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Meat and Education resources update

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1 Meat and Education resources update
Frances Meek Senior Education Officer British Nutrition Foundation

2 Meat and Education resources
Lesson ideas with curriculum links Videos Recipes Interactive resources Posters and photographs Bi-monthly eNews and printed resource – sign up online In our recent teacher survey, 95.8% of respondents rated the resources good or very good.

3 KS3 and GCSE grids – resources are now easier to find
Detailed grids that identify all the resources (with links) that are relevant to each area of the KS3 Home Economics curriculum and GCSE Home Economics specification in Northern Ireland. KS3 grid can be found here: The GCSE grid can be found here:

4 The Eatwell Guide The M&E resources have been updated to reflect the change in the UK healthy eating model and now include The Eatwell Guide. The updated resources can mainly be found in the Food skills area (years 7, 8 & 9):

5 Gourmet Burger Builder
A new interactive resource that challenges students to make the best burger! Students have a choice of beef or lamb mince and a variety of vegetables, fruit, cheese, spices and herbs along with breads and toppings. A detailed step-by-step recipe is produced so students can make their burger at school or at home.

6 Gourmet Burger Builder
Support resources: Teacher's guide Six lesson themes presented as PowerPoint presentations Structured worksheets that can be used with any theme Burger ingredient food cards. Gourmet Burger Builder can be used on a computer, tablet or mobile phone.

7 Do you have shorter lessons?
Have you tried the 50 Minute lessons? Each lesson pack contains: A red meat recipe suitable for a 50/60 minute lesson Teacher's notes Two activities – applied healthy eating, food science, hygiene and safety and provenance An Excel recipe costing spreadsheet. To download the 50 Minute lesson packs, go to: 

8 My Cooking Counts Website tool for secondary school students and their teachers. Focus on cooking skills and techniques, recipe repertoire and food commodity use. Helps teachers track student cooking habits, skills, recipe choice and commodity usage. Helps with reviews and planning. To register, go to:

9 The focus is on … Recipe repertoire Food skills Food groups

10 Overview Schools to register – teacher adds students.
Students log-in to record recipes cooked and rate their food skills – certificate created for their achievements. Teacher can see Year Group, Key stage and/or whole school progress. Data/trends can be collected (monitoring, tracking and promotion).

11 Support Teachers’ guide Student help sheet Worksheets Food skill cards
Food group cards

12 Recipes A wide variety of recipes are available on the website:
Featuring beef, lamb or pork Varying in time from 15 – 90 minutes Clear step by step instructions Top tips Some supported by video clips.

13 New GCSE area A dedicated area to support KS4 teachers and their students. The area contains PowerPoint presentations, resources, worksheets, posters and videos focusing on the following key content areas: Nutrition Food science and safety Food provenance Food choice Food preparation and cooking.

14 GCSE skills videos Six new videos for KS4 students that focus on the practical skills required to prepare, cook and serve red meat.  The videos highlight the skills GCSE students need to demonstrate including: Knife skills Making meat tender Meat preparation - prepare, combine and shape Cooking meat - using the grill Cooking meat - using the oven Cooking meat - using the hob.

15 Learning resources Printed poster, game or active learning resource sent to all registered schools. Additional resources available online. All previous posters (and Newsletters) can be downloaded from the website: Sign up here:

16 Cooking @home – coming soon
A series of six video shorts to encourage teenagers to cook and eat red meat at home. The videos could also be used by schools as part of life skills education, preparation for university or after school cookery clubs.

17 Cooking @home – recipes
Beef and sweet pepper quesadillas Mozzarella meatballs Lamb rogan josh Pork Thai bites Spicy lamb and feta burgers Pork jambalaya

18 2017 Teacher survey Help Meat and Education to help you better
Your feedback is important for the success of the programme in the future, with suggestions used to plan new resources and CPD events. Please take the time to complete the online teacher survey. The closing date is Friday 7 April 2017. Go to:

19 BNF resources Do not change the font, size or position.
Edit text, as necessary (amend, delete). Do not position text, photos, charts and graphs over the BNF logo or the top/bottom banners.

20 BNF Heathy Eating Week BNF Healthy Eating Week 2016
6,842 registrations Representing reach to 3,129,168 young people Location: 85% England, 3% NI (205 schools), 7% Scotland and 4% Wales (1% other) Type: 8% nursery, 38% primary, 26% secondary, 4% special, 23% other (e.g. PRUs, sixth form, children centre, farm centre) National Pupil Survey – 14,398 pupils took part Over 80 organisations participated (workplace) Schools downloaded 26,012 resources Do not change the font, size or position. Do not position text, photos, charts and graphs over the BNF logo or the top/bottom banners. Edit text, as necessary (amend, delete).

21 Healthy Eating Week 2017 Teachers’ and workplace guides
To provide details about what will be happening and help to plan your week Guides will also contain information about each of the challenges Downloadable inspiration posters To set the scene for each of the challenges NEW for Ambassadors! Schools can nominate five BNF HEW ambassadors – one to represent and promote each of the five challenges during the Week. Do not change the font, size or position. Do not position text, photos, charts and graphs over the BNF logo or the top/bottom banners. Edit text, as necessary (amend, delete).

22 Healthy Eating Week 2017 Daily challenges The challenges are:
Have breakfast Have 5 A Day Drink plenty Get Active Try something new Behaviour change techniques are again encouraged throughout the Week and beyond. Do not change the font, size or position. Do not position text, photos, charts and graphs over the BNF logo or the top/bottom banners. Edit text, as necessary (amend, delete).

23 Healthy Eating Week 2017 Register today!
Printed resources for schools: NEW board game - ‘Health Hopper’ with perforated question cards and instructions Poster - write what your school will be doing and display. Register today! Do not change the font, size or position. Do not position text, photos, charts and graphs over the BNF logo or the top/bottom banners. Edit text, as necessary (amend, delete).

24 Classroom support Eatwell Guide resources Eatwell Guide videos
Making better choices with the Eatwell Guide podcast The Eatwell Challenge Eatwell Guide presentation, resources and activities

25 Classroom support The Eatwell Challenge - the new interactive Eatwell Guide game

26 Classroom support The Eatwell Challenge

27 Classroom support Reliable sources of information
The BNF main website provides nutrition information for teachers, health professionals, scientists, and the general public. New for 2017 In celebration of BNF’s 50th anniversary: BNF50 Blogs BNF50 Healthy Living BNF50 Talks Pupil information panels – volunteer schools/pupils needed

28 Professional support BNF online training
Brand new portal, modern design Responsive, so training can be accessed via smart phones, tablets and PCs Easy to search for courses Personalised courses available Training is accessed at:

29 Professional support BNF courses The following courses are online now:
Catering for health Complementary feeding and obesity The science of dietary fibre and digestive health Allergies – reducing the risk in early life Food labelling and health claims An introduction to healthy eating and nutrition. Coming soon: Exploring nutrition and health Teaching practical food lessons in primary schools.

30 Professional support Food Teacher Professional Portfolio
Are you registered for the Food Teacher Professional Portfolio programme? Over 1,700 teachers and HLTAs are! The FTPP programme may help you: Take responsibility for your own professional development by establishing the practice of target setting and review Recognise the requirements expected of you at different stages of your professional career Plan your individual career development Develop your career in the way you desire.

31 Professional support Overview
Package of online support, including audit and reflection tools Monthly support and tips ( ) Monthly webinar focusing on the skills and knowledge required by an outstanding food teacher FTPP organiser (physical binder with dividers) Range of free training, with certificates Funded by a grant from the All Saints Educational Trust To find out more and register, go to:

32 Professional support Next steps!
Complete your registration: Complete your initial audit Put the webinar dates in your diary Await the arrival of your organiser!

33 BNF Drummond Education Awards - GCSE
Sophie Coalter Heather Kettyle Collegiate Grammar School

34 BNF Drummond Education Awards – A Level
Helen Orme Julie Morton Assumption Grammar School

35 Thank you For further information, go to:
Do not change the font, size or position. Do not position text, photos, charts and graphs over the BNF logo or the top/bottom banners. Edit text, as necessary (amend, delete). For further information, go to: Why not follow us on @Foodafactoflife

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