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SMEs and HEIs in Innovation Partnerships

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Presentation on theme: "SMEs and HEIs in Innovation Partnerships"— Presentation transcript:

1 SMEs and HEIs in Innovation Partnerships
SHIP Project

2 SHIP Project – Innovation Alliances
What the project is all about Why the partners work together The eco system What’s in it for the HEI What’s in it for Local Government What’s in it for SMEs Operating principles Success to date (outputs, participation)

3 Alliances. The new paradigm in economic development
Paradigm shift: Fundamental change in an individual's or a society's view of how things work in the world. International Conference on Quality Assurance in Higher Education in Africa Joe English, SHIP Project – Meath Co. Co., Ireland

4 The Innovation Alliance
A major new EU-funded programme to develop collaborations between HEIs, SMEs and public sector organisations. 



7 Why HEIs? The University as a ‘regional evolution mechanism’ (OECD, HBR, MIT ) Innovation hubs surround great Universities – MIT, Stanford, Cambridge Silicon Valley is no accident.


9 How do HEIs benefit? Raiders of the Lost Archive
Tremendous body of knowledge trapped in academia that never sees the light of day. Monetise R & D HEI as the ENGINE of local economic development HEI at the heart of Business/Government interaction Raiders of the Lost Archive


11 Why Local Government Participation? Example Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
Driving Local Economic Development Loss of Population > 13,000 inhabitants in 2010 Productivity Gap only 70% compared to West Germany Income Gap Only 80% compared to West Germany

12 UNIVERSITIES & SMEs: Together at the heart of INNOVATION
What UNIVERSITIES & SMEs: Together at the heart of INNOVATION


14 Alliance ACTIONABLE Actions
Development of support programme road maps which emphasise the role of Agencies as signposting brokers Development of an SME/HEI Innovation programme Development of a training programme to demystify innovation within enterprises Development of a register of HEI know-how and promotion Development of a ‘Knowledge Centre’ Route Map to help companies identify needs and solve technical problems Development of collaborative activities and improvement targets.


16 The Cross-Border Alliance UK/ROI
The Software Testing Innovation Alliance SPAIN no longer The Regional Alliance Halle GERMANY The Capital City National Alliance Bucharest ROMANIA



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