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Getting to Know the Greeks

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1 Getting to Know the Greeks
Vocabulary from Greek and Roman Mythology

2 Adonis: very handsome man
Adonis was a beautiful young man that Aphrodite fell in love with. He was killed while hunting a boar and died in her arms. In his honor, she created the flower, anemone, which was very beautiful short-lived

3 Aegis: a shield or protection
The Aegis was the magical shield of Zeus. No one other than Zeus could wield the sword, except for Athena Amazon: a strong woman The Amazons were a women-only tribe of fierce warriors. They were renown for their fighting skills, especially archery and throwing the javelin.

4 Ambrosial: extremely delicious; pleasing to taste or smell
Ambrosia was the food of the gods. Nectar was their drink. Atlas: a book of maps Atlas was a titan who fought against the Olympians. As punishment, he was sentenced to bearing the world upon his shoulders.

5 Bacchanalian: wild with drunkenness
Bacchus is the Roman name for the Greek god Dionysus, who was the god of wine. Chimerical: unreal or impossible The Chimera was a monster killed by Bellerophon that had a lion's head, a goat's body, and a dragon's tail.

6 Cupidity: greedy for money or possessions
Cupid was the Roman name for Eros, the god of love and desire Herculean: extremely difficult; requiring great strength Hercules is the Roman name for Heracles, a hero known for his great strength.

7 Iridescent: lustrous or brilliant appearance
Iris was a messenger goddess whose trail was a rainbow. Jovial: cheerful or merry Jove was one of the Roman names for Zeus, king of the gods.

8 Labyrinthine: extremely complicated
The Labyrinth was a complex maze designed by Daedulus to imprison the Minotaur, a monster with the head of a bull. Martial: warlike or military Mars was the Roman name for Ares, the god of war.

9 Mercurial: lively, quick, and unpredictable
Mercury was the Roman name for Hermes, messenger god who was also the god of thieves, pranksters. Mnemonic: memory aid Mnemosyne was the goddess of memory and mother of the nine Muses.

10 Nemesis: bitter enemy who seems unbeatable
Nemesis was the goddess of revenge. Odyssey: long journey Odysseus was a hero who travelled for ten years to get home after fighting in the Trojan War.

11 Panic: to be scared beyond reason
Pan was the goat-legged god of fear, nature, the wild, and shepherds Promethean: creative and original Prometheus was a titan who stole fire from the gods and gave it to humans.

12 Siren: loud warning noise
The Sirens were monsters who sang so sweetly that sailors would wreck their ships trying to hear them. Tantalize: to tease with something desirable Tantalus was a person whose punishment was to be forever hungry and thirsty with food and drink just out of reach

13 Titanic: enormous Titans race of giants who rule until they were overthrown by the Olympians

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