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2016/17 Hong Kong Budding Poets (English) Award introduction to application
Good Afternoon Teachers, Welcome to the ….. Stella CHU, Senior Student Programme Development Officer, HKAGE Dorothy LI, Curriculum Development Officer, Gifted Education Section, EDB Last but not least, Heidi Au, Student Admissions and Services Assistant, HKAGE
contents History Aims and Objectives Schedule of Upcoming Events
Regulations Themes Hong Kong Budding Poets (English) Award Online Platform Adjudication Judging Criteria Improvised Writing and Interview Awards HKAGE Student Membership Serious Problems to Avoid Important Dates and Reminder Training Opportunities for Teachers Enquiries Today’s briefing session aims to 1. enhance your understanding of the competition. 2. Introduce the competition regulations and workflows 3. Demonstrate the use the Online School Application & Entry Submission System. Here is the rundown to give you an overview of today’s content. Each of you should have a copy of the powerpoint notes. The notes will also be uploaded to our official website in next week
history An annual event since 2005
suspended for holistic review of the competition Starting from : Co-organisers: EDB and HKAGE Starting from : Organiser: HKAGE Supporting Organisation: EDB First of all, let me talk about the history of the competition Since 2005 organised by EDB After the holistic review in last academic year, starting from this new academic year, The HKAGE will become one of the orgainsers together with EDB to coordinate the whole competition We expect there will be around 1500 entries from 150 schools for this year’s competition
history HKBPA: City University of Hong Kong is the Service Provider of the competition and the related learning activities HKBPA: Hong Kong Baptist University is the Service Provider of the competition and the related learning activities HKBPA: Hang Seng Management College is the Service Provider of the competition and the related training workshops
Aims & Objectives To develop students’ higher-order thinking skills and creative abilities To enhance students’ awareness and appreciation of poetry To give students the opportunity to strive for excellence in the use of language and literature The competition aims to……
Schedule of Upcoming Events
28 Nov 2016 (Mon) Hong Kong Budding Poets (English) Award Online Platform opens for school application Mid-Dec 2016 EDB Circular Memorandum arrives at all primary and secondary schools 9 Jan 2017 (Mon) 11:59 a.m. Extended Deadline for school application 2 Jan 2017 (Mon) 9 Jan 2017 (Mon) Application Deadline for the Training Workshop (on 14 Jan) for Participating Students Extended Application Deadline for the Training Workshops (on 21 Jan and 4 Feb) for Participating Students 6 Jan 2017 (Fri) Result Announcement for Training Workshops for Participating Students 14 Jan, 21 Jan, 4 Feb 2017 (Sat) Training workshops for Participating Students (optional) Here is the schedule of ….. We will arrange the talks on Sat, one for primary students and one for secondary students Talk aims - to expand students’ understanding of poetry writing - to cultivate students’ appreciation in poems
Deadline for online entry submission by teachers-in-charge
6 Mar 2017 (Mon) 11:59 a.m. Deadline for online entry submission by teachers-in-charge Mar-Apr 2017 Adjudication 3 Apr 2017 (Mon) Announcement of the finalists for the Improvised Writing Session and Student Interview on this website 13 Apr 2017 (Thu) Improvised Writing Session and Student Interview 21 Apr 2017 (Fri) Final Result Announcement 26 May 2017 (Fri) Prize-giving Ceremony Here is the schedule of ….. We will arrange the talks on Sat, one for primary students and one for secondary students Talk aims - to expand students’ understanding of poetry writing - to cultivate students’ appreciation in poems
Full-time students from any primary schools adopting the local curriculum only Secondary Section Full-time students from any secondary schools adopting the local curriculum only Open Section All of the above + full-time students from any primary/ secondary schools adopting non-local curriculum, e.g. international and ESF schools All entries must be nominated by schools Each primary/secondary school can nominate at most 20 entries. Each student can submit more than one poem for one section but only one poem on each theme. If students want to participate in more than one section, they should submit different poems on different themes. Now let’s move on to talk about the competition regulations. There are 3 Sections: For Pri Section ……. are welcomed Whie for Sec section …….. are welcomed Open Section is mainly target for ……….. But pri/sec students adopting the local curriculum, who would like to challenge themselves are also welcomed
REGULATIONS Primary Section Secondary and Open Sections Poetic Form
Poetic form is open but entries should exhibit rhyme, rhythm, imagery and structure. Poetic form is open but entries should exhibit rhyme, rhythm, imagery and structure, as well as the use of poetic devices, such as alliteration, simile and metaphor. Length Nil. Students should decide on the most appropriate length to express the theme of their entry/entries. Here list out the Poetic form for different sections where the Sec and Open sections share the same requirements. There is no limit for the length of the Poems
REGULATIONS All poems are judged anonymously and the name of the author must not appear in the entries. Poems must not have been previously published, self-published or published on a website or broadcast before 1 June 2017. Poems must be the original work of the entrants. Any infringement of competition rules and regulations will disqualify the entrant from taking part in the competition or winning an award. the name of the author must not appear in the entries to ensure the screening process is fair
THEMES Primary Section Secondary Section & Open Section Friendship
Travelling Machines Pets Festivals Classrooms/School The Young Achievers’ Gallery ^ Nature Animals Growing up Poverty Longing Social media The Young Achievers’ Gallery ^ Here list out the themes for different sections where the Sec and Open sections share the same themes. YAG: located in Kowloon Tong Education Services Centre Gallery to recognise the effort & achievement of HK students, your students may get inspiration from visiting Reservation for group visit, contact Ms Fiona Cheung and Ms Joey Ho ^ To visit the Gallery: Address: Podium Level, West Block, Education Bureau Kowloon Tong Education Services Centre, 19 Suffolk Road, Kowloon Tong Website: Reservation Hotline:
Hong Kong Budding Poets (English) Award Online Platform http://www
Now I’ll pass the time to Heidi to demonstrate the use of the Online School Application & Entry Submission System
Hong Kong Budding Poets (English) Award Online Platform
All users of this online platform, including teachers and students who are participating in the 2016/17 Hong Kong Budding Poets (English) Award, are advised to use Internet Explorer 9, Chrome 40, or Firefox 30 to execute any functions and compose entries on this platform. Before teachers submit students’ entries to the organiser, they may view, comment (optional), and/or return the entries to students for their edit. Use HKBPA Platform to: 1. Submit online school application 2. Compose and submit entries Allows interaction between teachers and students
18 December, 2015 18 December, 2015 18 December, 2015
The school information is given and changes may be made after your school’s account is activated and TIC is sent the log-in information. Fill in the required information in the TIC section and then click “Submit” to complete Part 1 registration. Please provide valid accounts and check the accounts frequently for the updates of the Award. Given in the beginning Teacher in charge will receive a confirmation shortly. School application form is attached in the . The form requires school principal signature or school chop Teacher in charge should return this form to us by fax on or before 26 Nov 2014. Teacher in charge will receive the user name and password for the platform by within 3 days after submission of the completed form.
Teacher Zone Step 1: Login
All users of this online platform, including teachers and students who are participating in the 2016/17 Hong Kong Budding Poets (English) Award, are advised to use Internet Explorer 9, Chrome 40, or Firefox 30 to execute any functions and compose entries on this platform.
Step 2: Edit School Profile (if necessary)
Teacher Zone Step 2: Edit School Profile (if necessary) There are 3 buttons for teacher zone: - Profile - Students’ Accounts - Students’ Poem Profile - update school information - update teacher information - change password
Teacher Zone Step 3: Edit Student Accounts Step 4: Edit Students Poems
Add - Create student account Step 4: Edit Students Poems 19 Feb, 2015 Students’ Accounts - manage students’ accounts - submit required students’ information platform will immediately send the user name and password to students by Students’ Poem - monitor entry submission status - teacher can give comment to students at this page (optional) - status: (composing/ to be viewed/ viewed / returned/ submitted to the organisers) To submit entries click the box under “submit to the organisers” Composing To be viewed Viewed Returned Submitted to the organiser
STUDENT ZONE Step 1: Login
All users of this online platform, including teachers and students who are participating in the 2016/17 Hong Kong Budding Poets (English) Award, are advised to use Internet Explorer 9, Chrome 40, or Firefox 30 to execute any functions and compose entries on this platform.
STUDENT ZONE Step 2: Edit Profile Step 3: Edit Poems Profile My Poems
- compose entries - view teacher’s comments - submit entries to teacher
For platform user manuals, please read
“How to Use” For platform user manuals, please read “How to Use/Online School Application” “How to Use/Teacher Zone” “How to Use/Student Zone”
Reminder For TIC personal information, please provide your valid address for notification s related to the competition and communication with the organiser. When creating student’s accounts, please input STUDENTS’ addresses to facilitate the notification to and communication with students. Deadline for Online Entry Submission by Teacher In Charge: 6 Mar 2017 (Mon) 11:59 a.m.
Phase One: Preliminary Screening
Adjudication Judging Panel Frontline English Language Teachers Academics Poets Writers Thank you Heidi After entry submission, the screening will be done in Mar next year by the judging panel which consists of ………. After phase one screening, top 60 participants will be shortlisted
Final judging and ranking the top 60 nominees
Phase Two: Final judging and ranking the top 60 nominees Adjudication Final Judging Panel Academics Poets Writers Then, the top 60 participants will undergo a final judging to decide their rankings by the final adjudication panel which consists of ……………
Judging Criteria I. Artistic Quality: Diction, Rhythm/Rhyme,
Image, Figures of Speech II. Expression of the Theme: Feeling and Thought III. Use of Language: Language Conventions IV. Construction: Form The judging will base on these 4 evaluation crania
Date: 13 April 2017 (Thu) Venue: Hang Seng Management College List of nominees and details will be released in early Apr 2017 on HKAGE website. The Improvised Writing Session and Student Interview are parts of the adjudication process. Student who do not attend any part of the Improvised Writing Session and Student Interview at the scheduled time will be deemed to have withdrawn from the competition. Please remind the relevant students to reserve time for the writing session and interview. Besides, the top 60 participants will be invited to an improvised writing and interview section To be held in late Apr next year at CityU
The Best Improviser of the Year Award
Improvised Writing & Interview to demonstrate students’ talents in creative writing and the originality of their submitted entries The nominees will write a stanza on a given topic The Best Improviser of the Year Award (for the outstanding author(s) whose improvised entry demonstrates a high standard overall) The nominees will share their views and feelings on their previously submitted poems via online system Aims to 1. provide an extra platform for students to demonstrate their talents in creative writing within a short time (30 mins) on a given topic 2. and to demonstrate the originality of their submitted entries For Student interview, we enjoy the chance to meet these budding poets they may share with us “who or what inspires them to write the entry” the reflection during the writing process etc. For the Improvised writing part some students found it challenging and exciting, and we are impressed by their creativity and the high standard of work some students may say: I am not used to it, I need longer time to think and write and edit my work. It is okay and it won’t affect the result of their previously submitted entry. The Best Improviser of the Year is an award for the most outstanding author whose improvised entry demonstrates a high standard overall. The Best Improviser of each section will be awarded a trophy and a certificate.
Awards The Outstanding Student Poet Awards Primary Section
Secondary Section Open Section First Trophy, Certificate and $600 book coupon Second Trophy, Certificate and $400 book coupon Third Trophy, Certificate and $300 book coupon Fourth Trophy, Certificate and $200 book coupon 5th - 10th Certificate of Merit 11th - 20th Certificate of Commendation Besides, the top 20 students of each Section will be awarded The Outstanding Student Poet Awards with the following prizes
Author of the best entry from school nominating not fewer than 10 students Entry has to demonstrate satisfactory standards Each Poet of the School will be awarded a certificate To encourage school participation, the poet of the school awards will be awarded to author of the best entry selected from school nominating not less than 10 students.
HKAGE Membership Primary four to secondary six awardees of The Outstanding Student Poet Awards will be invited to join the HKAGE through the “Nurturing the Gifted” scheme. Awardees who completed the required admission procedures will become a HKAGE student member in the Humanities Domain (for Secondary School Awardees) or Languages & Humanities Domain (for Primary School Awardees). All awardees will be invited to a prize-giving ceremony to be held on 26 May 2017.
Entry 1 Theme: Food Salt, mustard, vinegar, pepper, French almond rock.. Bread and butter for your supper, That’s all mother’s got. Fish and chips and coca-cola, Put them in a pan, Irish stew and ice-cream soda, We’ll eat all we can. For the student entries, some serious problems must be avoided
Entry 1 Theme: Food (Cont’d) Salt, mustard, vinegar, pepper, French almond rock.. Bread and butter for your supper, That’s all mother’s got. Eggs and bacon, salted herring, Put them in a pot. Pickled onions, apple pudding, We will eat a lot.
What’s the problem with Entry 1. Ans: Lack originality/plagiarism
What’s the problem with Entry 1? Ans: Lack originality/plagiarism. This poem has been published. Student probably has just downloaded it from the internet and made slight amendment. We found that this poem has been published on web before. Student probably has just downloaded it from the internet and made slight amendment. This entry is thus disqualified.
PROBLEM 2 Entry 2 Theme: Once upon a time Once upon a time, on a fine summer’s day, There stood a cottage, in a land far away. Inside the house lived Little Red Riding Hood. She lived with her mother, and was indeed very good. “My little girl, your grandma’s sick,” she said, “She’s running a fever, and is staying in bed. You can take her a few cakes and buns, There are some in the pantry, those chocolate ones. And sweetheart, don’t talk to strangers on the way, Keep your eyes on the road and don’t go astray!”
Entry 2 Theme: Once upon a time (Cont’d) Little Red Riding Hood nodded and set off meekly, Not knowing that behind a tree, a Wolf was watching her sneakily. “Ho!” The evil creature sniggered to himself, “I’ll have this nice, juicy girl all for myself!” He stepped out and said, “Excuse me, young lady, where are you going to? I know a shortcut where you can go through.” “That’s a fabulous idea,” she said without bothering to ponder, “Where I’m going is that house yonder. Inside lives my grandmother, who’s very ill.” “Ha!” thought the Wolf, “I’ll eat her first, I will.” The Wolf slipped away as quietly as a mouse And ran all the way to Granny’s house.
Entry 2 Theme: Once upon a time (Cont’d) The Wolf barged in and gobbled her whole – Every single finger and every single toe. Little Red Riding Hood then stepped through the door, Took off her shoes and laid them on the floor. The Wolf in Granny’s night gown was lying in bed, He looked at her greedily, and in Granny’s voice he said, “Little Red Riding Hood, dear, it’s me. Thank goodness you’re here, I’m so bored, you see.” “What enormous ears you’ve got, Granny,” she cried. “All the better to hear you with, honey,” the Wolf lied. “What a massive mouth you’ve got, Granny,” she gasped. The Wolf grinned devilishly and in a terrible voice he rasped, “All the better to eat you with, you stupid girl!” The Wolf flung himself off the bed and on her he hurled.
Entry 2 Theme: Once upon a time (Cont’d) A woodcutter passing by saw this happen and came to her aid. And of the fearsome Wolf he wasn’t a bit afraid. With a single swing of his axe, he chopped off the Wolf’s head. The wolf dropped down; it was dead. Then with his great gleaming axe, he sliced open the Wolf’s belly. Out climbed Granny, petrified, shivering like jelly. The girl and her granny thanked the woodcutter again and again. They cheered, “Thank goodness the wolf has been slain!” The house pealed with their mirthful laughter. And so they lived happily ever after.
What’s the problem with Entry 2? Ans: Originality.
This poem is a mere reproduction of a classic fairy tale “The Little Red Riding Hood” in a poetic form. Remarks for Teachers: Teachers are advised to guide students to be more creative and to produce original entry, e.g. by changing the characters or the ending of the fairy tale. Students must be aware of the originality of their poem. This poem is a mere ……… 38
Anthology Past anthologies can be found HERE for reference.
You can ask students to find the HKBPA anthologies of precious years from our website to get more idea
Training Opportunities for teachers
Professional Development Programmes for Heads and Teachers of Primary Schools (Web Version) 2016/17 Professional Development Programmes for Secondary School Principals and Teachers (Web Version) 2016/17
IMPORTANT DATES Be aware of deadlines! Keep to them~
Extended Deadline for school online application: 9 Dec 2016 (Thu) 11:59 a.m. Online application deadline for Training Workshops (on 14 Jan) for Participating Students: 2 Jan 2017 (Mon) (on 21 Jan and 4 Feb) for Participating Students: 9 Jan 2017 (Mon) Deadline for school online entry submission: 6 Mar 2017 (Mon) 11:59 a.m. To sum up, here are the 2 important dates you should remember 41
Online Entry Submission
Teacher may change choice of entry on or before the above deadline by unchecking/checking the “Submit to the organiser” button at “Teacher Zone/Students’ Poems”. However, no amendment could be made after the deadline. The system will identify and record the last submission before the deadline as the final entry/entries for each school. A confirmation will be sent to the Teacher-in-Charge upon each entry submission to the organiser. Please save your final record of submission for your own reference. Please try the system and ask your students to try use it. It takes time to get familiarized with the new system. Please do not wait until one day before the deadline for the network might be busy. We have tried our best to ensure the system is fine. But in case of irregularity or suspected problem, please report to us.
Reminders to teachers Each student can submit more than one poem for one section but only one poem on each theme. If students want to participate in more than one section (e.g. primary section & open section), they should submit different poems on different themes. For TIC personal information, please provide your valid address for notification s related to the competition and communication with the organiser. When creating student’s accounts, please input STUDENTS’ addresses to facilitate the notification to and communication with students. Check your mail box / junk mail frequently for not missing important messages from the organiser.
Enquiries Tel: Fax:
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