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Am I Digitally Literate

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1 Am I Digitally Literate
Am I Digitally Literate? Developments in digital literacy at ARU and expectations of staff Uwe Matthias Richter Annual Learning, Teaching and Assessment Conference 23/06/2016 Acknowledgement: Mark Kerrigan and George Evangelinos (Digital Literacy Framework & Badging)

2 Session Outline Overview of developments in digital literacy so far
Digital Literacy Barometer Baseline digital literacy requirement CPD provision Try the (mock-up) digital literacy barometer and get a badge

3 Background (National)
The development of staff and student digital literacy is an important strategic aim in learning, teaching and assessment. Digital literacy is a QAA HE review theme for There is comprehensive work taking place in the sector by Jisc and at European level.

4 Digital Literacy a definition
We are using Jisc’s definition of digital literacy: ‘By digital literacy we mean those capabilities which fit an individual for living, learning and working in a digital society.’ (Jisc, 2014)

5 Background (ARU) The new Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy sets out to: ‘Enable staff to improve and extend their digital literacy skills through the implementation of the Technology-enhanced Learning and Teaching (TELT) framework to provide a more engaging learning experience.’ (LTA Strategy, Strategy 1.8, Anglia Ruskin University, 2015) With the 2015 milestone to: ‘develop a barometer of digital literacy and establish a baseline digital literacy requirement for staff with CPD needs identified through induction, Teaching Review and appraisal.’ (LTA Strategy milestone 1.8a, Anglia Ruskin University, 2015)

6 Background (ARU) For 2016 and 2017 the barometer is intended to inform course review: ‘as part of the regular review of courses by course teams, use the barometer to measure the effective use of classroom and online learning technologies and levels of staff digital literacy skills.’ (LTA Strategy, Milestone 1.8b and c, Anglia Ruskin University, 2015) Embedding digital literacy in the curriculum through course development and review is addressed in the LTA Strategy under Aim 3 Student Engagement: ‘Enable our students to acquire high level academic, information and digital literacies necessary for success in their courses and future careers.’ (LTA Strategy, Strategy 3.2, Anglia Ruskin University, 2015)

7 Developments so far (Barometer)
First pilot of Barometer (LTA Conference 2015) Redesign of statements and definition Stakeholder consultation (Short Life Working Group) and agreement by LTASC (04/2016) Barometer technical brief (27/06/2016) Commissioning and development


9 Developments so far (Baseline)
Proposed baselines (to LTASC): Students – consultative (no baseline) Support staff – Beginners Academic Staff – Intermediate Thresholds will need to be discussed on course level as needs differ between disciplines

10 Developments so far (CPD)
Staff development mapped against digital literacies Google Spreadsheet A portal site linked to barometer Student support?

11 Trying the barometer - get a badge
Access the digital literacy page at: > > LTA Practice > Digital Literacy > link to Barometer page Open the barometer file and save onto your desktop Go to the Barometer (tab) and complete the barometer (choose statements) Find out your result on the Dashboard (tab) Pick up your badge.

12 Thank you for your attention! Feedback & Questions?

13 References Anglia Ruskin University, Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy. Anglia Ruskin University. Available at: _FINAL.pdf Jisc, Developing digital literacy. The JISC Design Studio. Available at: digital literacies Jisc, 2016. Building digital capability. Jisc. Available at:  QAA, Higher Education Review: Themes for The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education. Available at: Guidance pdf

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