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The Man Worth More Than 30 Pieces of Silver

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2 The Man Worth More Than 30 Pieces of Silver

3 Mary’s Costly Ointment
John 12:1-8 Mary anointed Jesus with expensive ointment Pound of nard = about a year’s salary for a laborer, or $20,000* today Judas and disciples indignant (Matt. 26:8) Plenty of time for the poor, limited time with Jesus Jesus commended Mary’s deed (Matt. 26:10-13)

4 Judas Iscariot’ Betrayal
Matt. 26:1-5, 14-16 Jewish leaders made Judas and offer 30 pieces of silver (shekels) = about $7,500* Price prophesied (Zech. 11:12-13) Normal cost of slave in Old Testament and Rome Judas led the mob to Jesus (Matt. 26:45-50) Judas regretted his decision (Matt. 27:3-10) Judas killed himself Money used to purchase a field

5 True Value of Jesus He offered something priceless (Matt. 26:26-29)
Our debt illustrated in a parable (Matt. 18:23-27) 10,000 talents of gold = $6.4 billion* or 200,000 years of labor at an average laborer’s wage Other’s debts toward us are relatively insignificant (John 3:14-16) We cannot boast of earning forgiveness (Eph. 2:8-9) Our souls are priceless (Matt. 16:26), and Jesus paid for them

6 What is Jesus Worth to You?
Mary appreciated Jesus; Judas did not How do you show your appreciation? Keep his commandments (John 14:15) Or you’re no better than Judas (Heb. 10:26-29) Be holy (I Peter 1:14-19) “Worthy is the Lamb that was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing!” (Rev. 5:12)

7 The Man Worth More Than 30 Pieces of Silver


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