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Early Intervention and Prevention

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1 Early Intervention and Prevention
An Integrated Team Julia McGowan 2017

2 Introduction The journey from stand alone to Integrated teams
Team Make up New Roles Overview of team roles Asset based approach “Deal for Adult Social Care Future Developments

3 The Journey Original Stand alone traditional Equipment and Adaptations Occupational Therapy Team, Reablement service, Assistive Technology team, Sensory rehabilitation team. First step: Development of Locality Model the OT team moved into 3 localities along with Social care teams.

4 The Journey continued OT manager seconded to develop integration of OT and Reablement. The 4 stand alone services became an integrated team one team in each locality Working closely with Social Workers and Social care officers Agile working and hot desks

5 Team make up Service manager OT Niamh Rigby OT Locality Team managers with lead responsibility across the teams for Occupational Therapy. Reablement. Assistive Technology and sensory ICES Moving and handling

6 Locality EI Team Makeup
Team manager Advanced Practitioner OT Occupational Therapists Primary Assessors, Reablement Team leaders, Reablement support workers. 1 sensory rehab worker

7 One Front Door Redesign so that all referrals including requests care were assessed by Early Intervention and prevention Reablement to reduce the need for care or clearly identify the level of care and support needed following assessment Equipment and adaptations Assistive Technology

8 New Roles Developed Primary Assessor – trained to assess for Reablement, Equipment and Adaptations, Assistive technology. Call in on OT for support when required. Benefits for the person, one assessment no need to refer on reduces multiple waiting list. Early Intervention Co-ordinator – manages incoming referrals to the locality replacing the multiple duty systems.

9 Brief overview of the other roles
Advance Practitioner OT – some line management and small case Load Reablement Team leader - Line management of support workers, set up Reablement programmes for Hospital Discharge and community. Manage Rota’s Occupational Therapist – complex cases and clinical supervision of PA’s and Reablement team Leaders Support workers – carryout Reablement programmes input feedback into Mosaic.

10 Benefits A streamlined service for the service user.
All people are given the opportunity to improve their Health and well being. We use an asset based approach There is a strong emphasis on People pursing full and active lives in their own communities. Reablement service awarded Outstanding by CQC

11 Wigan Councils Asset Based approach providing services

12 The wider context The ‘Deal’ for Adult Social Care and Well Being see care as a whole care and support system. It means people are viewed as unique individuals with assets, gifts and talents, and it liberates you to work in creative and innovative ways

13 The bigger picture Community Knowledge Officers Provider services
Early Intervention, Support, Safeguarding Different conversations Exploring options, Sign posting Sharing knowledge and ideas Connecting as and when appropriate Community Knowledge Officers Understand what’s out in the community The community Book Support front line staff Locality Based Gather and collate information re gaps in market Market development officers Develop solutions to meet the needs and aspirations of Wigan citizens, based on information re gaps Community connectors and community link workers A paid Community Link Worker or a volunteer Community Connector can provide buddying support to enable individuals to participate and engage in community opportunities Provider services Having different conversations Developing services in a different way Partnership working with the community Enriching the lives of the people we work with

14 The Future Integrated Community services
We are developing and Integrated service that involves Social care Early Intervention and prevention Health Therapists GP’s Community Matron’s District Nurses Daily Huddles and Weekly MDT. Joint approach Locality based co-location Complex care – virtual ward Active care step down – rehabilitation Reablement, adaptations Prevention including a public health intervention and community engagement.   Internally progression is two grades of OT.  G9 OT similar to Band 6 with some progression over time and G10 Advance Practitioner similar to a Band 7 which takes on combined clinical caseloads and more line management and developmental. projects.  OT Team Managers and Service Manager.  Over time we have seconded 5 Primary Assessors to Salford to train as OT’s. Do feel that if you come into OT in Wigan there is quite a clear pathway.  OT Is highly valued and work ib partnership with Social care.  Some OTs in senior positions.  Become accepted that OTs are good managers. OT’s have regular peer support /CPD meetings In new model forming an even more integrated team with NHS therapists and nurses – interesting because they’ve done all that work. Staff now open to change, have identified generic and specialist.  Done workshop for health colleagues re providing major adapts to avoid duplication and overlap. prevention and Early Intervention – Use of public health community knowledge officers community

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