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Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC

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1 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
ASC C63® Committee on EMC SC2: E3 Terminology, Definitions, and Best Practices Chris Dilay SC2 Chair 12 May 2016

2 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
SC2 Scope E3 Terminology, Definitions, and Best Practices Subcommittee 2 (SC2) is responsible for developing electromagnetic environmental effects (E3) terminology and definitions for C63 ® publications, and harmonizing the use of E3 terms with U.S. military and international standardization bodies. SC2 is also responsible for developing guidelines and best practices for application of C63 ®, other commercial, and U.S. military E3 standards.

3 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
SC2 Approved Membership Roster Chris Dilay SC2 Chair, (WG1/2) SPAWAR Systems Center, Pacific Marcus Shellman SC2 Vice Chair (WG1/2) DISA/Joint Spectrum Center Michael Duncanson SC2 Secretary, (WG1/2) AECOM/Joint Spectrum Center Tom Wojtaszek SC2 Web Coor., (WG1/2) SPAWAR Systems Center, Pacific Dan Hoolihan C63® Chair (WG2) Hoolihan EMC Consulting Zhong Chen SC1 Chair ETS-Lindgren Don Heirman SC3 Chair (WG2) Don Heirman Consultants Art Wall SC4 Chair TCB Steve Whitesell SC5 Chair Whitesell Consulting LLC Randy Long SC6 Chair L-A-B Vladimir Bazhanov SC7 Chair Ericsson AB Stephen Berger SC8 Chair TEM Consulting, LP Ed Hare Member ARRL Victor Kuczynski Member VICAN Electronics Bob Hofmann Member Consultant Janet O’Neil Member ETS-Lindgren Harry Hodes Member (WG1/2) Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Steve Koster Member (WG1) Washington Laboratories Dave Schaefer Member (WG1) TUV America

4 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
SC Leadership Chris Dilay SC2 Chair SPAWAR Systems Center, Pacific Marcus Shellman SC2 Vice Chair DISA/Joint Spectrum Center Michael Duncanson SC2 Secretary AECOM/Joint Spectrum Center Tomasz Wojtaszek SC2 Web Coordinator SPAWAR Systems Center, Pacific

5 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
SC2 Duties WG1: ANSI C63.14: “American National Standard Dictionary of Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) including Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E3).” WG2: ANSI C63.28: "American National Standard Guide for Best Practices for Electromagnetic Compatibility."

6 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
SC2 Working Group 1 Report C Working Group Chair: Marcus Shellman Status: Next 5-year Update in Progress Recent standards reviewed: C63.16 General terms to be included in C63.14 if defined in C63 Standards with no current change to terms and definitions inclusion process. Online database conversion for C63.14 under investigation with IEEE. Initial meeting held 5/11/2016 with follow-on meeting scheduled in mid-June. IEEE to provide potential cost to support.

7 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
SC2 Working Group 2 Report C Working Group Chair: Chris Dilay Status: Initial Development Phase Ongoing WebEx meetings held since Nov 2015 and face-to-face meeting held 5/11/2016. Definitions of “EMC Best Practice” and “EMC Best Practice Standard” approved within WG and will be sent for distribution to SC.

8 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
SC2 Working Group 2 Report Cont. JSC EPS Guide Annex B1 Update for EMC standards compendium complete with exception to IEC product specific standards. Annex B1 Update to be to be distributed among SC and Main Committee for review and feedback on relevant commercial EMC standards used by industry. Focus and scope of standard with regard to general vs product specific EMC requirements to be determined for initial draft.

9 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
Motions Motion to Approve the SC2 Scope Motion to Approve the SC2 Membership Motion to Approve SC2 Duties

10 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
C63 Newsletter – SC2 Input Working Group 1 met with IEEE staff at IEEE Headquarters in Piscataway, NJ, 11 May 2016 to investigate potential efforts to convert ANSI C63.14, “American National Standard Dictionary of Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) including Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E3),” into an online database. IEEE currently examining prospective costs to pursue the collaborative effort and will be discussed during future meetings TBD. Working Group 2 continued work on the new ANSI C63.28 "American National Standard Guide for Best Practices for Electromagnetic Compatibility”. Working Group 2 meetings held on a continuing basis via WebEx.

11 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
Conclusions C revision 5-year update cycle in progress C63 definitions reviewed as provided by each SC Draft standard C63.28 in initial development phase with ongoing WebEx meetings to be held monthly moving forward Annex B1 Update to be sent to Main Committee for review and guidance on relevant commercial EMC Standards

12 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
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13 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
C63.14 Revision Schedule

14 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
C63.28 Draft Development Schedule

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