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Higgs studies at the upgraded ATLAS

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1 Higgs studies at the upgraded ATLAS
Fabiola Gianotti (CERN) Preliminary remarks: Higgs studies at the LHC have moved from discovery phase to precise measurements ATLAS and CMS were able to run in much harsher conditions than the design (~ 40 pile-up events at the beginning of fill, design was ~23) maintaining excellent performance (trigger, efficiency/resolution for physics objects, ..)  one of the assets for the fast Higgs discovery  foundation for future upgrades We should not underestimate the capability of hadron colliders to perform precise measurements (“hammer vs scalpel” model is too a rough description, contradicted by the beautiful Tevatron legacy of precise measurements) HL-LHC: full exploitation (with moderate additional cost) of the huge LHC investment

2 Robustness against pile-up
Note: number of reconstructed primary vertices is ~ 60% number of number of interactions per crossings Re-optimized e± identification using pile-up robust variables > 95% identification efficiency ~ flat vs pile-up excellent agreement data/MC  crucial for H 4l Z ee data and MC ETmiss resolution vs pile-up in Z μμ before/after pile-up suppression with tracks Stability of EM calorimeter response vs time (and pile-up) during 2012 run better than 0.1% Number of reconstructed primary vertices

3 Characterizing the new particle: first couplings measurements (examples …)
Sept. 2012 (July data) Explore tension SM-data from H γγ different production modes (VBF, ggF) μγγ=1.8 ± 0.5 New particles in the gg  H and H γγ loops ? BR (H invisible or undetected) < 0.84 at 95% CL Couplings to fermions kF weakly constrained by direct H  ττ , bb; indirect constraints from ggF (tt loop) indicate it’s non-vanishing

4 different production mechanisms (hence couplings)
Characterizing the new particle: first couplings measurements (examples …) Sept. 2012 (July data) Explore tension SM-data from H γγ different production modes (VBF, ggF) μγγ=1.8 ± 0.5 New particles in the gg  H and H γγ loops ? Precision now increasing thanks to larger dataset (> 2.5x)  targeting exclusive final states (VBF, VH, etc.) with dedicated analyses to increase sensitivity to different production mechanisms (hence couplings) BR (H invisible or undetected) < 0.84 at 95% CL Couplings to fermions kF weakly constrained by direct H  ττ , bb; indirect constraints from ggF (tt loop) indicate it’s non-vanishing

5 Spin and CP: from angular distributions of decay products
December 2012 H  4l : 0+ vs 0- H  γγ : 0+ vs 2+ 0.5σ 1.4σ 2+ disfavoured at 91% CL (gg G) 0- disfavoured at 99.5% CL (pure 0+ vs pure 0-) 0.5σ 2.8σ

6 With full 2011-2012 dataset: Further ahead (present LHC plans):
~5 σ from each of H γγ (already achieved/ATLAS), H lνlν, H 4l per experiment ~3 σ from H ττ and ~3 σ from W/ZH  W/Zbb per experiment (already achieved at Tevatron) Separation 0+/2+ and pure O+/O- at 4σ level combining ATLAS and CMS ? Some couplings to %  first ATLAS results with full datased will be released in coming 1-2 weeks Further ahead (present LHC plans): : shut-down (LS1) : √s ~ 13 TeV, L ~ 1034, ~ 100 fb-1 2018: shut-down (LS2) : √s ~ 14 TeV, L ~ 2x1034, ~300 fb-1  pile-up evts/x-ing : shut-down (LS3) : √s ~14 TeV, L ~ 5x1034, ~3000 fb-1 (HL-LHC)  pile-up evts/x-ing Note: 2012 pile-up conditions: evts/x-ing Remarks: Most of ATLAS detector upgrades (new tracker, new calorimeter electronics) needed to run beyond ~ 2020 (integrated radiation, aging ..) even if LHC is not upgraded in LS3 Results shown here very preliminary (work of a few months, input to European Strategy) Assumptions: the upgraded tracker at HL-LHC performs as well as present tracker at LHC; for calorimeters, deterioration of resolution due to higher pile-up included

7 With fb-1 : Mass can be measured to 0.1% (~ 100 MeV) dominated by e/μ/γ E-scale systematics Spin/CP can be determined to > 5σ for a pure 0+ state. If mixed state  HL-LHC needed to probe non-maximal CP-violation in the Higgs sector Assuming SM ΓH and one scale factor for fermion/vector sector kF, kV to 3-9% (2-4%) with 300 (3000) fb-1 per experiment Note: theoretical errors (not included) dominate ! Without assumptions on ΓH, only ratios of couplings can be measured at LHC. Without constraints, typical precisions are 10-50% with ~ 300 fb-1 5-25% with 3000 fb-1 Statistical error, or systematics scaling with statistics, dominate in most cases  big gain with 3000 fb-1 W/Z H bb not included; H ττ only VBF  conservative Γt/Γg and ΓZ/Γγ give access to gg  H and H γγ loops Γτ/Γμ gives insight into 2nd/3rd generation couplings per experiment Experimental precision will challenge theoretical uncertainties in several cases  improved theoretical calculations needed

8 Rare channels only measurable at HL-LHC with 3000 fb-1
1-lepton final state ttH  ttγγ ~ 200 S events expected with 3000 fb-1 S/B ~ 0.2 Rate can be measured to better than 20% Gives access to ttH coupling H  μμ BR ~ 2x10-4 σxBR ~ 10 fb at 14 TeV S/B ~ 0.2% Significance ~ 6σ with 3000 fb-1 Gives acces to Higgs couplings to second-generation fermions

9 Higgs self-coupling ~ 30% measurement of λ/λSM may be achieved with
mH2 = 2  v2 Higgs self-coupling Triple-Higgs couplings measured from double Higgs production Negative interference with independent production of two Higgs σ (H HH) ~ 35 fb at 14 TeV Most promising channel: HH  bbγγ Expect S~ 15 events, B~ 24 events for 3000 fb-1 Background dominated by ttH ttγγ Significance:~ 3σ per experiment HH bbττ also promising  needs further study ~ 30% measurement of λ/λSM may be achieved with two channels and two experiments

10 Vector-boson scattering
q W H Without Higgs, VV scattering violates unitarity at m(WW) ~ TeV Does the new particle fix the SM problems at high energy ? Fully or only partially (e.g. if H is non-standard) ?  need √s ~ 14 TeV and 3000 fb-1 Search for ZZ  4l resonances in pp ZZjj (with high-mass forward jet tags) in a model including a Higgs. With 3000 fb-1: limits in the TeV range SM ZZjj can be measured to ~ 10% Energy upgrade of LHC very useful in this case

11 Physics potential of HL-LHC is much more than just Higgs
Is a scenario which only modifies the Higgs couplings by few % with no other observable effects (new particles/phenomena) realistic ? If new physics exists at the TeV scale: HL-LHC extends mass reach of the LHC by typically 30% (15%) for single (pair-produced) particles.


13 SPIN and CP 5σ separation 2+/0+ and 0+/0- for CP-pure state with 300 fb-1 a1,a2 : CP-even (a2=0 here) a3 : CP-odd Max CP-violation

14 Is the Higgs mass stabilized by New Physics ?
ATLAS results on stop-pair searches as presented at September 2012 SPC

15 ATLAS results on stop-pair searches TODAY
September 2012 SPC

16 Present status of stop searches
With full dataset: expect to cover stop masses up to ~ 700 GeV

17 BIG THANKS to the LHC team !
The first LHC proton-proton run ( ) is over Luminosity delivered to ATLAS since the beginning 2012: 23 fb-1 at 8 TeV 2011 5.6 fb-1 at 7 TeV 2010 0.05 fb-1 4th July seminar and ICHEP Peak luminosity: ~ 7.7 x1033 cm-2 s-1 Total: 28.6 fb-1 delivered 26.9 fb-1 recorded BIG THANKS to the LHC team !

18 The BIG challenge in 2012: PILE-UP
Experiment’s design value (expected to be reached at L=1034 !) Z μμ event from 2012 data with 25 reconstructed vertices Z μμ

19 Present LHC upgrade plans

20 SM Higgs production cross-section and decay modes
Most sensitive channels (decreasing order) for 120 < m < 130 GeV: H ZZ* 4l, H γγ, H WW* lνlν H ττ W/ZH W/Z bb Challenges: tiny rates, small S/B √s=7  8 TeV: signal cross-section increases by ~1.3 for m ~ 125 GeV; similar increase for main backgrounds  expected increase in sensitivity: 10-15% Huge efforts and progress from theory community to compute NLO/NNLO cross-sections for Higgs production (today: ~ 15% uncertainty on dominant ggF process, 4% for B(H γγ)) and for (often complex !) backgrounds


22 ~ 7 σ All channels together Maximum significance at mH ~ 125 GeV
December 2012 p-value: it measures consistency of data with background-only expectation H bb H ττ H WW  lνlν H ZZ  4l H γγ Combination H 4l: σ H γγ: 6.1 σ  discovery in a single channel Total: ~7 σ Maximum significance at mH ~ 125 GeV ~ 7 σ

23 Spin studies : H γγ From distribution of polar angle θ* of the di-photon system in the Higgs rest frame Compare θ* distribution in the region of the peak for: spin-0 hypothesis: flat before cuts spin-2 hypothesis: ~ 1+6cos2θ* +cos4θ* for Graviton-like (gg  G production) Fit to data gives: compatibility within 0.5σ with spin-0 and 1.4σ with spin-2 ggG (i.e. spin-2 disfavoured at 91% CL)

24 Spin-parity studies : H 4l
From distributions of 5 production and decay angles combined in BDT or Matrix Element (MELA) discriminants Spin-parity studies : H 4l 0+ vs 0- G-like spin-2 gg production 0+ vs 2- 0+ vs 2- Expected separation: ~ 1.7σ Compatibility with data: 0+ : 0.15 σ 2- : 1.9 σ 0+ vs 0- Expected separation: ~ 1.7σ Compatibility with data: 0+ : 0.5 σ 0- : 2.8 σ

25 Mass and signal strengths
December 2012 mH = GeV ± 0.7 GeV = ± 0.3 (stat) ± 0.6 (syst) μ = 1.35 ± 0.24 = 1.35 ± 0.19 (stat) ± 0.15 (syst)

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