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Belfast Education and Library Board

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1 Belfast Education and Library Board
Governor Training and Development Programme Recruitment and Selection of Staff Linda McGowan HR Manager Julie Angus Senior HR Adviser (Revised February 2010) INTRODUCTIONS Aim of the session is to give an overview of the whole process leading to an appointment but bear in mind that we have further sessions dealing specifically with the interview/marking and scoring aspect Conscious that we have governors from a range of school types While the exact processes we will describe relate to appointments to controlled and maintained schools what is being discussed is the good practice which will give you the best chance to achieve your twin aims Make the best appointment for your school and avoid ending up in a tribunal – not necessarily mutually exclusive!

2 Appointment Process Does the school need a new post? If so, how will you fill it? Prepare a job description Prepare a personnel specification Advertise the post Shortlist candidates for interview Prepare for interview The interview itself Select the candidate Finalise the appointment Further issues Items 1, 5, 7-8 are BOG Items 2-4, 6 and 9-10 are usually the Principal

3 Equality of Opportunity
It is the policy of BELB that all eligible persons will have equal opportunity for employment and advancement irrespective of Perceived religious belief Political opinion Gender Marital status Disability Race Sexual Orientation Age There will be no unlawful discrimination – direct or indirect-against any person in recruitment, training, promotion or in any other way

4 Anti Discrimination Legislation in Northern Ireland
Fair Employment and Treatment (NI) Order 1998 (as amended) (FETO) Sex Discrimination (NI) Order 1976 (as amended) Equal Pay Act (NI) 1970 (as amended) = Religion / Political Opinion = Sex = Marital / Family Status

5 Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (as amended)
= Race / Ethnic Origin = Sexual Orientation = Age = No longer possible to retire someone on grounds of age Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (as amended) Disability (NI) Order 2006 Race Relations (NI) Order 1997 (as amended) Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations (NI) 2003 Employment Equality (Age) Regulations (NI) 2006 Effective 1st October 2006 Employment Equality (Repeal of Retirement Age Provisions) Regulations (NI) 2011

6 Discrimination and Victimisation
Direct Discrimination Occurs when an employer treats an individual less favourably than others on any of the prohibited grounds Indirect Discrimination Can generally be defined as applying a provision, criterion or practice although applied equally to all, places a person or a group at a particular disadvantage which the employer cannot show to be a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim Indirect – eg excessive shift work or weekend work where this is not a requirement of the post

7 asserted their rights under the anti-discrimination legislation
Victimisation means treating a person less favourably than another because that person has: asserted their rights under the anti-discrimination legislation helped another person to do so given information to the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland, or because it is suspected that the person might do any of these things

8 Disability-related discrimination
occurs when, for any reason that is related to a disabled person’s disability, an employer without justification treats the disabled person less favourably than others to whom that reason does not apply Disability discrimination also occurs when an employer fails to comply with a duty to make reasonable adjustments in respect of a disabled person

9 Disability Discrimination Act
“Duty of reasonable adjustment” The duty applies where any Physical feature of premises occupied by the employer Arrangements made by or on behalf of the employer Cause a substantial disadvantage to a disabled person compared with non-disabled people

10 Examples of Reasonable Adjustments
Making adjustments to premises Altering the person`s working hours Allocating some of the disabled person`s duties to another person Acquiring or modifying equipment Modifying instructions or reference manuals Providing a reader or interpreter Giving the person additional training

11 Equality Commission Codes of Practice
Systematic and objective recruitment Advertise your requirements clearly Make it clear that applications are welcome from all Ensure that all potential candidates are given equal opportunity to compete and demonstrate their abilities. This applies to both internal and external appointments Ensure no irrelevant requirements are included

12 Equality Commission Codes of Practice
Systematic and objective recruitment Apply requirements fairly at each stage of the process Record factors considered relevant in a particular job at each stage of the process Decide on relative importance to be given to each Satisfy yourself that these factors are justifiable, appropriate to the job and clearly objective

13 Prepare the job description
This describes the job to be done in terms of its : Title Purpose Duties/ Responsibilities It shows where the job fits into the overall structure of the school It tells candidates what is expected of them It will facilitate any appraisal procedure It defines tasks , not methods It is not fixed for all time It allows Governors to determine the qualities a person must have in order to do the job effectively

14 Prepare the Personnel Specification
This defines the qualities which the person appointed must have in order to carry out the job effectively These qualities are described by a set of criteria The criteria let prospective candidates know if they have the qualifications and skills required The criteria determine who will be interviewed and must be Legal Job related Objective Measurable Distinction between controlled and maintained – remember that in maintained schools only teachers are appointed under the CCMS scheme- non teaching staff are appointed under the BELB scheme In controlled the ps provides the framework/context on which you organise your questions and make your appointment In maintained each element of the ps is given a specific mark and all aspects of the process are scored against these marks

15 Criteria Essential criteria - Describe those qualities which Governors feel the successful candidate must have. Once published they cannot be set aside, reduced, or ignored. Preferential criteria - Describe those added qualities which Governors feel would be an advantage for the candidate to have.

16 Advertise the Post This will usually be the responsibility of the Principal in conjunction with BELB or CCMS if appropriate

17 Preparation for Shortlisting Meeting
Receipt of application forms by Principal Principal prepares schedules – Unnamed Named

18 Shortlisting Panel must be quorate
Those involved in the interview process must also have been involved in the shortlisting process Small number of applicants meeting essential criteria will likely mean an agreement to interview all. Remember it is your responsibility to check application forms Large number of candidates meeting essential criteria will likely mean creating a shortlist by using preferential criteria or enhanced criteria eg - Preferential criteria become “essential” Either essential or preferential criteria may be enhanced in a number of ways New criteria cannot be introduced

19 Prepare for Interview Issue letters calling applicants for interview
Include request to provide photographic ID Issue requests for references / photographic ID (Child Protection) DE Circular 2006/06 & 2006/08 Format and timing of the interview – Preparation of Questions Presentation/In tray exercise Demonstration

20 Using a Presentation This may be on a topic already notified to candidate It may be on an “unseen” topic It may be an in-tray exercise It should be treated in the same way as a factor when deciding to score

21 The Interview Agree scoring system
Agree the questions and who asks them Keep detailed notes

22 The Interview Chairpersons Role Governor trained in Child Protection
Welcome / introduce panel / outline structure / timing / note taking / control process / at end opportunity for questions / notification of outcome Governor trained in Child Protection Suitability to work with children Points of concern e.g. gaps in employment history Check photographic ID

23 What are you trying to learn about each candidate from the interview?
Experience / knowledge Attitudes, aims, ambitions Interpersonal / communication skills

24 Questions Relate to the criteria for the post Be clear and unambiguous
Be pitched at the right level In plain language Not contain a number of parts Non-discriminatory NB candidates must be asked the same core questions, but probing will depend on their answers

25 Questions DO Use open questions Use probing or supplementary questions
Use situational questions Give the candidate time to answer Listen carefully Let the candidate do most of the talking Be objective

26 Questions DON’T Use closed questions (only for clarification)
Use leading questions Jump to conclusions Be subjective

27 Marking System Standardised system is recommended in codes of practice
Job description and personnel specification give the factors for assessment All panel members must agree the system The system must be – Justifiable Legal Objective

28 Marking System Experience and Qualifications
Agree additional marks for experience above essential criterion (provided objectively justified) Agree the maximum to be awarded Agree additional marks for qualifications above the essential criterion Agree what is to be awarded for each e.g. Certificate/Diploma/Degree/Masters/Doctorate Agree the maximum top be awarded

29 Marking System The questions are based on factors contained in the personnel specification / job description All questions may be given equal marks You may weight the marks according to their importance for that post You could use 1-5 scheme representing answers ranging from “unsatisfactory” to “excellent” You could also agree to mark out of 10 or 20 etc Ask yourselves – Have we agreed and do we understand the system we are to use? Can we stand over the system if it is compared to the personnel specification / job description?

30 Discussion The Chairperson should initiate an open and thorough discussion on each candidate As a result of discussion panel members may feel it necessary to amend their scores. Remember to note the reasons why on your mark sheet Your final score is then used to arrive at your rank order Reserves

31 Finalise the Appointment
Documentation completed Passed to appropriate body for processing Checking / References / Contract / Health Declaration / Medical / Criminal Background Check / Proof of Qualifications

32 Best Defence To have followed a clearly defined procedure based on taking decisions against clearly stated criteria which are not in themselves discriminatory To have retained notes and recorded reasons for decisions taken To have complied with all relevant legislation

33 WEBSITES Holywood Office 02890 426972
CCMS Holywood Office Belfast Office

34 Contact Details BELB Julie Angus – 02890 564133
Linda McGowan –

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