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Mortgage Industry Changes That May Impact Closing

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1 Mortgage Industry Changes That May Impact Closing
37th Annual Business Meeting & Education Conference Mortgage Industry Changes That May Impact Closing Rick Hill - Mortgage Bankers Association Penny Reed - Wells Fargo May 20, 2017 Rick introduce speakers This session will discuss activities that may affect the lending community and possibly the closing process

2 Mortgage Industry Activities
Know Before You Owe (KBYO)/TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure (TRID) Rule Update CFPB Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) GSE Uniform Residential Loan Application Digital/Electronic Mortgages Electronic and Remote Notary Cybersecurity State Level Activities Rick cover the agenda

3 Adding tolerances for total payments Uniform rule on coops
Know Before You Owe (KBYO)/TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure (TRID) Rule Update Adding tolerances for total payments Uniform rule on coops Guidance on sharing disclosures CFPB is not proposing to change the disclosure requirements regarding title insurance Rick cover this slide We are not sure when the revised rule proposal will be issued.

4 CFPB Home Mortgage Disclosure Act
Need to report a lot more information about the mortgage transaction New/changed Government Monitoring Information (GMI) Now called Demographic Information New identifiers for lender and loan New supplemental URLA New form to sign Marked out section on old form Not exactly sure when lenders will utilize the new supplementation form New URLA coming – see next slide Rick do introduction that indicates that there is interaction between HMDA and the URLA. Penny lead on this slide, with comments from Rick Lenders are sensitive to the new data points. Not sure what it may indicate about Fair Lending. Not sure if publicly disclosed information will provide business sensitive information to competitors.

5 Mortgage Bankers Association
10/29/2017 HMDA Data Points Application/ Loan Information Applicant Information Underwriting Information Loan Features/Pricing Property Information Identifiers Unchanged Application Date Loan Type Income HOEPA Status Property Location Updated Loan Purpose Preapproval Loan Amount Reason for Denial Action Taken/Date Ethnicity Race Sex Rate Spread Type of Purchaser Lien Status Construction Method, Occupancy Type New Application Channel Reverse Mortgage Open-end Line of Credit Business or Commercial Purpose Age Credit Score DTI Ratio Combined LTV Ratio AUS Loan Term Total Loan Costs or Total Points and Fees Origination Charges Discount Points Lender Credits Interest Rate Prepayment Penalty Term Introductory Rate Period Non-Amortizing Features Property Address Property Value Manufactured Home Info (Secured Property Type and Land Property Interest) Total Units Multifamily Affordable Units MLO NMLS Identifier Legal Entity Identifier Universal Loan Identifier Rick can quickly cover. Table provided by MISMO Mortgage Bankers Association

6 GSE Uniform Residential Loan Application
New format Lots of new data New demographic data points Must sign at closing No implementation date announced for full URLA Supplemental URLA will need to be used in 2018 Not sure if Housing Agencies (e.g. FHA) will coordinate on implementation Include link to website. Include copy of URLA in presentation? Rick lead, with comments from Penny Borrowers may have questions about why the GMI data is collected on the URLA They may have questions about the marked out section of the Old URLA Lenders are sensitive to the new data points. Not sure what it may indicated about Fair Lending. Not sure if publicly disclosed information will provide business sensitive information to competitors. Escrow agents may see the old URLA, supplemental URLA or the new ULRA for different loans during the same period of time.

7 Digital/Electronic Mortgages
Consumers are demanding a better experience Focus on designing the process for the consumer Not requesting documents from borrower that can be obtained directly from trusted sources (e.g. income, assets, employment) Mobile Omni-channel – use PC, phone, & tablet to complete a single loan transaction Portals for lender, closing agent and borrower communications Integrated education Electronic closing Electronic/Remote Notary Penny lead with comments from Rick

8 Electronic and Remote Notary
Electronic notary vs. Remote notary Status of electronic notary adoption Status of remote notary adoption Penny lead with comments from Rick

9 Joint Agency (OCC, FDIC, Federal Reserve) Cybersecurity RFI
NY DFS Joint Agency (OCC, FDIC, Federal Reserve) Cybersecurity RFI FFIEC Cybersecurity Risk Assessment Rick lead on this – is tied to the 3rd party oversight issue Important because requirements trickle down. Creates additional reasons for 3rd party oversight. NYDFS requires a lot – encryption, etc. Joint agency effort hopefully will result in less divergence among regulators regarding requirements. We are trying to get states to participate with the federal effort. We are trying to get regulators to stop blaming the victims.

10 State Level Activity Penny lead on this

11 What Else?

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