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Kansas Nebraska Act of 1854.

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1 Kansas Nebraska Act of 1854

2 Discuss with Students what was happening in the United states with regard to Westward Expansion and the issues of slavery in the new territories. Include previously learned concepts such as Manifest Destiny, and the Compromise of If appropriate, discuss what happened in the Mexican American War and the Gadsden Purchase of These all lead up to the topic of Discussion as to how Kansas relates to American History

3 Related Vocabulary Popular Sovereignty-The belief that the people living in a territory should decide for themselves if the territory should become a slave state or free state Repealed-Revoked. The Missouri Compromise was repealed with the passage of the Kansas Nebraska Act

4 Vocabulary (Continued)
Land Speculators - People that obtained land in Kansas with the hopes of buying it at a low price and selling it at a high Price

5 Vocabulary Continued Free Soiler- A person who came to Kansas after the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act. Border Ruffian- A person who was in favor of slavery and came across the border from Missouri to vote illegally in elections

6 Missouri Compromise of 1820
In 1820 there were very few white settlers living in Kansas, but there were settlers living in Missouri. Of course the southern states wanted Missouri to become a free state and the Northern states wanted Kansas to become a free state. To settle the disagreement, the government passed the Missouri Compromise of 1820.

7 2 Provisions of the Missouri Compromise
Missouri Would become a slave state Any other states added after Missouri that were north of 36 degrees latitude would become free states. Keep in mind that in 1820, Kansas did not have enough settlers living there to become a state. The Southernors liked the Missouri Compromise in 1820, but as time passed they did not like it because more and more people started moving into Kansas and they knew that it was only a matter of time before Kansas and Nebraska would become states. The South all of a sudden did not like it because it meant that Kansas and Nebraska Territories would become free states because they were north of 36 degrees latitude. People started to ague over this to the point that a solution had to be found.

8 The Kansas Nebraska Act of 1854
It repealed the Missouri Compromise It included the Idea of Popular Sovereignty Stephen Douglass Douglass had financial intentions and presidential aspirations After the passage of the Kansas Nebraska Act which included the idea of Popular Sovereignty caused a lot of violence in Bloodshed over the slavery issue. Some people living here wanted Kansas to become a free state and others wanted it to become a slave state. It was a very emotional issue. Popular sovereignty said let the people decide for themselves whether or not Kansas would become a slave state or free state

9 Stephen A Douglass Nicknamed the Little Giant. Originally from Vermont, then moved to Illinois. Thought he had a solution, but his solution later caused Bleeding Kansas due to the idea of popular sovereignty.

10 Impact of the Kansas Nebraska Act
Proslavery people and the Antislavery people started to fight with each other over the issue of slavery Freesoilers – move to make free state Border Ruffians – Move to make slave state The two groups of people hated each other because of their view of Slavery. Explain the terms of Pro-slavers and

11 Impact of the Kansas-Nebraska Act
Bleeding Kansas- Fighting between antislavers and the proslavers over control of Kansas

12 Kansas had 2 territorial governments in 1857-1858
Proslavers organized their government at Shawnee Mission Antislavers organized their government at Lawrence Each claimed to be the legitimate or correct government of Kansas and thought the other should not be there

13 Bleeding Kansas Begins
Samuel Jones-Proslavery Sheriff who burned Lawrence in 1855 In the Wakarusa War, homes and businesses were burned along with the free-state Hotel. Several people were killed This attack on Lawrence by the Proslavers became known as the Wakarusa War. Why would Samuel Jones want to Burn Lawrence?

14 Violence Continues John Brown-A fanatical Abolitionist who Killed 5 Proslavery settlers on the Pottawatomie Creek in eastern Kansas This raid included his 4 sons and two other men. After this, Brown and his followers left Kansas and he was later put on trial for treason and took part in a raid in Harper’s Ferry Virginia.

15 During the time that Kansas was a territory, there were 2 Territorial Governments
Topeka-This was where the free state government was located Shawnee Mission-This was where the proslavery government was located Neither government thought the other should be there

16 Who wins the Battle of “Bleeding Kansas”
Eventually there were enough people that had moved into Kansas as a result of the Kansas-Nebraska Act that the government at Shawnee Mission was voted out of office

17 Kansas Becomes a Free State
On January 29, 1861, Kansas became the 34th state The free State Constitution was also called the Wyandotte Constitution The development of Kansas as a state was delayed because of the Civil War

18 Discuss with students the significance of the state Motto. “To the stars through difficulties”

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