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Ohio’s State Tests, an Overview

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1 Ohio’s State Tests, an Overview
February 7, 2017 Facilitators: Curriculum & Instruction Team

2 Session Agenda Why?- History of the Ohio’s Learning Standards, the OST and Scope and Sequence , District Data- what does this mean for the class of 2018, what does this mean for the class of 2019 & Beyond? (5 minutes) How?- Small Group Activity “Let’s Explore” (45 minutes) What’s Next?- Action Plan & accessing AIR (10 minutes) Will explore content specific tutorials in afternoon sessions. Encourage teachers to familiarize themselves with all the tools available for all the tests.

3 College and Career Readiness Determination
Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grades Two, Four, TECH Education and Careers PreK- 1 Grade 2 100% CCR OST provides information to help students remain On Track for graduation Ohio’s State Tests provides information to students, counselors, parents and teachers about what students must do in order to remain “on track” to graduate high school and be successful in their post- secondary choices.

4 Ohio’s Learning Standards Ohio’s State Tests (OST)
Common Core State Ohio’s Learning Standards ELA Math Science Social Studies AIR Ohio’s Learning Standards include the Common Core for math and ELA and were developed by the state for science and social studies. Please note: Ohio does not follow the Next Generation Science Standards and all state tests were developed using the state standards. AIR -American Institute for Research Currently, students must earn a total of 18 points on exams. A minimum of 6 points must be earned from the two social studies and biology tests. Remediation Free Scores (ACT or SAT) Math Reading English SAT ACT Students studying Advanced Placement (AP) courses may substitute AP test scores or College Credit+ scores for the * end-of-course state exams ie: AP score of 3 is equivalent to a 4 on the OST. AP or IB Exams CTE credentialing Ohio’s State Tests (OST) Cohort 2018 and beyond ACT/SAT CCP Courses OGT 2022

5 CMSD Resource Alignments Ohio’s Learning Standards
Scope and Sequence CMSD Resource Alignments OST Blueprints Ohio’s Learning Standards CMSD Scope and Sequence is a living breathing document that was created using Ohio’s Learning Standards, the OST Blueprints. Included are alignments to district adopted materials, resources and learning experiences. Ask: Where can you locate the current SS? Examples of upcoming learning experiences: SS- She Road for Freedom, Lemonade Day, Every Kid I the Park, etc… Science-Veggie U, Zoo, Natural History Museum, Kelleys Island, etc. For more information connect with appropriate content manager.

6 OST Spring 2016 Results, ELA and Math

7 OST Spring 2016 Results, Science and Social Studies
Current prediction based on test data has a graduation rate for CMSD under 20%. Multiple proposals from across the state to change requirements for the class of 2018. What does this mean for you and your students? Nothing as of yet. If the current proposal of 14 test points is accepted, it is estimated state wide that approximately 2/3 -3/4 of the class 2018 will be eligible to graduate. Whatever happens, we have our work cut out for us!

8 Concerns Little to no evidence that teachers or students had reviewed tutorials. Little to no indications of teachers or students using Practice Tests site. Little to no signs of natural language prompts integrated into all subject areas. Students did not know how to navigate the portal. Teachers should use "technology time" and/or "center time" to learn how to navigate the online portal and review sample test items prior to State testing. Allow students to become familiar with the content. Students also do not understand constructed response questions. Teachers can tie this directly to Instructional practices 5

9 Try out the Interactive Equation Tutorial
Activity minutes Try out the Interactive Equation Tutorial Log into: Using the Drop Down select GR6-12 Complete four areas: Basic Use Fractions Square Roots Practice II 5 minutes practice time

10 Create a practice session in your area of study.
Your Turn to Practice Create a practice session in your area of study. Practice using the various tools and look at the different question types. What revelations? 20 minutes minutes to play, 5-8 minutes to discuss, 2minutes to share with the group

11 3-8 SMALL GROUP WORK Review released tests items
Log into practice area based on group assignment Locate the designated question for your content area. Paper copies are available Review a question from each content area- 10 minutes per question Share out- develop action plan 10 minutes SCIENCE Grade 8 Group A Question 1-Graphic Response Question 8- Table Question 10- Evidence Based Selected Response MATHEMATICS Grades 4 &5 Group B GR 4 #1-Graphic Response; #3-Equation item; and #5-Graphic Response GR 5 #2-Multi Select and #7-Equation item SOCIAL STUDIES Grade 4 Group C Question 1- Graphic Response History Question 6- Multi Choice Economics Question 14- Graphic Response Geography ENGLISH Grades 3 Group D Question 3- Hot Text Item- Craft & Structure Question 9- Evidence Based Selected response Question 15- Extended Response Expository Everyone will rotate through all content areas. Keep in mind the following: What is the content knowledge? What skills are needed? (practices, competencies and applications) What technical skills are needed? (calculator, drag and drop, hot spots, sticky notes, etc) What are the commonalities? What is specific to a content area? Review the released test items for your practice area (Math, ELA, Science or SS). Content assessment answer key located in folder 10 minutes to review Look at how the items match to the depth of the standards. Reflect on what classroom experiences would help students to build that depth of knowledge/application.

12 Natural Language/Extended Response
Complete one extended response item in ELA, Math, SS, or Science Review the Performance Level Descriptor rubrics related to tested area selected above Review the exemplar answers- what makes a 1, 2, etc. How can you embed opportunities for students to practice extended response type questions into your daily lessons? Navigate the practice portal Review the tutorials Practice extended response type questions Inform parents of strategies and extended activities 10 minutes Ask: Do teachers know how the natural language responses are graded- short answers by computer and extended responses are by humans.

13 Conclusion How can you embed opportunities for students (teachers/staff) to ____________into your daily lessons? Navigate the practice portal Review the tutorials Practice extended response type questions Inform parents of strategies and extended activities Allow participants to share one or two strategies with the group GW Carver

14 Assessment Resources for Success- Academic Depts. Assessment & CI
Academic Office Support: Curriculum and Instruction Provides content specific training Request Specific training from C&I Team C&I Weekly Newsletter Tip of the Week Information and Registration links to content specific training Office of Professional Development /Phone support Resources on SchoolNet: Outreach Page- Bulletin Board with Tip of the Week- no Log-in Needed Scope and Sequence Class and Individual Student Information Contact information Attendance history Grades Test Scores TIDES/TDES Information Office of Accountability Information and Updates

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