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Chapter 5 Classification, Assessment, and Intervention Bilge Yağmurlu

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1 Chapter 5 Classification, Assessment, and Intervention Bilge Yağmurlu
PSYC 330 Developmental Psychopathology

2 Terminology Sign: feature that are observable by others
Symptom: feature that can be reported only by the individuals themselves Syndrome: a set of signs and symptoms that covary across individuals Classification: system for delineating the major categories or dimensions of syndromes Diagnosis: the process of assigning individuals to the categories generated by a classification system

3 Terminology Etiology  (aetiology, aitiology): the cause(s) of a disorder Prognosis: denotes prediction of how a patient's disorder will progress, and whether there is chance of recovery Comorbidity: presence of more than one mental disorder occurring in an individual at the same time Epidemiology: the study of the patterns of disease in human populations... to estimate the prevalence of disorders and to identify their correlates and causes

4 Conceptual Framework Value of assessment:
Ability to identify characteristics important for decision making Different procedures and sources of data: Projective tests Tabulations of overt behaviors Personality inventories Interviews

5 Taxonomic Targets for Assessment
Which characteristics will be assessed? What are the targets for assessment?

6 Taxonomic Targets for Assessment
Error of Measurement Variability in a measure’s results over brief intervals

7 Approaches to Conceptualize Child Psychopathology
Types of Problem Behaviors Enumerates symptoms Dimensions Symptom clusters Categories Diagnostic criteria

8 Empirically Based Paradigm
“Bottom up” Test correlates of syndromes Quantitative aspects Cross-Informant Syndrome Constructs Constructs: Aggressive beh, anxious/depressed, attention problems, delinquent beh, social problems, somatic complaints, thought problems, & withdrawn

9 Empirical Classifications
Child behavior checklist (CBCL) given to large groups of youngsters, factor analysis conducted Table 5-3 has symptoms associated with internalizing and externalizing disorders –Achenbach & Rescorla, 2001 Parent, teacher and youth self report. Figure 5-1 example in book

10 Empirically Based Paradigm
“Syndromes” or symptom clusters Undercontrolled Overcontrolled Common dimensions Withdrawn Social problems Delinquent behavior Aggressive behavior Somatic complaints Thought problems Attention problems Anxious/depressed

11 Empirically Based Paradigm
Norm-referenced profiles Labelling

12 DSM Approach Explicit criteria Assessment procedures
Diagnostic interviews How are criteria derived?

13 DSM Diagnostic Interviews
Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children-Child Version (DISC-C) DISC-P Test-retest attenuation effects Problem of threshold DSM-IV diagnosis of ADHD: 6 out of 9 cireteria Difficulty in understanding Breton et al. (1995): 9 year-olds 16% for depression 11 year-olds 31%

14 Structured Diagnostic Interviews
Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Assessment (CAPA)

15 Diagnostic Efficiency
Determining indicators which maximize our diagnostic “hits” Which minimize our diagnostic “misses” true positive false positive true negative false negative

16 Classification Systems
ICD; WHO DSM; APA DC: 0-3; National Center for Clinical Infant Programs

17 DSM Approach

18 Categories of Child Psychopathology
DSM-IV Developmental and learning disorders first diagnosed in infancy, childhood, or adolescence Other disorders usually first diagnosed in infancy, childhood, or adolescence Disorders of childhood or adolescence that are not listed separately as those usually first diagnosed in infancy, childhood, or adolescence Other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention during childhood or adolescence, but are not defined as mental disorders

19 DSM Approach

20 Categories of Child Psychopathology
Developmental and learning disorders first diagnosed in infancy, childhood, or adolescence Mental retardation Learning disorders Motor skills disorder Communication disorders Pervasive developmental disorders

21 Categories of Child Psychopathology
Other disorders usually first diagnosed in infancy, childhood, or adolescence Attention-deficit and disruptive behavior disorders Feeding & eating disorders Tic disorders Elimination disorders

22 Categories of Child Psychopathology
Disorders of childhood or adolescence that are not listed separately as those usually first diagnosed in infancy, childhood, or adolescence Mood disorders Anxiety disorders Gender identity disorders Schizophrenia Sleep disorders

23 Categories of Child Psychopathology
Other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention during childhood or adolescence, but are not defined as mental disorders Relational problems Problems related to abuse or neglect Bereavement Borderline intellectual functioning Antisocial behavior Identity problem

24 Multiaxial Classification
Axis I: Clinical Syndromes Axis II: Personality Disorders Axis III: General Medical Conditions Axis IV: Psychosocial and Environmental Problems Axis V: Global Assessment of Functioning

25 Multiaxial Classification
Axis I: Clinical Syndromes Major Depressive Disorder Axis II: Personality Disorders No diagnosis Axis III: General Medical Conditions Hypothyroidism Axis IV: Psychosocial and Environmental Problems Parent-child problem Axis V: Global Assessment of Functioning GAF = 35

26 Axis IV: Psychosocial and Environmental Problems
Problems with Primary Support Group Problems Related to the Social Environment Educational Problems Occupational Problems Housing Problems Economic Problems Problems with Access to Health Care Services Problems Related to Interaction with the Legal System/Crime Other Psychosocial Problems

27 Axis V: Global Assessment of Functioning
100 Superior functioning. No symptoms 91 Symptoms are present, transient, expectable 71 Moderate symptoms 51 Some impairments in reality or communication 31 Some danger of hurting 11 Persistent danger of hurting 1

28 DSM Approach Problems Poor interrater reliability Too many diagnoses
Validity of diagnoses has been questioned Some question the categorical structure High levels of comorbidity May not appropriately consider culture

29 DSM-V Will be published in May 2013 Changes:
The single, isolated chapter for Childhood and Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders was deleted in favor of a more developmental approach which integrates these disorders into relevant chapters across the entire DSM. All of the chapters are organized in a developmental lifespan fashion (i.e., disorders typically diagnosed in childhood are listed first.)

30 DSM-V Added to DSM-V: Eliminated (from DSM-IV): Language Impairment
Late Language Emergence Specific Language Impairment Social Communication Disorder Voice Disorder Eliminated (from DSM-IV): Expressive Language Disorder Mixed Receptive-Expressive Language Disorder Communication Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (now diagnosable under Language Impairment umbrella category)

31 DSM-V Name changes: Some changes in diagnosis:
Previously used term Mental Retardation / Intellectual Disability will be replaced by Intellectual Developmental Disorder Some changes in diagnosis: Asperger syndrome will not be viewed as a separate disorder, it will be merged under ASD. ADHD diagnostic criteria for the time symptoms become present will change. The criterion that “symptoms need to be present before age 7” will be changed to age 12.

32 DSM-V Some changes in diagnosis:
More stringent criteria for the diagnosis of bipolar disorder in children will be used. Grief following death of a loved one will be considered as a symptom of depression. Shyness in childhood will be considered as a symptom. For ODD, the frequency of symptoms were separated by the age of the child. Before age 5, the symptoms need to occur nearly every day for a period of 6months. After age 5 they need to occur at least once per week during past 6 months.

33 Criticisms to DSM-V More than 11,000 health professionals suggested that DSM-V should not be published. There is still weak evidence for the disorders suggested in DSM-V and their symptomology. Too many labels Some symptoms include behaviors within normal range or just mildly eccentric (e.g., shyness) More referral to psychiatric drugs will be made

34 Criticisms to DSM-V There is still comorbidity and it is not easy to differentiate separate disorders Rape would be labeled as a disorder. Serial rapists and sexual abusers would also be regarded as having a medical condition, which would allow them an excuse for their behaviors and they might not be imprisoned because that behavior is a medical condition.

35 Criticisms to DSM-V Quotes:
“DSM V will radically and recklessly expand the boundaries of psychiatry by introducing many new diagnoses and lowering the thresholds for existing ones.” – Prof. Allen Frances (Duke University) “The proposals in DSM V are likely to shrink the pool of normality to a puddle with more and more people being given a diagnosis of mental illness.”- Prof. Til Wykes (University of Westminster) “DSM-V as currently proposed, could result in the widespread misdiagnosis of hundreds of thousands of individuals whose behaviour is within the continuum of normal variation.  If this occurs, it means these individuals will be labeled with a mental disorder for life and many will be treated with powerful psychiatric drugs that can have dangerous side effects.” – Prof. David Elkins (Pepperdine University, LA)

36 Intervention Prevention Treatment
Figure 5-3 demonstrates how intervention overlaps

37 Treatment Individual Alterations according to developmental level
Group Play Psychodynamic and client-centered Family therapy/Parenting interventions Context-related Pharmacological

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