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My T. Thai IoT Architecture My T. Thai

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1 My T. Thai
IoT Architecture My T. Thai

2 Internet of Things Architecture
Why we need to consider IoT architecture? Popularity of OSNs makes many people integrate OSNs into their daily lives OSNs is a great platform for information sharing and facilitate information sharing World is becoming even smaller and closer!

3 Some Statistics and Forecast
Pew research center: “by 2025 the internet will become like electricity – less visible, yet more deeply embedded in people’s lives” 50 billion connected devices by 2020 More than 6 connected devices per Person $1.7 trillion in value added to the global economy in 2019 By 2020 IoT will be more than double the size of the smartphone, PC, tablet, connected car, and the wearable market combined. Technologies and services generated global revenues of $4.8 trillion in 2012 and will reach $8.9 trillion by 2020, growing at a compound annual rate (CAGR) of 7.9%. Ref: Pew research, “How will the internet of things look by 2025”, Ref: “Gartner Identifies Top 10 Strategic Technologies,” Connected devices grow up Convergence of communication technology and information technology with power system engineering, assisted by an array of new approaches, technologies and applications, allows the existing grid to traverse the complex yet staged trajectory of architecture, protocols, and standards towards the smart grid.

4 IoT architecture Three major components for designing any IoT system
Application devices: Hardware architecture, smart sensors, cloud computing, energy efficient devices Networks: Communication technology, advanced internet protocol, wireless technology, RFID technology Security and privacy: Authentication procedure, secure device discovery, secure inter-device communication In this course, we will mostly focus on the communication aspect as well as security and privacy issues of IoT. Ref: NTNU IoT lab, “Application development in IoT systems”, Popularity of OSNs makes many people integrate OSNs into their daily lives OSNs is a great platform for information sharing and facilitate information sharing

5 IoT System Architecture
Popularity of OSNs makes many people integrate OSNs into their daily lives OSNs is a great platform for information sharing and facilitate information sharing

6 At a high level this is the general IoT stack
App Data Processing and Platform Edge Thing / Device All contents are from Mulesoft Inc. 2013

7 ( e.g., appliances, touch console etc.)
The IoT Stack Websites Industry specific ( e.g., appliances, touch console etc.) Mobile apps Mobile aPaaS Application PaaS ( aPaaS ) iPaaS Middle- ware API Design / Build API runtime management Data Management and Intelligence Device Hub/Gateway Device Management Sensors Hardware / Firmware

8 IoT Stack: Devices / Things
Sensors Hardware / Firmware 13

9 Devices: Many chipsets / platforms to choose from.
( Becoming more and more vertically integrated with software stacks).

10 Big focus on prototyping:
Lots of tools to cater to the makers and tinkerers Integrated SDKs to speed development, testing and optimization.

11 Dragonboard based on Snapdragon processor ( many more like this from many vendors )

12 Sensors: Smart or Simple
Smart Sensors Simple Sensors Onboarding Receive Notifications Receive Config Send Data / Events

13 IoT Stack: Device Edge Device Hub/Gateway Device Management Sensors
Hardware / Firmware 18

14 IoT Stack: Device Edge Key charter is to establish and maintain a secure, robust, fault-tolerant connection between the cloud and the edge devices in order to: Collect and aggregate device data Manage the device Device Hub/Gateway Device Management Sensors Hardware / Firmware 19

15 Typically a combination of a localized gateway, and a cloud based gateway, at the edge

16 Reference capabilities for a gateway
Enable scalable, real-time, dependable, high- performance and interoperable data and device management related exchanges between publishers and subscribers Connectivity Software mgmt Registry Routing Control Events Actuator Aggregation Transformation Provisioning

17 IoT Stack: Data management and intelligence
Device Hub/Gateway Device Management Sensors Hardware / Firmware 25

18 Capabilities required for Data Management and Intelligence
Data collection, storage, and analysis of sensor data Run rules on data streams Trigger alerts Advanced analytics/machine learning Expose HTTP (REST) APIs Data enrichment Pattern Discovery/ Model re-training Data, HTTP, connectivity Routing and Orchestration Driving Forces Identification Real time event processing Batch processing BigData solution connectivity Predictive Analysis

19 Device, and Device gateway sprawl is going to be a challenge
Too many disparate ecosystems. Too many gateways, hubs, protocols, apps.

20 Solution to the sprawl: A hub of all hubs
Need interoperability between devices/ machines so they can all talk to each other.

21 Solution to the sprawl: A hub of all hubs

22 IoT Stack: API lifecycle tooling and platform
API runtime management API Design / Build Data Management and Intelligence Device Hub/Gateway Device Management Sensors Hardware / Firmware 27

23 API lifecycle tooling can be split between design time and runtime
Rapidly design, deploy and publish APIs API Design / Build API runtime management

24 API lifecycle: Design time capabilities
Rapidly design, deploy and publish APIs API Design / Build API runtime management API design lifecycle API spec creation Reusable API patterns API mocking/ modelling Deployment automation

25 Outside In API development: What if we could whiteboard an API
Outside In API development: What if we could whiteboard an API ? Springboard for optimizing “APX” API Design / Build

26 APX Design Lifecycle Iterate Validate API Design / Build APX
Modify API design as appropriate based on developer feedback. Continue to validate Create and implement orchestration logic for backend connectivity Mock up the API Publish interactive console Create Notebook use cases Receive developer feedback Iterate APX Design lifecycle Validate Identify process and biz reqs Create logical data model Translate into logical service/API groupings Model API resource models API operations/methods Request/response payload/codes

27 API lifecycle: Runtime capabilities
Rapidly design, deploy and publish APIs API Design / Build API runtime management Rate limiting / Throttling Multi-tenant org / RBAC support API SLA management Deployment automation Custom policy engine API and data security

28 API runtime management
App Developer Make app ..… Discover, understand, and sign-up to use API Rate limit Throttle OAuth2 LDAP/AD auth IP whitelisting Transformations etc. API Gateway Developer Portal Publish, Document APIs API API API 33

29 IoT Stack: Application PaaS ( aPaaS )
API Design / Build API runtime management Data Management and Intelligence Device Hub/Gateway Device Management Sensors Hardware / Firmware 34

30 aPaaS capabilities Hosted in the cloud
Application PaaS ( aPaaS ) Hosted in the cloud Provides platform to build applications. Design and Development tooling Management and analytics tooling OS/DB, Storage, Server, Network Routing, transform, orchestration services Web, Database, Application Server Administrative portal

31 IoT Stack: End applications
Websites Industry specific ( e.g., appliances, touch console etc.) Mobile apps Mobile aPaaS Application PaaS ( aPaaS ) API Design / Build API runtime management Data Management and Intelligence Device Hub/Gateway Device Management Sensors Hardware / Firmware 36

32 IoT/IoE is a driver of mobile / tablet interfaces

33 IoT Stack: iPaaS integration – middleware: Don’t forget to integrate!
Websites Industry specific ( e.g., appliances, touch console etc.) Mobile apps iPaaS middleware Mobile aPaaS Application PaaS ( aPaaS ) iPaaS Middle- ware API Design / Build API runtime management Data Management and Intelligence Device Hub/Gateway Device Management Sensors Hardware / Firmware 38

34 iPaaS Capabilities: Don’t forget to integrate!

35 Summary

36 ( e.g., appliances, touch console etc.)
IoT Stack Websites Industry specific ( e.g., appliances, touch console etc.) Mobile apps Mobile aPaaS iPaaS middleware Application PaaS ( aPaaS ) API Design / Build API runtime management Data Management Device Hub/Gateway Device Management Sensors 41

37 One final thought: the stack as it exists today is also converging…
App Data Processing and Platform Edge Thing / Device

38 Scenarios where the middleware and edge have converged ( i. e
Scenarios where the middleware and edge have converged ( i.e., MuleSoft Anypoint Edge ) App Data Processing and Platform Edge Thing / Device

39 And there are also scenarios where the app layer is directly connected to the Thing/Device layer ( i.e., embedded Android, Java, Javascript etc. ) Apps Data Processing and Platform Edge Thing / Device

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