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Skills of the guiding staff

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1 Skills of the guiding staff
Inclusive and accessible VET Skills of the guiding staff Mandy Majewski-Ernst Dresden

2 Di ver si ty

3 Our understanding of guiding staff at the AFBB
Our understanding of guiding staff at the AFBB Description of the skills of the guiding staff for an inclusive education Methods of implementation and of measurement Structure

4 Guiding staff What means leadership? assuming responsibility
Guiding staff What means leadership? assuming responsibility ensuring the quality of education providing a role model for others transmitting ethical values being a contact person preparing conditions for learning creating conditions for the future Overall Concept of AFBB – quality of orientation

5 Guiding staff Who is the guiding staff at AFBB? School management
Guiding staff Who is the guiding staff at AFBB? These are: School management Consultants of the class/ instructors insert organigram


7 Guiding staff School management
Guiding staff School management The most important tasks: ensure the basic conditions for an optimal learning process check the quality Focus: Structural quality, quality of results

8 Guiding staff Consultants of the class/ instructors
Guiding staff Consultants of the class/ instructors The most important tasks: create an optimal learning process develop quality Focus: process quality

9 Skills of the guiding staff
Skills of the guiding staff Diversity Management is necessary for an inclusive education. Principles Every human is an individual. Everybody has resources and strengths. Diversity has advantages and makes it possible to use the potential. Diversity needs to be managed. Diversity Management – definition

10 Skills of the guiding staff
Skills of the guiding staff The Diversity approach in education is: essential – because the people are different (Learners + Staff!) important – because teamwork is a basis for successful learning processes legally – because laws and regulations are given works later in education Economic advantages Respectfull treatment, AGG

11 Skills of the guiding staff
Skills of the guiding staff Skills are required in the following areas: Knowledge and Methods Attitude and Behavior Action Skills of our leaders Competences: expertise, social, personal Action = Implementation (Doing)

12 Skills of the guiding staff
Skills of the guiding staff self - discipline acquire knowledge to deal with criticism ability to organize reflexivity reliability solve problems independence to apply knowledge cooperation capacity to support empathy communication to consult to analyse to work purposeful observe to evaluate The skills of our leader - some examples ambiguity tolerance motivation adaptability responsible

13 Skills of the guiding staff
Skills of the guiding staff The guiding staff is responsible for the realisation of objectives. The main objective is the quality of education. quality of processes and structures quality of the results  The objectives should be measurable. Skills of our leaders Competences: expertise, social, personal

14 Skills of the guiding staff
Skills of the guiding staff The guiding staff is responsible for the realisation of objectives. example Processes according AFBB quality manual: Teachers are responsible for detection of absenteeism* School management ensures control of the class book *e.g. as an indicator of school problems quality of processes: ensures flow of information structures: individual problems reach the school management quality of the results: causes further interventions (e.g extra-consultations for the students) and/or further trainings for a better dedection of school problems -> own circle of quality-management-processes

15 Methods of implementation
Methods of implementation Diversity Management for the teaching staff… flexible working hours and a selectable workplace individual feedback from the school management free selection of further training offers Methods of school management – structural quality Individual feedback: hospitation of lessons, annual performance review

16 Methods of implementation
Methods of implementation Diversity Management in school’s every-day life will be supported… by the school counsellors (individuals) e.g.: individual target agreements and by the PQM - group (team) e.g.: collect problems and work out solutions Process quality/ structural quality  develop quality

17 Methods of implementation
Methods of implementation Diversity Management in the classroom… consideration of individual conditions offer many different methods observing and analyzing the students creating exercises for the individuals supporting the learners individually Consultants of the class – process quality

18 Methods of measurement
Methods of measurement Evaluation The quality of the results will be evaluated yearly. There are two different kinds of evaluation: School – Evaluation Teacher – Evaluation method: standardized survey Booth are edited by the students. quality of results


20 Methods of measurement
Methods of measurement School – Evaluation – Items: quality of the service personnel’s work (e.g. secretaries) Items: rooms and materials quality of results

21 Methods of measurement
Methods of measurement Teacher - Evaluation – Items: The students evaluate for themselves the level of agreement / disagreement: feeling well in learning are active respects the teacher the learning process and learning progress Scale: agree - I do not agree (5 posibilities to response)


23 Methods of measurement
Methods of measurement Teacher - Evaluation – Items: The teacher will be assessed if … he/she is on time the teaching is varied he/she is well prepared a good learning atmosphere has been created he/she clarifies the goals/objectives he/she has expertise the teaching is practice-oriented fair discussions are possible Scale

24 Methods of measurement
Methods of measurement Teacher - Evaluation – Items: The teacher will be assessed if he/she… responds appropriately advises on problems presents necessary knowledge creates transparence is understandable makes decisions comprehensible ..and if it is possible to make suggestions. Scale

25 Methods of measurement
Methods of measurement Analysis and Interpretation of results: School – Evaluation: from the school management Teacher – Evaluation: in a individual conversation quality of results

26 Conclusion I The guiding staff needs the ability to manage diversity for an inclusive VET.  The overall concept gives orientation and enables identification. Diversity Management must be anchored in objectives and implemented by the staff on a daily basis. Improvement: more transparency quality of orientation - Improvement: consider diversity management

27 Conclusions II The evaluation allows to secure and to develop the quality. requires periodic evaluation Improvement: - deduce a conclusion and set new objectives - the teachers evaluate the school management quality of results - adapt the items

28 Sources Akademie für berufliche Bildung gGmbH (2011): Leitbild der Akademie für berufliche Bildung gGmbH. Dresden. Akademie für berufliche Bildung gGmbH (o.J.): News. – downloaded , 21:30 Uhr.

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