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Higgs studies at the upgraded ATLAS
Fabiola Gianotti (CERN) Preliminary remarks: Higgs studies at the LHC have moved from discovery phase to precise measurements ATLAS and CMS were able to run in much harsher conditions than the design (~ 40 pile-up events at the beginning of fill, design was ~23) maintaining excellent performance (trigger, efficiency/resolution for physics objects, ..) one of the assets for the fast Higgs discovery foundation for future upgrades We should not underestimate the capability of hadron colliders to perform precise measurements (“hammer vs scalpel” model is too a rough description, contradicted by the beautiful Tevatron legacy of precise measurements) HL-LHC: full exploitation (with moderate additional cost) of the huge LHC investment
Robustness against pile-up
Note: number of reconstructed primary vertices is ~ 60% number of number of interactions per crossings Re-optimized e± identification using pile-up robust variables > 95% identification efficiency ~ flat vs pile-up excellent agreement data/MC crucial for H 4l Z ee data and MC ETmiss resolution vs pile-up in Z μμ before/after pile-up suppression with tracks Stability of EM calorimeter response vs time (and pile-up) during 2012 run better than 0.1% Number of reconstructed primary vertices
Characterizing the new particle: first couplings measurements (examples …)
Sept. 2012 (July data) Explore tension SM-data from H γγ different production modes (VBF, ggF) μγγ=1.8 ± 0.5 New particles in the gg H and H γγ loops ? BR (H invisible or undetected) < 0.84 at 95% CL Couplings to fermions kF weakly constrained by direct H ττ , bb; indirect constraints from ggF (tt loop) indicate it’s non-vanishing
different production mechanisms (hence couplings)
Characterizing the new particle: first couplings measurements (examples …) Sept. 2012 (July data) Explore tension SM-data from H γγ different production modes (VBF, ggF) μγγ=1.8 ± 0.5 New particles in the gg H and H γγ loops ? Precision now increasing thanks to larger dataset (> 2.5x) targeting exclusive final states (VBF, VH, etc.) with dedicated analyses to increase sensitivity to different production mechanisms (hence couplings) BR (H invisible or undetected) < 0.84 at 95% CL Couplings to fermions kF weakly constrained by direct H ττ , bb; indirect constraints from ggF (tt loop) indicate it’s non-vanishing
Spin and CP: from angular distributions of decay products
December 2012 H 4l : 0+ vs 0- H γγ : 0+ vs 2+ 0.5σ 1.4σ 2+ disfavoured at 91% CL (gg G) 0- disfavoured at 99.5% CL (pure 0+ vs pure 0-) 0.5σ 2.8σ
With full 2011-2012 dataset: Further ahead (present LHC plans):
~5 σ from each of H γγ (already achieved/ATLAS), H lνlν, H 4l per experiment ~3 σ from H ττ and ~3 σ from W/ZH W/Zbb per experiment (already achieved at Tevatron) Separation 0+/2+ and pure O+/O- at 4σ level combining ATLAS and CMS ? Some couplings to % first ATLAS results with full datased will be released in coming 1-2 weeks Further ahead (present LHC plans): : shut-down (LS1) : √s ~ 13 TeV, L ~ 1034, ~ 100 fb-1 2018: shut-down (LS2) : √s ~ 14 TeV, L ~ 2x1034, ~300 fb-1 pile-up evts/x-ing : shut-down (LS3) : √s ~14 TeV, L ~ 5x1034, ~3000 fb-1 (HL-LHC) pile-up evts/x-ing Note: 2012 pile-up conditions: evts/x-ing Remarks: Most of ATLAS detector upgrades (new tracker, new calorimeter electronics) needed to run beyond ~ 2020 (integrated radiation, aging ..) even if LHC is not upgraded in LS3 Results shown here very preliminary (work of a few months, input to European Strategy) Assumptions: the upgraded tracker at HL-LHC performs as well as present tracker at LHC; for calorimeters, deterioration of resolution due to higher pile-up included
With fb-1 : Mass can be measured to 0.1% (~ 100 MeV) dominated by e/μ/γ E-scale systematics Spin/CP can be determined to > 5σ for a pure 0+ state. If mixed state HL-LHC needed to probe non-maximal CP-violation in the Higgs sector Assuming SM ΓH and one scale factor for fermion/vector sector kF, kV to 3-9% (2-4%) with 300 (3000) fb-1 per experiment Note: theoretical errors (not included) dominate ! Without assumptions on ΓH, only ratios of couplings can be measured at LHC. Without constraints, typical precisions are 10-50% with ~ 300 fb-1 5-25% with 3000 fb-1 Statistical error, or systematics scaling with statistics, dominate in most cases big gain with 3000 fb-1 W/Z H bb not included; H ττ only VBF conservative Γt/Γg and ΓZ/Γγ give access to gg H and H γγ loops Γτ/Γμ gives insight into 2nd/3rd generation couplings per experiment Experimental precision will challenge theoretical uncertainties in several cases improved theoretical calculations needed
Rare channels only measurable at HL-LHC with 3000 fb-1
1-lepton final state ttH ttγγ ~ 200 S events expected with 3000 fb-1 S/B ~ 0.2 Rate can be measured to better than 20% Gives access to ttH coupling H μμ BR ~ 2x10-4 σxBR ~ 10 fb at 14 TeV S/B ~ 0.2% Significance ~ 6σ with 3000 fb-1 Gives acces to Higgs couplings to second-generation fermions
Higgs self-coupling ~ 30% measurement of λ/λSM may be achieved with
mH2 = 2 v2 Higgs self-coupling Triple-Higgs couplings measured from double Higgs production Negative interference with independent production of two Higgs σ (H HH) ~ 35 fb at 14 TeV Most promising channel: HH bbγγ Expect S~ 15 events, B~ 24 events for 3000 fb-1 Background dominated by ttH ttγγ Significance:~ 3σ per experiment HH bbττ also promising needs further study ~ 30% measurement of λ/λSM may be achieved with two channels and two experiments
Vector-boson scattering
q W H Without Higgs, VV scattering violates unitarity at m(WW) ~ TeV Does the new particle fix the SM problems at high energy ? Fully or only partially (e.g. if H is non-standard) ? need √s ~ 14 TeV and 3000 fb-1 Search for ZZ 4l resonances in pp ZZjj (with high-mass forward jet tags) in a model including a Higgs. With 3000 fb-1: limits in the TeV range SM ZZjj can be measured to ~ 10% Energy upgrade of LHC very useful in this case
Physics potential of HL-LHC is much more than just Higgs
Is a scenario which only modifies the Higgs couplings by few % with no other observable effects (new particles/phenomena) realistic ? If new physics exists at the TeV scale: HL-LHC extends mass reach of the LHC by typically 30% (15%) for single (pair-produced) particles.
SPIN and CP 5σ separation 2+/0+ and 0+/0- for CP-pure state with 300 fb-1 a1,a2 : CP-even (a2=0 here) a3 : CP-odd Max CP-violation
Is the Higgs mass stabilized by New Physics ?
ATLAS results on stop-pair searches as presented at September 2012 SPC
ATLAS results on stop-pair searches TODAY
September 2012 SPC
Present status of stop searches
With full dataset: expect to cover stop masses up to ~ 700 GeV
BIG THANKS to the LHC team !
The first LHC proton-proton run ( ) is over Luminosity delivered to ATLAS since the beginning 2012: 23 fb-1 at 8 TeV 2011 5.6 fb-1 at 7 TeV 2010 0.05 fb-1 4th July seminar and ICHEP Peak luminosity: ~ 7.7 x1033 cm-2 s-1 Total: 28.6 fb-1 delivered 26.9 fb-1 recorded BIG THANKS to the LHC team !
The BIG challenge in 2012: PILE-UP
Experiment’s design value (expected to be reached at L=1034 !) Z μμ event from 2012 data with 25 reconstructed vertices Z μμ
Present LHC upgrade plans
SM Higgs production cross-section and decay modes
Most sensitive channels (decreasing order) for 120 < m < 130 GeV: H ZZ* 4l, H γγ, H WW* lνlν H ττ W/ZH W/Z bb Challenges: tiny rates, small S/B √s=7 8 TeV: signal cross-section increases by ~1.3 for m ~ 125 GeV; similar increase for main backgrounds expected increase in sensitivity: 10-15% Huge efforts and progress from theory community to compute NLO/NNLO cross-sections for Higgs production (today: ~ 15% uncertainty on dominant ggF process, 4% for B(H γγ)) and for (often complex !) backgrounds
~ 7 σ All channels together Maximum significance at mH ~ 125 GeV
December 2012 p-value: it measures consistency of data with background-only expectation H bb H ττ H WW lνlν H ZZ 4l H γγ Combination H 4l: σ H γγ: 6.1 σ discovery in a single channel Total: ~7 σ Maximum significance at mH ~ 125 GeV ~ 7 σ
Spin studies : H γγ From distribution of polar angle θ* of the di-photon system in the Higgs rest frame Compare θ* distribution in the region of the peak for: spin-0 hypothesis: flat before cuts spin-2 hypothesis: ~ 1+6cos2θ* +cos4θ* for Graviton-like (gg G production) Fit to data gives: compatibility within 0.5σ with spin-0 and 1.4σ with spin-2 ggG (i.e. spin-2 disfavoured at 91% CL)
Spin-parity studies : H 4l
From distributions of 5 production and decay angles combined in BDT or Matrix Element (MELA) discriminants Spin-parity studies : H 4l 0+ vs 0- G-like spin-2 gg production 0+ vs 2- 0+ vs 2- Expected separation: ~ 1.7σ Compatibility with data: 0+ : 0.15 σ 2- : 1.9 σ 0+ vs 0- Expected separation: ~ 1.7σ Compatibility with data: 0+ : 0.5 σ 0- : 2.8 σ
Mass and signal strengths
December 2012 mH = GeV ± 0.7 GeV = ± 0.3 (stat) ± 0.6 (syst) μ = 1.35 ± 0.24 = 1.35 ± 0.19 (stat) ± 0.15 (syst)
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