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CEOS DRM Flood Thematic

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1 CEOS DRM Flood Thematic
Guy Seguin, CSA, Francis Lindsay, NASA CEOS-GEO Action Item DI-01-C2_2 GEO Task Reference DI-01-C2

2 Why Flood ? Flood + Storm/Hurricane account for 64% of the Charter Activation Flood are covering large region and the one created by Storm can occure in many countries. Many are predictable either because they are seasonial and recurring or the storm that can produce them can be tracked. Satellites observation is well tailored for this type of application.

3 Expand use of satellite data for flood disaster
The International Charter once activated Provide response on a best effort basis Around the world For all types of disaster However data are not provided before the activation nor after the disaster The observation strategy will identify what is required to expand coverage before, during and after the flood for predictable even.

4 Floods Requirements Requirements derived from two sources
CEOS Disaster SBA Team Report, Global Flooding User Requirements GEO Task US-09-01a report for the Disasters Societal Benefit Area US-09-01a used an advisory group to identify relevant documents that were searched for key observations to create a ranking of measurements for floods NASA SensorWeb Team used as sounding board for measurement determination and relevance

5 Flood Measurement Requirements
(Source: DI Report) Phase Rqmts 1.0 Mitigation 2.0 Warning 3.0 Response 4.0 Recovery Target 1.1 Topography 2.1 Precipitation 3.1 Water level (rivers, lakes) 4.1 Status of critical infrastructure 1.2 Hydrological Models 2.2 Water level 3.2 Extent of flood 4.2 Damage assessment 1.3 Historical atlas of floods 2.3 Weather forecast 3.3 Status of critical infrastructure 4.3 Flooded areas 1.4 Flood models 2.4 Soil moisture 3.4 Weather forecast 1.5 New infrastructure / houses 2.5 Snow-water equivalent 3.5 Status of coastal infrastructure 1.6 Land-use classification 2.6 Signs of catastrophic failure 3.6 Predictive model simulations for rising sea level effects 1.7 Monitoring of dikes and dams 2.7 Signs of active or high tropical cyclone activity 1.8 Tropical cyclone seasonal predictive models / simulations 2.8 Sea level 1.9 Monitoring sea surface temperature 2.9 Signs of coastal erosion and inundation 1.10 monitoring sea level rise

6 Observational Requirements
VHR Pan or Multispectral (less than 2m) and HR Multispectral (2-15m) for detailed damage assessments M/LR Multispectral (15-30m) for moderate resolution flood extent mapping Low resolution Multispectral for wider area views of large events at more frequent acquisition rates Hyperspectral for water quality assessments VHR SAR, HR SAR, and M/LR SAR for flood extent mapping during cloudy conditions and for topography Passive microwave for long term trending of normal surface reflectance to infer increased presence of water Precipitation sensors – tracking actual accumulations and predictions

7 Workhorse Sensors By Data Type
Data Type/ Sensors Current Planned Comments VHR Pan or Multispectral (less than 2m) Ikonos/GeoEye, WorldView-1/2, Pleïades-1 GeoEye and WorldView successor missions, Pleïades-2 IRS-P7 also available HR Multispectral (2-15m) RapidEye, SPOT-5, Formosat-2 IRS-P5 also available M/LR Multispectral (15-30m) LDCM, ALI on EO-1, ASTER on Terra, SPOT-5 Landsat-8, Sentinel-2 Low resolution Multispectral MODIS on Terra, Aqua; VIRS on TRMM; VIIRS on NPP VIIRS on JPSS-1,2 Hyperspectral EO-1/Hyperion ENMAP Not used operationally on regular basis by civilians today VHR SAR TerraSAR-X, COSMO-Skymed RCM on RADARSAT C-1,2,3; TerraSAR-X2 HR SAR TanDEM-X; RSAT-1 and 2 Sentinel-1; RCM on RADARSAT C-1,2,3; ALOS-2 TanDEM-X DEM at 12m may become critical standard for flood modelling globally M/LR SAR SAR on RADARSAT-1 and 2 Passive microwave AMSR-2 on GCOM-W Precipitation sensors TRMM GPM

8 Existing CEOS project DI-01-C5_1 Caribbean Satellite Disaster Pilot
Partners: CDEMA, NASA, CSA 2011 hurricane season had 19 named storms Severe rainfall events also in Central America Successful pre- post-event data capture and delivery of rapid response products and flood maps Ernesto, Isaac and others tropical storm already covered this season. Additional data are welcomed ! RADARSAT-2 © MDA All rights reserved.

9 Existing CEOS project DI-01-C5_2 Southern African Flood and Health Pilot
Repeated and severe flooding of the major Namibian rivers during past years has affected more than one- third of the country’s population. NASA and CSA cooperated to provide optical and radar satellite imagery. CSA and NASA generated regional flood information products from RADARSAT-2 and EO-1 data for use by Namibian authorities. Moreover, radar flood vector data was used effectively with GIS data for flood relief work on the ground and assists further flood assessment and mitigation. dry land river > < flooded < rural dwellings > RADARSAT-2 data © MDA All rights reserved.

10 Flood Observation strategy
Build on existing projects. Identify predictable Flood disaster (Hurricanes, Plain flood, etc.) Identify region of interest Develop Observation Strategy Proposal to conduct the demonstration

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