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Visual Communication Design Dept. Universitas Ciputra

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Presentation on theme: "Visual Communication Design Dept. Universitas Ciputra"— Presentation transcript:

1 Visual Communication Design Dept. Universitas Ciputra
Business Incubator Visual Communication Design Dept. Universitas Ciputra

(N) mesin pengeram, mesin penetas, inkubator, perkakas bayi yg lahir prematur (N) warming apparatus for protecting a premature baby, hatching eggs (OXFORD) INCUBATE (V) Menetaskan, menetas (V) Cause to develop (OXFORD)

3 KEYWORD Mesin Alat Media Sarana Developing Warming Protecting

4 VCD UC Business Incubator
Wadah, sarana dan sistem yang memfasilitasi mahasiswa untuk mengembangkan potensi diri dan kemampuan bisnis dengan bimbingan profesional sehingga dapat bertumbuh kembang dalam lingkungan yang aman

5 Benefit

6 Organizational Chart CEO Administration Graphic Design Photo graphy
Multi media Ilustration Project Officer Project Officer Project Officer Project Officer

7 Project Lead and supervise by Project Officer
Project from outside and UC internal 3 kind of Project: Design Project, Training Course and Seminars From Marketing or directly requested By Project Design Crew (change according project be done)

8 Project Fund Management
Training Course =(Contribution+Sponsorship) – Expend Traning Fee Management 10% of sponsorship to the person Seminars =(Contribution+Sponsorship) – Expend Seminar Fee Management Design Project fee = Design fee + Production fee (optional) Design Fee Management 10% of Design Fee goes to Marketing (if no marketing involve then the 10% goes to Business Incubator) 30% of Design Fee goes to Business Incubator 60% of Design Fee goes to Design crew

9 Training Program Business Start Up Business Inspiring
Company Management Design Management Business Strategy Design Research Etc

10 Business Incubator Fund Management
Report yearly to Head of Department Source : Project University Sponsorship Student Investment Usage Operational Public Service Training Programs Seminars Yearly Profit sharing

11 CEO Managing The Business Incubator
Responsible for the growth of The Business Incubator Cash Flow Human Resource Business Incubator Development Supervise The Project Officer Reporting to Head of the Department Networking Marketing BACK

12 Administration Issuing Letters Handling Fund Management
Report and paperwork management and filing Marketing BACK

13 Project Officer Manage Project Develop Public Service program
Select Project Designer and crew Meeting w/ client Developing Client brief Manage Designer Responsible and supervise project progress Project Report Develop Public Service program Training Program for public Facilitating Student Business Unit Training Program Mentoring, Empower, Facilitating Invite Guest Facilitator Building network Industrial Supplier Forecasting trend Marketing BACK

14 Design Crew Selected by Project Officer
Developing design according Client Brief Translate Client Brief to design Create Design Concept Do the design steps Marketing BACK

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