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IBM Integrated Solution for System z Development (ISDz)

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1 IBM Integrated Solution for System z Development (ISDz)
Henk van der Wijk 23 Januari 2014

2 A lack of effective software delivery impacts the entire business
CHALLENGES CHALLENGES Costly, error prone manual processes and efforts to deliver software across an enterprise Slow deployment to development and test environments leave teams waiting and unproductive Upgrade risk due to managing multiple application configurations and versions across servers Business Owners Development/ Test Operations/ Production Customers There are conflicts between customers/owners/development and operations. Each has their own agenda and there are often communication breakdowns between the groups and most often IT challenges get the blame. From a software delivery perspective, these challenges include many error prone manual processes, waits caused by deployment delays, etc. These challenges can result in software glitches that can cost companies Millions of dollars. You can see a couple of examples on this chart. In your presentation speaker notes, I have links if you are curious about the details of the these companies and their costly software glitches….you may have seen the headlines about these over the last year or so. Software glitch costs major trading firm $440 million in 45 minutes Major telecom provider paid out $2.7 million to 47,000 customers overcharged after a software glitch A bad software upgrade at a global bank left millions unable to access money for four days 2

3 New era systems integrate operational systems
Utilizing the rapid delivery of new client-facing apps Social, Local, Mobile Smart Infrastructure Analytics Systems of Record Systems of Engagement CRM HR Much of today’s innovation is starting to be enabled by new “systems of engagement” that leverage ubiquitous cloud computing models, pervasive tooling and mobile access to bridge traditional IT “systems of Record” to drive interactions closer to the customers and leverage relationships that are enabled by this shift. The opportunity to capture markets through optimized customer interaction is driving rapid innovation and iteration in the cloud leveraged by these new systems. At the same time infusion of intelligence in physical assets such as automobile, building systems, electrical utilities and traffic control systems, require models that can more easily scale to collect data and deliver content. Legacy DB ERP Manage workloads and maintain security Rapid innovation in the cloud User experience and mobile management 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 Systems of Interaction challenges Speed mismatch between faster moving Systems of Engagement and slower moving Systems of Record, delaying time to customer feedback 4-6 Speed mismatch between SoE (< 1 month releases) and SoR systems (>1 year releases) Systems of Engagement (SoE) Apps AppStore Monitor and Optimize Release and Deploy Develop and Test Rapid Releases Web Sites Production Environment I’ve mentioned a couple of different types of systems that users interact with. One, the Systems of engagement and the other Systems of Record. The Systems of Engagement Apps are Unlike the System z applications you are probably familiar with. The folks who create the Systems of Engagement apps work differently from developers you are used to and tend ot work in smaller groups. Systems of Engagement applications include Mobile, Big Data, Social apps that need to be updated and released more often and quickly. SoE developers often run into delays caused by having to wait for operations teams to setup test labs or the additional time required to integrate with existing apps/services, and processes. Systems of Record applications are characterized by being what we think of as System z today, transactional, database, etc.l. They will be key in providing the data, security and availability needed for the new 24/7 requirements that come from Systems of Engagement. This brings about another set of challenges in addition to the ones mentioned on the previous chart.: Its possible that the SoE development teams are using agile processes, while other development organizations, like the SoR developers are not involved or ready for them. The SoE development teams may run itno delayed deployments to test environments, so they are left waiting, and unproductive. But they can’t get the feedback they need from their end users without deploying the software. And of course, across the lifecycle, especially because of the different types of lifecycle management processes used by the different groups, we run itno delays because of the error prone, and costly, manual processes that are used to bring these multiplatform applications together. Another cultural and process gap is that operational orgs and development orgs have very different notions of what it means to be “done, with quality”. Some of these different concerns are described in the text under the ops and dev people above. Frequent Releases Integration Test Develop and Test Release and Deploy Monitor and Optimize Systems of Record (SoR) Apps Data Center Fewer Releases 4

5 Four things that are different about developing applications for the mainframe environment…
3) Complexity 1) Waterfall 2) Green Screens These are things that are different about developing applications for the mainframe. Throughout the presentation we will talk about how we address these differences. Many mainframe customers are still using waterfall methodology, which can lead to long development cycles with delayed customer feedback. Development teams can not get Customer feedback without deploying software. Our ISDz solution will help System z move more quickly to agile development methodologies. Many distributed teams are using Agile or Lean development methodologies. System z COBOL/PLI developers still using old green screen tools like ISPF. IDEs like RDz and RD for the Enterprise can deliver significant developer productivity. Decades of development and enhancements to mainframe applications have left clients with complex application structures. Developers can spend a lot of time trying to analyze impact of change before making required updates. RAA can help to significantly cut down analysis time. Operations – many mainframe shops run at near 100% capacity, making it difficult to make CPU resource available for development and test usage. Moving development off the mainframe with RD&T can reduce MIP consumption and free MIPS up for higher value production workload. RD&T can help to make development cycles available when needed for as long as needed 4) Operations 5

6 DevOps: A blueprint for continuous delivery of software innovation
dev·ops noun \'dev-äps\ Enterprise capability for continuous software delivery that enables clients to seize market opportunities and reduce time to customer feedback. DevOps Lifecycle in Action Business Owners/ Product Management Development/Test/ Delivery Operations/ Manufacturing/Support Customers Continuous innovation, Feedback and Improvements This is where DevOps comes in. In today's market, the most forward thinking companies will: Establish an enterprise capability for accelerated delivery of software that enables them to seize market opportunities and reduce time to customer feedback, improve governance while balancing quality and cost DevOps is A set of principles and values that facilitate collaboration across disciplines to… Enable rapid evolution of deployed business services, while Reducing risk, decreasing costs, and improving quality across the portfolio This means teams collaborate across disciplines. Development teams Develop and test against a production-like system and Deploy frequently using repeatable and reliable processes. Teams Continuously monitor and validate operational quality characteristics and provide and respond to feedback. Accelerated software delivery Reduced time to obtain and respond to customer feedback Improved governance across the lifecycle Balanced quality, cost and speed 6

7 IBM DevOps: An improved software delivery lifecycle
DevOps Foundation Open Lifecycle and Service Management Integration Platform DevOps Lifecycle Operations/Production Development/Test Customers Business Owners Continuous Innovation, Feedback and Improvements Ecosystem Best Practices Monitor and Optimize Plan and Measure Develop and Test Release and Deploy As I’ve said….DevOps is an enterprise capability for continuous software delivery that enables clients to seize market opportunities and reduce time to customer feedback. Addressing culture, process and tools, DevOps extends lean and Agile principles across the broader lifecycle and across the enterprise, reducing waste, duplication and friction so more focus can be put on effective and efficient innovation. DevOps is an essential enabler of mobile, cloud, big data and social. DevOps is about delivering higher quality software faster to meet business needs.  It begins with understanding those needs from stakeholders, on a continuous basis, and delivering them. This process allows for agility and continuous delivery – whether delivering to production, development or test, businesses today need to speed time to market or the will get beat in the marketplace. The IBM DevOps solution spans the entire software delivery lifecycle across multiple technologies and platforms. The IBM DevOps solution addresses four entry points (the green boxes at the center of the chart) plan and measure, develop and test, release and deploy, and monitor and optimize. These entry points are built on open standards so that existing tool implementations can be used to leverage investments, this is not a rip and replace solution. We are now going to take a look at the Develop and Test entry point and talk about how ISDz offering fits there. OSLC 7

8 Cost is a significant driver
80% of development costs are spent identifying and correcting defects!* Once released as a product $7,600/defect + Law suits, loss of customer trust, damage to brand During the QA/TESTING phase $960/defect During the BUILD phase $240/defect During the CODING phase $80/defect *National Institute of Standards & Technology Source: GBS Industry standard study Defect cost derived in assuming it takes 8 hrs to find, fix and repair a defect when found in code and unit test. Defect FFR cost for other phases calculated by using the multiplier on a blended rate of $80/hr. 8 8 8 8

9 Testing and Delivery – where are customers today?
Java / .Net teams Compile Automated Unit Test Install & Configure Run Automated Tests Run Manual Tests Promote Results Hours to days Mainframe teams current state ** Compile Promote & Configure Run Manual Tests Promote Results Mainframe customers report limited automated testing, limited automated unit testing, and limited resource availability for either Complex systems mean nightly testing is insufficient Quality means fewer bugs in production Not necessarily fewer bugs (catch them early) Automation improves quality through working software earlier and cheaper Finding problems earlier means working software earlier Up to 50% of defects can be detected through thorough unit testing ** Test driven development and commitment to unit tests only go so far Weeks to Months ** Feedback from mainframe customers 9

10 Stage One – Increase availability of z/OS testing environment and resources
Code Check In + Build + Deploy + Run Automated Tests Automated, continuous testing with isolated development and test environment Reusable integration tests simplify testing across layers Development Environment Change Request Promote To QA Frequent, rapid feedback earlier to improve quality Higher quality going into QA Developer Rapid Feedback Lower cost of application testing using off-mainframe z/OS test environment Fast, dependable, automatic feedback speeds time to market Enables confidence by automatically tracking and promoting code health

11 Testing and Delivery – moving one step forward
Java / .Net teams goal state Compile Automated Unit Test Install & Configure Run Automated Tests Run Manual Tests Promote Results Hours to days Mainframe teams after CIz Compile Promote & Configure Run Automated Tests Run Manual Tests Promote Results Mainframe customers report limited automated testing, limited automated unit testing, and limited resource availability for either Complex systems mean nightly testing is insufficient Quality means fewer bugs in production Not necessarily fewer bugs (catch them early) Automation improves quality through working software earlier and cheaper Finding problems earlier means working software earlier Up to 50% of defects can be detected through thorough unit testing ** Test driven development and commitment to unit tests only go so far Days to Weeks

12 IBM Integrated Solution for System z Development Leveraging the principles of DevOps to deliver high quality applications Increase productivity with a IDE for COBOL, PL/I & HLASM and C/C++, Java application creation, maintenance, and extension Cross-platform and Mainframe Development Rational Developer for zEnterprise Impact Analysis Rational Asset Analyzer Off-Host Development and Unit Testing Rational Development and Test Environment Better productivity and quality with quick analysis showing application structure and relationships Free up MIPS for production use, and eliminate delays by providing a low cost Unit Testing environment Collaborative Development Rational Team Concert Collaboration and governance across diverse teams, platforms, and programming languages Our Integrated Solution for System z Development pulls together several of the offerings,to provide a modern, productive, development environment for multiplatform application development. The latest updates to the ISD z accelerator will help Automate manual, time-consuming and error-prone development processes for cross platform applications They will help Cut development costs and cycle time with test-driven development using the z/OS automated unit test framework We will Boost productivity with imbedded analysis capability that enables quick insight into application structure and flow And will help Improve quality with automated COBOL and PL/I code quality rules and code coverage capabilities Products, assets, and service offerings that: Establish a modern development platform that enables high individual and team productivity and extends the benefits of CLM to the mainframe developer Performing reliable analysis when making a change, including test case identification Common use case scenarios & integrations Can Co-exist with existing zSCM to provide quick value or provide migration path to RTC as cross enterprise SCM and collaboration tooling. Benefits of proposed solution Boost productivity and accelerate innovation with modern tooling Modern tooling from the EM solution helps improve developer productivity and reduce training costs. The IT organization may realize up to a 40% improvement in development productivity with modern tooling¹. Leveraging a common multiplatform development environment means all of the developers will have the same view of the application code, from either the front-end web interface or the back-end transaction-processing or database interface from a single environment. For example, the EM solution offers a single integrated development environment (IDE) for both mainframe and distributed application development, reducing development license costs, reducing miscommunication between development teams and speeding project completion. Reduce the total cost of software delivery by improving team collaboration Unified IT teams using common tools and processes can complete development projects more quickly and at a lower cost by improving communication channels, better coordination and planning, as well as a reduced need to integrate processes and toolsets. For example, the EM solution’s collaboration platform encourages this collaboration. A unified multiplatform team infrastructure including support for System z, Power Systems and distributed processor-based systems helps streamline the entire application development and deployment lifecycle across all operating environments. Now all teams can have a single end-to-end view of the application project, improved knowledge of and understanding of how the mainframe and distributed applications interact and awareness of what other developers are doing that could affect them–all in real time. The EM solution allows mainframe software teams to perform developer-based build and unit testing of z/OS-hosted applications on their development PC without using System z hardware processing cycles. Rather, they perform their mainframe application development and testing on their laptops. This can help organizations optimize their use of mainframes to control their development costs while enhancing their applications to run on their high-performance mainframe platform. Developer Quality Professional Analyst Deployment Engineer Project Manager IBM Services Architect 12


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