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Year 11 Information Evening

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Presentation on theme: "Year 11 Information Evening"— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 11 Information Evening
September 15th 2016

2 Aims of this Evening

3 Student Parent Teacher

4 How long have we got? First GCSE examination: May 15th 2017 242 Days

5 136 School Days How long have we got?
First GCSE examination: May 15th 2017 136 School Days


7 Programme for this Evening
Exam and Approach to Learning Changes Calendar for the Year Mathematics English Exams and Exam Stress Early Revision Tips

8 Why aren’t all the grades letters anymore?
Old Grades New Grades A*+ 9 A*-, A+ 8 A- 7 B+ 6 C+, B- 5 C-, D+ 4 D-, E+ 3 E-, F+ 2 F-, G 1

9 ADAPT Advanced Learner
Looks for challenge. Works at problems. Will try a variety of approaches to reach a successful conclusion. Perseveres when things get tough. Works hard to improve. Acts on advice. Always goes out of their way to produce absolutely their best work. Passion for learning. Willing to move outside comfort zone. Encourages others to do well. Creative approaches. Sets own goals. Maximise abilities. Seeks opportunities to improve, asks questions Active Learner With support will persevere to resolve problems. Will try one or two different ways to approach a problem. Will act on advice in the short-term. Produces best work on most occasions. With support will try to do anything asked of them. Keen to participate in lessons with frequent answers to questions or contributions to discussions. Effective in groups. Passive Learner Prefers to stick to work they are comfortable with. Does what is requested. Relies on teacher guidance. Needs support when working. May settle for work which does not show true potential. Works well in a group but focuses on own performance. Answers questions. Turned Off Likely to impede the progress of others. Reluctant to do even the minimum required. Needs constant attention to remain on task. Is content to hand in work which is not complete or does not reflect true ability. Little attention paid in lessons. Little participation in lessons. Gives up when faced with difficulties. Ignores advice and repeats mistakes regularly. ADAPT

10 Year 11 Year plan

11 The Next Year 15th September information evening
Individual group support from departments. On going. Year 11 mocks 28th November- 2nd December Parents evening Tuesday 10th January Year 11 reports last week of March/ first week of April. Course work deadline March 7th. 13th March Revision timetable for all students. May 15th is the first exam- 29th June last exam. Prom next July date to be confirmed


13 Revision and support Individual support will be on going in departments 1 day a week in morning registration will be dedicated revision and strategies. Support for Parents

14 9-1 GCSE maths 15th September 2016

15 The best way to learn Practice !
Lots of past papers and different resources

16 9-1 maths GCSE leaflet On firefly

17 9-1 GCSE maths

18 Go to the maths area in firefly

19 There are links to the websites and also to each individual class

20 Revision maths takeaway – this has video clips, questions and answers

21 Revision maths takeaway

22 Students have access to the online textbook and homework book

23 Students have access to the online textbook and homework book

24 There are links direct to mymaths
These go straight to video clips

25 mymaths School log in assisi Password triangle
Students have their own log in and password for the work set on this area

26 The booster pack section targets all the topic areas at that grade

27 Students can work through the online homeworks and refer back to the lessons for help

28 To help with a particular topic select Library, then subject area and then lesson ……
As you can see each lesson has a f for foundation or h for higher

29 Now select the lesson – each one has an accompanying homework that they
can then do, which is marked as a %

30 When the question is finished you click on mark it
There are two questions for each homework. If stuck, click on this symbol and it takes you to the lesson for help

31 You need to click checkout for the summary

32 They can also have a summary of their results

33 Students and staff are able to see how they’ve done on a task

34 mathswatch All students have a mathswatchvle user name and password

35 Students select the level they are taking

36 They select either by topic or the grade they are taking


38 This is a brilliant resource because at most each clip is 10 minutes long and demonstrates both visually and orally. They can stop and repeat the clip at any point. There are worksheets to accompany every clip

39 This clip is only 8 minutes long

40 There is always a practice exercise for students to stop the recording and then attempt

41 It’s a brilliant way of doing past papers along side the computer as a back up.

42 GCSE past papers Students will be given specimen papers by their teachers to work through.

43 Lastly ……. We are always available so any maths concerns direct your child to; Their maths teacher Mrs Hodson Mrs Petchey

44 Anything else you need me for you can me on this address

45 English

46 GCSE English Language and Literature
There is no controlled assessment element – students will be assessed through 100% examination. All examinations will be taken at the end of Year 11; there are no resits throughout the course. All students will have the chance to study both English Language and English Literature, gaining 2 qualifications in total. There are no entry tiers; all students sit the same examination. There is a greater emphasis on the technical writing skills of spelling, punctuation and grammar.

47 GCSE English Language Paper Length Content
Paper 1: Explorations in creative reading and writing 1 hour 45 min 50% of GCSE Section A – Reading. Unseen prose from 20th or 21st century. Section B – Writing. Writing to describe or narrate based on a stimulus (picture). Paper 2: Writer's viewpoints and perspectives Section A – Reading. 2 unseen extracts from non fiction texts; one modern, one 19th century century. Section B – Writing. Transactional writing (e.g. writing to argue, persuade etc) Studied in Year 10 Studied in Year 11

48 GCSE English Literature
Romeo and Juliet ALL CLOSED BOOK EXAMINATIONS Set 1 – Jane Eyre or Great Expectations Set 2 – Jekyll and Hyde or Frankenstein Set 3 and 4 – A Christmas Carol Paper Length Content Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel 1 hour 45 min 40% of GCSE Section A – Shakespeare. An extract from the play given and you relate this to the rest of the play. Section B – 19th century novel. An extract is given from the novel and then relate this to the rest of the text. Paper 2: Modern Texts and Poetry 2 hour 15 min 60% of GCSE Section A – Modern Prose/ Drama. 1 essay style question. Section B – Poetry Anthology. Comparison of 2 poems. Section C – Unseen Poetry. Studied in Year 10 Studied in Year 11 Set 1: An Inspector Calls Set 2: Animal Farm Set 3: An Inspector Calls Set 4: Blood Brothers Studied in Year 10

49 What can I do to support my child?
Encourage your child to revise throughout the course; they cannot leave revision until the end of Year 11 as there is a lot of knowledge to remember in this course. Encourage your child to re-read the texts they have studied in class – some of these are available on Firefly. Ensure your child learns key spellings and those words they often struggle with. Encourage your child to read widely so that they are able to access the unseen extracts on the Language papers more easily. This can be fiction and non fiction. See Firefly for a suggested reading list. Encourage your child to write short summaries of what they have read to consolidate their comprehension skills.

50 Details for all texts along with IBSN numbers on Firefly.
Study Guides? If you are interested in purchasing study guides, we would recommend any of these. York Notes for 9-1 course for Literature texts studied. RRP: £5.99 Cambridge AQA approved guides for Literature texts studied. RRP: £10.00 CGP Guides for the 9-1 course for Literature texts studied. RRP: £5.95 Details for all texts along with IBSN numbers on Firefly.

51 Examinations Students will be given a timetable in February with details of exams, name etc. This must be checked that all details are correct. Letting Mrs Burgess know asap for any alterations. Final timetable will be issued in April. Students to be fully equipped. Black pens, pencils, rubber, ruler, sharpener and any subject specific equipment. Only a clear pencil case is allowed in the exam. Water can be taken into the exam Seating plan will placed in the bridge hall so students are aware where they are sitting. If there is any problems with regard to exam please contact myself or Mrs Burgess and we will advise you.

52 Exam Stress Be Organised Take regular breaks
Seek advice from teacher, don’t let it brew. Exercise Breathing techniques 6. Eat healthily/ drink plenty of liquids.

53 FireFly Examination section on firefly.
Students will be reminded closer to the exams about Examination Regulations.



56 Practical Tips for Success in the Summer
Switch on in lessons Complete all work set Know what you need to know Read Start revision early Revise often Vary methods Avoid distractions

57 Lesson Record 1. One Image 2. 3. 4. 5. 5 Key Words from Lesson


59 Diagram Diagram Added Extras Key Information Topic Subtitles Diagram Diagram

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