the class of 2018, will be required to pass the new assessments in place starting

39 Supporting the Transition: Integrating Technology in Mathematics
How can technology be integrated into instruction to support the learning of mathematics? How can technology enhance instructional strategies? How can the use of technology support mathematical understanding for particular students? As you think about the transition to the Common Core State Standards and the technology-based assessments, you should actively be working on ways to use technology to support instruction and advance student understanding. Consider your particular learning targets/goals for your students - How can technology be integrated to support the learning of mathematics? Consider the concepts and skills to be learned in terms of instructional strategies and the characteristics of your students- How can technology enhance instructional strategies? How can the use of technology support mathematical understanding for particular students?

40 Next Steps PARCC Grades 3-8 HS End-of-Course Exams
Listen to the PARCC webinar on the Content Frameworks Read the PARCC Content Frameworks Reflect on the reading Discuss with grade level/course teams or CoPs/PLCs

41 ODE Mathematics Consultants
Brian Roget Ann Carlson Yelena Palayeva Please contact your Ohio Department of Education mathematics consultants with any questions. These are their addresses.

42 Visit the MODEL curriculum site to investigate any links.
Next STEPS Have a conversation with your colleagues that teach math to ensure vertical alignment K-12. Are we still teaching to the old standards, use the Comparative Analysis to discuss what is NEW and What has to be taught at a deeper level? If our present program is aligned to the old standards then we need work to find the gaps Visit the MODEL curriculum site to investigate any links. Continue to revisit your unit plans to upgrade for diverse learners and 21st Century Skills. Consider putting your plans on Google Docs or use mapping software so that you can do an analysis 42

43 Check your individual progress toward the
Learning targets for this course on your BLUE SHEET 43

44 Evaluation and Feedback
Thank you for your participation over the past two days. Moira Erwine Hunt Institute- videos on You Tube 44

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