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3 A C K C N P C C C N E C K C S E C P C West wind c

4 A. Currents in North Pacific Ocean
North Equatorial Current (warm) – originates off the western coast of Mexico and flows in westerly direction and reaches the Philippines coast distance of 7500 nautical miles. The velocity s between 12 and 18 nautical miles per day. N E Trade Wind Mexico coast Philippines coast

5 (2) Kuroshio/ Kurosiwo/ Japan Current System (warm)-
it is several currents and drifts Origin of Typhoon the Kuroshio Current, Kuroshio extension, the north Pacific drift, the Tsushima current and the counter Kuroshio current. Tsushima Current Kuroshio Extension Kuroshio Current

6  Kuroshio Current- The north equatorial current turns northward due to the obstruction of Philippines flows from Taiwan to Ryuku ridge at 30°N latitude. The average temperature are 8°C and Salinity 35% its average velocity is 89cm per second. The average discharge is 20 million m3 per second. Moderate Climate of Japan Kuroshio Current

7 Kuroshio Extension- The Kuroshio current leaves Japanese coast and turns eastward near 35°N latitude under the influence of the westerlies. Kuroshio Extension

8 Tsushima Current- Near 30°N latitude one branch separates from the Kuroshio Current and enters the Japan Sea and flows along the western coast of Japan The higher temperature and salinity modifies the weather condition of the Japanese coast. Heavy rainfall and Typhoon in the South-east China Tsushima Current

9 Counter Kuroshio Current-
In the middle of the North Pacific Ocean, there is found a vast whirl on the right side of the Kuroshio Current. The eastern part of this whirl, which flows at a distance of about 650 kilometers off the east coast of Japan, vast water masses bending towards the south and southwest form a part of this counter-current. Counter Kuroshio Current

10 North Pacific Drift- This is generate due to westerlies from Kuroshio.
This is bifurcate in to two branches Californian cold and Alaska warm current.

11 (3) California Current (cold)
This is the eastward extended portion of the North Pacific drift. This is generated because of the movement of oceanic water from north to south due to trade winds and Anticyclonic offshore wind H.P. Belt NE Trade Wind L. P. Belt

12 4) Alaska / British Columbia/ Aleutian Current (warm)
This is a southwestern current along the coast of British Columbia and the Alaska. The current results from the northward diversion of a portion of the North Pacific, It forms a part of the Anticlockwise gyre in the Gulf of Alaska. temperatures above 4°C and salinities below 32.6 %o.

13 5) Oyashio (Kurile) Current (cold)
flows through the Bering Strait in southerly direction transports cold water of the Arctic Sea into the Pacific Ocean. The convergence of cold Oyashio (Kurile) and warm Kuroshio Current causes dense fogs which become potential hazards for navigation. Polar wind Low Pressure Belt

14 B. Currents in South Pacific Ocean
South Equatorial Current (warm) It is originated due to the influence of south-east trade winds and flows from east to west. This current is stronger than the north equatorial current. The average velocity is 20 nautical miles per day . This is bifurcated into northern and southern branches near New Guinea. L. P. Belt S E Trade Wind H.P. Belt

15 (2) Peru (Humboldt) Current (cold)
This is flowing along the western coast of South America from south to north. Due to Anticyclonic Gyre. Mean annual temperature ranges between 14°C and I7°C the average velocity of moving water is 15 nautical miles (27km) per day. Formation of Atacama Desert. L. P. Belt Coriolis force H.P. Belt

16 (3 ) El Nino or Counter Current (warm)
A subsurface warm current, known as EI Nino Current moves from north to south between 3°S and 36°S latitudes at a distance of about 180 km from the Peruvian coast. El Nino Without El Nino

17 (4) East Australia / New South Wels/New Zealand Current (warm)
Bifurcation of South equatorial current near the Australian coast. Flow from north to south along the eastern coasts of Australia. New Zealand is surrounded by this current. Generate Willy Willies Westerlies

18 (5) West Wind Drift (cold)
flows from west to east under the influence of the westerlies between Tasmania and South American coast in the zone of 40°-50°S lat. A strong a & Great Velocity ocean current because roaring forties. Tasmania Roaring Fiftees S. A.

19 C. Counter Equatorial Current (warm)
west to east between the north and south equatorial currents. This is extended upto the Panama Bay. The average temperature and salinity are 27.5°C and 34.5 % The current transports oceanic water at the rate of 25 million m3 per second. N E C High Watter Level Low Watter Level S E C

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