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US Congress Senate and House of Representatives

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1 US Congress Senate and House of Representatives
The lawmaking body of our Government. They debate issues, vote on legislation and act as representatives for the people they represent

2 What is Congress made up of?
Senate (NJ Plan) 2 per state for a total of 100 Senators House of Representatives (VA Plan) 435 members are apportioned based upon a states population Based upon the Great Compromise

3 Great Compromise

4 Where does Congress meet?
In the US Capitol Building in Washington DC

5 Qualifications Found in Article I, Section 2, Clause 2
House = 25 years old, 7 year US citizen, must live in the state you represent Article I, Section 2, Clause 3 Senate = 30 years old, 9 year US citizen, must live in the state you represent **Eventhough the Constitution says “HE”, today representatives can be male or female

6 Terms of Office House = 2 years Senate = 6 years
1/3 of the Senate is up for reelection every 2 years, as a means of keeping experienced representatives in office ** There are no term limits We are currently in the 113th Congress They meet starting in mid-January and are in session through mid-December

7 What is the 17th Amendment?
1913 Changed the method of electing Senators from being appointed by state legislatures to direct election by citizens Members of the House were always elected through direct election

8 How does the US Census impact the Legislative Branch?
1929-set the max # of members in the house at 435 to be apportioned based upon the Census A census is taken every 10 years, in years ending with a 0 1st census was taken in 1790, last one taken in 2010 US population in 1789 = 3,929,000 US population in 2010 = 308,745,538 (9.7% population increase from 2000 census) Each state is always guaranteed a minimum of 1 member in the House

9 A Census also….. Tells Where people live, which can lead to the redistricting of representatives in the House because # of Congressional Districts may change This is called Apportionment State legislature forms a committee to redraw district lines (called Gerrymandering) Usually drawn in weird shapes, and usually redrawn to benefit the majority party

10 2010 Census Results The results of the 2010 census determined the number of seats that each state receives in the United States House of Representatives starting with the 2012 elections. Consequently, this affected the number of votes each state has in the Electoral College for the 2012 presidential election. Because of population changes, eighteen states had changes in their number of seats. Texas-Gained 4 Seats Florida-Gained 2 Seats Gained one seat: AZ, GA, NV,SC, UT, WA Lost one seat: IL, IOWA, LA, MA, MI, MS, NJ, PA Lost 2 seats: NY, OH

11 US Census Questions How many people were living or staying in this house, apartment or mobile home on April 1, 2010? Were there any additional people staying here April 1, 2010 that you did not include in question 1? Is this house, apartment or mobile home owned by you or someone in the house with a mortgage? What is your telephone number? Names of the individuals living in the home? Sex of the individuals living in the home? Ages and dates of birth? Are there any individuals living in the home that are of Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin? The race of the individuals living in the home? Do any of the individuals stay somewhere else?

12 Who do Representatives serve?
Their Home District They serve in DC and in their home state Therefore, they travel often between home and Washington, DC So they usually will have 2 residences

13 How is Congress Organized?
House of Representatives Speaker of the House Picked from the majority party 3rd in line of presidential succession Controls debate on floor Majority Leader Minority Leader “Whips”: circulates the floor to keep his/her party members voting along party lines Members serve on a minimum of 2 committees and a few subcommittees

14 Speaker of the House John Boehner (R) OHIO

15 House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R) VIRGINIA

16 House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D) CALIFORNIA

17 Senate organization… Vice President President ProTempore
Presiding officer, controls debate, only votes in the event of a tie President ProTempore Temporary President of Senate when VP not there, usually senior member of Majority party Majority Leader Minority Leader Whips

18 Vice President Joe Biden (D)

19 President Pro-Tempore Patrick Leahy (D) VERMONT

20 Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D) NEVADA

21 Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R) KY

22 Supporting Agencies Library of Congress (est in 1800)
80+ million books along with a large research staff Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Assists in overseeing the creation of the federal budget and provides Congress with financial info Est in 1974 Congressional Staff Answer mail, schedules appointments, research assistants

23 Library of Congress

24 Powers of Congress Create & Pass Laws
“Power of the Purse”: Congress must approve all Presidential spending Create a Federal budget (spending plan) House: Starts revenue bills, votes on Impeachment Senate: Ratifies treaties, confirm presidential appointments, holds Impeachment Trial


26 Each house of Congress is divided into Committees……
Helps Congress to work more efficiently Each committee specializes in specific areas/bills Standing Committees: Permanent Joint Committees: Made up of members from both houses (taxation, economic issues) Conference Committees: Formed when both houses pass the same bill but in different forms, as a means to iron out the differences and resolve the Bill

27 Committees also…… # of members on each committee will vary, and include members from both parties Select Committees: Are special, temporary and are dissolved once they complete their task Leadership of committees is based on Seniority System Also choose a Ranking Member (designated minority party leader) for each committee Bills are assigned to committee based upon their content Committees then hold Hearings

28 Blue = D Red = R Lt Blue = I

29 Blue = D Red = R Grey = I

30 NJ Senators Cory Booker (D) Robert Menendez (D)

31 Old Bridge, NJ Representatives
Rush Holt (D) 12th Congressional District Hopewell Twp, NJ Frank Pallone (D) 6th Congressional District Long Branch, NJ

32 Congressional Pay Speaker of the House $212,000
President Pro-Tempore $183,500 Majority and Minority Leaders $183,500 Non-Presiding Officers $169,300 Perks: Office, Staff, Health Care (which they contribute to) Pension (which they contribute to), Social Security benefits

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