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Speaker Biography.

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0 Managing a New Population of Insured
Jon Kunkle Vice President and CFO Kaiser Foundation Health Plan - Mid-Atlantic States November 18, 2016

1 Speaker Biography

2 Today’s Discussion Observations about the Kaiser model
ACA Impacts on Individual Health Insurance Market How has the market evolved? Competitive landscape Funding and Financial Performance (3Rs) Prospective View ACA Impacts on Medicaid Expansion Background / ACA Expansion Changes in Medicaid Population Since ACA Expansion Observations about the Kaiser model Perspective on 2016 Election

3 Individual: Background
* Through June 2016 Source: The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

4 Individual: Competitive Landscape
2017 Pullback Broad Participation

5 Individual: 3Rs - Reinsurance

6 Individual: 3Rs – Risk Adjustment
The Law Zero-sum funds transfer between carriers based on the health status of ACA-compliant commercial populations The Reality Larger than anticipated fund transfers for some players Perspective on “winners and losers” CMS commitment to continual improvement of parameters

7 Individual: 3Rs – Risk Corridor
In political speak, the “Insurer Bailout” Designed to be a zero-sum game, similar to risk adjustment In reality, the 2014 payables only represented 12.6% of the receivables, creating a massive funding deficit 2015 still to be determined Likelihood of full 100% payment for very unclear

8 Individual: Prospective View
HHS projects continued growth into 2017 3.5m new enrollees + 9m continuous = 12.5m total HIX population Keys to watch for: Total enrollment (do we hit 12.5m?) Subsidy / Cost Share Reduction levels Demographics 2018 and beyond…very unclear but highly unlikely that things return to pre-ACA status

9 Medicaid: Background Note: Includes individuals ages 0 to 64. Insurance coverage is based on coverage level at time of interview. FPL refers to the Federal Poverty Level. As of 2015, the FPL was $20,090 for a family of three. Source: The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

10 Medicaid: ACA Expansion Population

11 Medicaid: Characteristics of ACA Expansion Population
KP Adult Expansion membership has increased 95% and now represents approximately 20% of total KP Medicaid Demographic differences Tend to be younger (50% between years old) and skew slightly more male Unique medical cost profile Account for 25% of Medicaid medical expenses Significant utilization of Emergency Room Most prevalent diagnoses are mental health/depression, diabetes, pregnancy, multiple sclerosis, and chemical dependency

12 Medicaid: Prospective View
State perspective on funding dynamics Assessing the likelihood of further expansion Potential impacts of election

13 Kaiser Permanente Model
Value-based approach vs. traditional Fee For Service (FFS) Telemedicine Investment time horizon Partnership dynamics with Permanente Medical Groups Partnership dynamics with hospitals

14 Perspective on Election

15 Q & A

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