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Q#1. What do animals and humans need to live?

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1 Q#1. What do animals and humans need to live?
2.4.1 Animal Needs Q#1. What do animals and humans need to live?

2 2.4.1 Animal Needs Vocabulary

3 New Vocabulary itches puddles handy beast nibbles

4 puddles Small pools of water. For example, after it rains we can see water on the ground. noun After the big test. Tr. Ham sees many puddles of tears on students’ desks because it’s raining tears.

5 beasts Animals other than humans noun
Have you seen the new ‘Beauty and the Beast’ movie?

6 handy Useful adjective Doraemon is handy because He can do anything!

7 nibble To bite gently or to take small bites verb
Squirrels and chipmunks nibble nuts.

8 itches Tickling feeling in the skin make me want to scratch noun
My body itches from all the mosquito bites.

9 puddles itches handy beasts nibble
Every morning Zack the zookeeper visited all the (1)_________. The first animals he checked on were the elephants. He filled up the water for their morning baths Elephants can’t use hoses, so trunks come in (2)________! All the splashing made big (3)_________. beasts handy puddles

10 puddles itches handy beasts nibble
Next Zack went to Bird Island. Zack put the birdseed in the feeding dishes. The birds began to (5)________ on the seeds. Zack’s last stop was at the bear habitat. He liked it when the bears rolled around to scratch their (6)________. nibble itches Now do Animal Reports PB p.128

11 Title: Words to Know beasts (n.), handy (adj.), itches (n.), nibble (v.), puddles (n.) Write each word five times and write a short story. For example, (finish the story) A long time, there lived a _________ in a castle. The beast _________ on food at night. One night it was raining and there were many _________ on the ground. In the castle there was a very __________ candle called Luminar. Luminar _________ because he was melting.


13 preen To clean or smooth skin or feathers. verb
Penguins like to preen each other to help keep clean.

14 animals Different animals live in zoos and farms. noun
Can you list zoo animals and farm animals? How are they different or alike?

15 narrator The person who tells a story noun
Do you recognize this narrator? What story does he tell?

16 behavior How you act and what you do is your behavior. noun
What are some different animal behaviors we have learned in “Animal Needs”?

17 scene A part in a play or movie. noun What happens in scene 2?
What happens in scene 1 in the story “The Ant and Grasshopper”on pg. 38? What happens in scene 2?

18 x5 Monday, April 24th, 2017 preen (v.) Birds preen their feathers.
animals (n.) Many animals live on a farm. narrator (n.) The narrator is the person who tells the story. behavior (n.) Sitting right and listening to teacher are examples of good behavior. scene (n.) A scene is a part of a play or movie. Write your own sentence OR a short story with the words. x5


20 2.4.2 Animal Survival Vocabulary

21 New Vocabulary imagine deserted balance wider freezes

22 imagine (v.) think of something in your head verb
[ think of something in your head verb I imagine a cute, green dragon. What cute things can you imagine? imagine (v.)

23 deserted (adj.) empty or no one is there adjective
The classroom is deserted because it’s the weekend. Can you think of a place that is deserted? deserted (adj.)

24 balance (v. / n.) to stand without falling verb / noun
[ to stand without falling verb / noun something that doesn’t fall This bird balances well. Don’t change the balance of the stones. What can you balance? balance (v. / n.)

25 wider (adj.) thicker adjective
The left box is wider than the right box. Cinderella’s sister’s foot is wider than the shoe. Do you like to read wider or thinner books? Why? wider (adj.)

26 freezes (v.) gets very cold or turns to ice verb
He freezes because it’s cold outside. When does water freeze into ice? freezes (v.)

27 . wider imagine balance freezes deserted
On Sunday I went with my friend to a _________ beach. No one was there. I watched her ________ rocks on top of each other. I wanted to try. She told me to use a ________ rock for the bottom. deserted balance wider

28 . wider imagine balance freezes deserted
The next week I wanted to go back, but it was to cold. My friend told me the river water ________ sometimes. I won’t go to the river. I will stay at home where it is warm. I will ________ how to balance rocks when it’s warmer. freezes imagine

29 Monday, 1st May, 2017 Vocabulary Words
imagine (v.), deserted (adj.), balance (v./n.), wider (adj.), freezes (v.) Write each word five times and write a short story. For example, (finish the story) My friend and I visited a _________ beach. She showed me how to _________ stones on other stones. At first, mine fell over. Then I improved. My friend’s stones were higher, mine were _________. …


31 New Vocabulary saddest happier sanctuary pollution endangered

32 saddest (adj.) the most sad adjective
I am saddest when I see people hurting animals. What’s the saddest thing you have seen? saddest (adj.)

33 happier (adj.) more happy adjective
I am happier than before because my friend is coming to my party. What would make you happier at school? happier (adj.)

34 sanctuary (n.) a safe place noun
The mountain is a sanctuary for the ibex. Why is the sea not a sanctuary for penguins? sanctuary (n.)

35 pollution (n.) rubbish that hurts or kills plants and animals noun
There is lots of pollution in the oceans. Why is pollution bad? pollution (n.)

36 endangered (adj.) almost extinct (nearly all dead) adjective
There are many endangered animals in the world. How can we help endangered animals? endangered (adj.)

37 Monday, 8th May, 2017 Vocabulary Words
saddest (adj.), happier (adj.), sanctuary (n.), pollution (n.), endangered (adj.) Write each word five times and write a short story. For example, (finish the story) There are many __________ animals in the world. People are worried that they will become extinct. That’s the __________ thing that could happen. Some people want to create places to keep the animals safe. An animal __________ is a place where animals can live in peace. …


39 Helping Planet Earth WTK Vocabulary

40 natural resources (n.) Define: Natural resources are things from the Earth we use to live and make money. Example: Trees are an important resource for our world. Ask: What is another example of a natural resource?

41 conservation (n.) Define: Conservation is the protection of the Earth’s resources. Example: Planting trees is part of our conservation project. Ask: What is another example of a conservation project? Synonyms: protection, care, attention

42 conservation (n.) Define: Conservation is the protection of the Earth’s resources. If I say something that describes conservation, say conservation. If I don’t, don’t say anything. For example -taking short showers - conservation -watering your yard once a week -taking really long showers -leaving the lights on when you are not at home -turning the lights off when you are not home -cutting down forests -growing new trees Synonyms: protection, care, attention

43 remain (v.) Define: To remain means to stay when others leave. (Remains can also be a noun.) Example: Plastic remains in a landfill for a long time. Ask: What garbage remains after lunch? If I say something that describes remains, say still around. If I don’t, don’t say anything. -a plastic bottle in a landfill for thousands of years -an ice cube resting on the hot street -leftovers from dinner -children after school on a Friday afternoon -a star Synonyms: stays, settles Antonyms: goes

44 trouble (n.) Define: If something causes trouble, it makes a problem.
Example: The trouble with trash is that we have too much of it. Ask: What kind of trouble happens when animals lose their homes? Synonyms: worry Antonyms: happiness , peace

45 trouble (n.) Define: If something causes trouble, it makes a problem.
If I say something that describes trouble say, looks like trouble. If I don’t, don’t say anything. -being lost at Disney World -your birthday -your mom discovering that you haven’t cleaned your room -finding 1000 NTD on the sidewalk -too much trash -ice-cream for dessert Synonyms: worry Antonyms: happiness , peace

46 extinct (adj.) Define: An animal is extinct when there are no more of them on Earth. Example: Dinosaurs are extinct animals. Ask: Can you name other extinct animals? If I say something that is extinct, say gone forever. If I don’t, don’t say anything. -T Rex, alligators, dogs, triceratops, Dodo Synonyms: vanished, gone Antonyms: alive, living, existing

47 hardest (adj.) Define: the most hard or difficult
Example: One of the hardest jobs is trying to think of what to do with all the trash. Ask: What is the hardest thing you do? If I say something that describes hardest, scratch your head. If I don’t, don’t do anything. -your homework -running a mile uphill without stopping -riding your bike -climbing a mountain Synonyms: difficult Antonyms: easiest

48 conservation People work on ______ projects to find ways to protect the Earth.

49 Some people protect endangered animals so they won’t become _______.

50 hardest One of our _______ jobs is figuring out what to do with all the trash.

51 remains Trash _______ on the ground for hundreds of years.

52 trouble This can cause _______ for our environment.

53 Finish the sentence! All the trash causes a lot of _______. trouble
remains We must protect our natural __________. resource trouble Tigers are in danger of being ______. extinct hardest I think math is the _______ subject. hardest extinct Water __________ is important in Taiwan. conservation conservation The _______ of the dinosaur is called a fossil. remains resource

54 Monday, 15th May, 2017 Vocabulary
conservation (n.) We need to think about the conservation of the planet. remain (v.) You go and get food. I will remain here and do my homework. trouble (n.) Pollution makes a lot of trouble for animals. extinct (adj.) I hope we can stop animals from going extinct. hardest (adj.) This is the hardest tree in the school to climb.


56 Wild Weather

57 Let’s learn!

58 violent (adj.) Synonyms: powerful Antonyms: gentle, peaceful Define: Violent means to show a lot of power or strength. Example: The violent storm broke windows and flooded houses. Ask: How do you feel when a violent typhoon is coming to Taipei? If I say something that describes violent, wave your hands around quickly and say violent. If I don’t, don’t say anything. -a large thunderstorm -a mouse -a mean dog -a kitten -a tornado

59 beware (v.) Define: to be looking out for something dangerous.
Example: That house has a “Beware of Dog” sign in front of it. Ask: What things should you beware of? If I say something that you need to beware of, say “watch out”. If I don’t, don’t say anything. -playing with your friends -watching the dark sky outside your window -a mean dog -a baby -glass on the sidewalk

60 prevent (v.) Define: to stop something from happening.
Example: Prevent an injury by wearing a helmet. Ask: What else can you do to prevent injuries? If I say something that describes prevent, put your hands out like you are stopping something and say “prevent”. If I don’t, don’t say anything. -wearing your helmet when you ride your bike -running with scissors -walking when you have a glass of water in your hands -looking both ways before you cross the street -touching a hot stove -running in the hallway

61 uprooted (v.) Define: pulled out of the ground.
Synonyms: remove, dig up Antonyms: plant uprooted (v.) Define: pulled out of the ground. Example: The tree was uprooted by the typhoon. Ask: What other things can be uprooted? If I say something that describes uprooted, move your hands like you are picking up something and say “uprooted”. If I don’t, don’t say anything. -a weed pulled up from the earth -planting a flower -people moving to a new city -trees dug up during a tornado

62 destroy (v.) Define: to completely ruin or break something.
Synonyms: damage, erase, end Antonyms: build, create, repair Define: to completely ruin or break something. Example: The wave destroyed the sandcastle. Ask: What things can a typhoon destroy? If I say something that describes destroy, make an explosion sound. If I don’t, don’t say anything. -planting flowers -fire burning down buildings -a glass vase falling on the floor -a hurricane hitting a small village -building a house

63 grasslands (n.) Define: large areas covered in grass.
Example: Buffalo live on grasslands in Yellowstone Park. Ask: What other animals might live on grasslands?

64 violent destroy grasslands uprooted beware prevent
“Oh no!” Jamie said, “ A dangerous and _____ typhoon is coming! The weather report said we should ______ of strong winds. The storm can ______ homes. They also said we should stay away from open fields and _______.” violent beware destroy grasslands

65 violent destroy grasslands uprooted beware prevent
“ I remember the last big storm,” said Jeremy. “ It _______ the tree in our yard. “How can we ______ damage?” Jamie asked. “Dad says we are going to board up the windows and put sandbags around the house so it will not flood. uprooted prevent

66 Finish the sentence! My little brother ______ed my toys violent
destroy violent How can we ________ injuries? prevent destroy ______ _of mosquitoes in your house. Beware uprooted The wind ________ all the trees. uprooted beware Many animals live on the __________. grasslands grasslands We had a _______ typhoon come yesterday. violent prevent

67 Now do this! Monday, May 22nd , 2017 x5 beware (v.)
To look out for something dangerous. You must beware of dangerous storms. 2. destroy (v.) To break something. Typhoons can destroy buildings and roads. 3. prevent (v.) To stop something from happening. How can you prevent forest fires? 4. uprooted (v.) When trees are pulled from the ground. What causes trees to be uprooted? 5. violent (adj.) To show a lot of power or strength. Can you list different kinds of violent storms? x5

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