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Room Three KINTAIL HONEY Trip.

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1 Room Three KINTAIL HONEY Trip

2 Kintail Honey We started our visit with an outdoor classroom lesson on the importance of bees. Inside the factory there were bees flying everywhere and the lost bees made their own nests on the roof.

3 Kintail Honey The hive boxes are brought in from farms.
The frames are taken out so the honey can be removed.

4 Kintail Honey The honey on the frames was DELICIOUS!
Then the honey is extracted by a machine that wizzes it around so fast the honey comes out of the frame.

5 Kintail honey The bees wax gets taken off the frames and is made into huge blocks to be sold for things like makeup and candles. The bees make Propyls to seal up their hives. We use it for medicines for sore throats but it didn’t smell that nice.

6 Kintail honey Every hive needs a Queen Bee. At the honey factory they keep their Queen Bees in an incubator until they are ready for them. They are stored in cells. As the Queen Bee does not look after herself, in each little box there is a Queen and some workers to feed her. They are fed on bee candy. We had to find the Queen.

7 Kintail honey The runny honey is kept in big barrels in a warm shed. Each barrel weights about 290kgs or 9 children. The honey ready to be sent out for sale is kept in cool stores. It was really cold in there.

8 Kintail honey The honey is put into huge vats before it is packaged into pots.

9 Kintail honey THE HONEY WAS YUM! Thank you Kintail Honey

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