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Springboro Junior High School

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1 Springboro Junior High School
Welcome to Springboro Junior High Seventh Grade Parent Meeting March 16, 2017

2 Administrators & Guidance Staff
Mr. Jon Franks, Principal Mrs. Brooke Coulter, Assistant Principal Ms. Mary McConnell, Counselor Students last name A-K Ms. Randi Bargo, Counselor Students last name L-Z

3 Bronwyn Patterson – District Nurse 2017-2018 School Year
There are immunization requirements for 7th grade Visit School Health Resources Page Students will not receive a class schedule in August without updated immunization information on file with the school.

4 7th Grade Immunizations
Immunization requirements are: Diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus (Tdap) booster First dose of the Meningococcal (MCV4) vaccine Or Immunization Exemption Letter must be filled out Information and exemption letter on

5 Preparing for the Junior High
Springboro Intermediate students visit the Junior High in May 2017 Early Schedule Pickup/Building walkthrough on August 10, 2017 for all 7th/8th graders

6 Junior High Happenings
Student of the Month PRIDE Paws Homework Help (Mon-Thurs) Washington, D.C. trip in 8th grade

7 Extra Curricular Activities
Student Council National Junior Honor Society L.I.F.T. Newspaper Club Yearbook Club Winter Guard Show Choir

8 School District Athletics at the Junior High
Sideline Cheerleading Competition Cheerleading Cross Country Volleyball Football Boys/Girls Basketball Wrestling Boys/Girls Track **There are academic Eligibility Requirements to participate in athletics**

9 Athletic Eligibility Requirements
Quarter Eligibility: a 67% overall average in all classes for each quarter. In addition, students… Must have a passing grade (60% or higher) in 5 out of 6 credit granting classes. If only 5 classes are taken (study hall being the sixth), student must pass all 5. Weekly Eligibility: Once the season begins, students must meet weekly eligibility in order to participate in the week’s activities. Any student receiving more than one (1) Unsatisfactory behavioral grade and/or any grade equivalent to less than a sixty-seven percent (67%) average in grades 7-8 in two (2) different subjects will result in loss of eligibility for one (1) week. Students cannot lose eligibility during the first week of a grading period. A student who lost eligibility in the last week of a grading period is ineligible during the first week of the next grading period.

10 Junior High Instructional Day
60-Minute Instructional Periods Part of a six-year, coordinated 7-12 experience, focusing on college and career readiness. Time for small group instruction and project-based learning Focus on writing across the curriculum

11 Junior High Instructional Day
Six instructional periods Four core classes 2 additional periods (electives) Art, Health, PE, Music, Project Lead The Way, Computer, Career and Consumer Concepts, Foreign Language, Study Hall Courses are one quarter, one semester, or one full year Elective Program of Studies available online

12 Required Electives Students are required to take one quarter of each of the following courses during 7th or 8th grade. Physical Education Health Careers and Consumer Concepts

13 Optional Elective Courses
Project Lead the Way Flight and Space Elements of Engineering Magic of Electrons Computer Applications Computer Coding Band 7 Band 8 Strings 7 Strings 8 Music and Film Choir Two-Dimensional Design Foundations of Three-Dimensional Design Study Hall

14 Optional Elective Courses
College Prep Spanish I Honors Spanish II College Prep French I Honors French II Honors German II Foreign Language courses earn the student a high school credit and go on the high school transcript. If a student takes a foreign language in 7th grade, they must take the next level in 8th grade or else start back at level I in high school.

15 Sample Schedule 1 1 Core English Language Arts 2 3 Enriched Math 4
PE (¼) / Career and Consumer Concepts (¼) 2-D Design (¼) / Foundations of 3-D Design (¼) 3 Enriched Math 4 Enriched Science 5 Core Social Studies 6 Band (year-long)

16 Sample Schedule 2 1 Enriched English Language Arts 2 3 Core Math 4
PE (1/4) / Health (1/4) Introduction to Engineering (1/2) 3 Core Math 4 Core Science 5 Enriched Social Studies 6 Spanish 1 (year-long)

17 PE Health 2-D Art 3-D Art Choir (choir) (choir) (choir) Students will fill 8 quarters with electives each year Example 7th grade: _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Example 8th grade: _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Career & Consumer Study Hall Music and Film (Music and Film) Spanish I (Spanish I) (Spanish I) (Spanish I)

18 Elective choices registration sheets are due March 24, 2017
Elective choices registration sheets are due March 24, All Springboro Intermediate students received these on Thursday, March 16. Questions?

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