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Creating a Humane Society through Computational Social Science

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1 Creating a Humane Society through Computational Social Science
Raj Reddy Carnegie Mellon University Aug 25, 2017 Keynote Speech at Web Intelligence Conf Leipzig Germany, Aug 25, 2017 Good Morning, The theme of the symposium today is on how to create a truly humane civilization and to review and explore solutions on the issues facing modern society from a Web Intelligence perspective. Technological innovation in the past has been largely responsible for improvement in the quality of life. My talk today is about recent technological innovations that enable the creation of a truly humane society for every man, woman and child on the planet by developing “Computational Social Science”, i.e., to develop intelligent systems and solutions capable of monitoring, analyzing, diagnosing the critical problems of the society such as poverty and hunger, slavery and torture, disease and suffering, and create tools that enable an illiterate person to be as productive as an educated person. Specifically, we present a design for creating information-technology-enabled Guardian Angels that provide early warning on calamities and abuses to every human being.

2 A Humane Society Would Ensure Universal Human Rights of United Nations
1 Right to Equality 2 Freedom from Discrimination 3 Right to Life Liberty Happiness 4 Freedom from Slavery 5 Freedom from Torture 6 Right to Recognition as Person 7 Right to Equality before Law 8 Right to a Competent Tribunal 9 Freedom from Arbitrary Arrest 10 Right to Fair Public Hearing 11 Innocent until Proven Guilty 12 Right to Privacy and Home 13 Right to Free Movement 14 Right to Asylum 15 Right to a Nationality 16 Right to Marriage and Family 17 Right to Own Property 18 Freedom of Religion 19 Freedom of Opinion 20 Right of Peaceful Assembly 21 Right to Free Elections 22 Right to Social Security 23 Right to Join Trade Unions 24 Right to Rest and Leisure 25 Adequate Living Standard 26 Right to Education 27 Right to Cultural Life 28 Right to a Social Order 29 Free and Full Development 30 Freedom from Interference Of the 30 or so human rights of the United Nations Declaration, I have highlighted two which I consider most inhumane: slavery and torture. It is unfortunate that even in the 21st century there are still instances of slavery and torture around the world. The definition of modern slavery includes slavery, debt bondage, forced marriage, sale or exploitation of children, human trafficking and forced labor. The Global Slavery Index estimates that nearly 30 million people are still enslaved around the world, with countries like Mauritania, Haiti, Pakistan, India and Nepal leading the list.

3 Constitution of The World: Universal Human Rights
Global Bill of Rights: Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness for Everyone on the Planet A Humane Civilization would create Scalable Sustainable Affordable Solutions that Provide Basic Needs of All Humanity, e.g.,Food, Energy, Water, Transportation, Education, Communication, and Healthcare Ensure Basic Human Rights Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness Freedom from slavery and torture etc. Ensure Safety and Security of Society from Natural and Man- made Disasters The Honda Foundation’s Vision of helping to create a truly humane civilization is as important today as it was 35 years ago. However, given the rapid pace of technology innovation over the last five decades, it may be desirable to reexamine the strategy and tactics needed for achieving this vision. It is inspiring and commendable that the Honda Foundation is exploring how it can fulfill the original vision and define future directions by reviewing the current activities of Honda Foundation within the 21st Century context. To create a truly humane society, we must aspire to create Scalable, Sustainable, Affordable Solutions to provide for the basic needs of all human beings on the planet. These needs include topics such as Food Security, Energy Security, and Water Security as well as basic human rights such as freedom from slavery and torture. The basic thesis of this talk is that, no matter what the basic need of society is, a proactive approach can lead to technological innovations that can continuously improve the attributes of a Truly Humane Society.

4 Creating a Humane Civilization
Creating a Truly Humane Society Requires Creating Solutions for Basic Needs of All Humanity, e.g., Food, Energy, Water, Transportation, Education, Communication, and Healthcare Basic Human Rights Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness Freedom from Slavery and Torture Safety and Security of Society from Natural and Man-made Disasters And Development of Computational Social Science In general, Guardian Angel concepts, systems and/or solutions can be applied to all aspects of creating a humane society. It can be used to identify potential violations of basic rights and to ensure the basic needs/rights of the individual within a humane society.

5 A Humane Civilization Needs Technologies for Creating Personal Guardian Angels
To Get The Right Information Information about natural and man-made emergencies tsunami, hurricanes, earthquakes, severe weather, etc. and hazmat, nuclear, biological Information about disruption of water, electricity, food, and transportation Information about traffic, strikes, school closings, stock markets, etc. To The Right People Every person on the planet that may be impacted At The Right Time Just-in-time, not too soon and not too late In The Right Language Messages in English (or other languages) to be translated into the preferred language of the recipient In The Right Medium of Text or Multimedia and spoken out using text to speech With The Right Level Of Detail (Granularity) Provide summaries of the text as precisely and quickly as an expert A grand challenge for Computer Science is to get the right information to the right people at the right time in the right language in the right medium with the right level of detail. When fully implemented globally, this vision could transform living in the 21st century digital world, touching all the people on the planet, literate and non-literate alike. My talk today is about creating a new technology, The Guardian Angel Technology, to accomplish the vision on a global scale! While the vision of getting the right information to the right people in the right time etc. is clear, the statement by itself does not shed any light on how these goals may be achieved. Before we can create an implementation plan, we must first agree on what is meant by each term. What do we mean by Right Information? What do we mean by Right People? What do we mean by Right Time? The Right Language may require translation of information to the language of the recipient; the Right Medium may require conversion of information to speech or video and the right level of detail may require summarization of information. We have made some progress in translation among different languages, text to speech technologies and in summarization.

6 A Case Study in Protecting Humanity From Natural Disasters
Every Person Should Get Location Specific Personalized Warnings About Potential Calamities Like Typhoons And Tsunamis as soon as known In the future, every person on the planet should have a better chance of survival from natural disasters Create Guardian Angel Technologies Every Person on The Planet Has A Personal Guardian Angel Embedded in a Smart Phone Guardian Angels Perform Future-aware Computation and whisper that a tornado is heading your way A social network of Guardian Angels can learn and predict what events are likely to impact their owner By sharing anonymized knowledge using publish/subscribe mechanisms of social networking Facebook of Guardian Angels? The main thesis of this talk is that mobile technology is sufficiently advanced that it is now possible to envision that every person should get location specific personalized warnings about potential calamities like typhoons and tsunamis as soon as they are known. It assumes that we can create and deliver a Personal Guardian Angel to every person on the planet embedded in a smart phone. Guardian Angels perform future-aware computation and whisper personalized warnings about potential problems. It assumes that a social network of Guardian Angels, a Facebook of Guardian Angels, can learn and predict what events are likely to impact their owner by sharing anonymized knowledge using publish/subscribe mechanisms of social networking.

7 2004 Tsunami The 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake Occurred at 00:58:53 UTC on 26 Dec 2004 With the Epicentre Off The West Coast Of Sumatra, Indonesia. The Shock Had a Moment Magnitude of 9.1–9.3 And a Maximum Mercalli Intensity of IX (Violent). Caused When The Indian Plate was Subducted by The Burma Plate Triggered A Series Of Devastating Tsunamis Along The Coasts Of Most Landmasses Bordering The Indian Ocean, Killing 230,000–280,000 People in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand etc. Inundating Coastal Communities With Waves Up To 30 Metres (100 Ft) High. It Was One Of The Deadliest Natural Disasters In Recorded History

8 Tsunami 2004: Right Information to the Right People
Right Information to the Right People at the Right Time in the Right Language in the Right Medium (Voice, Video and/or Text) in the Right Level of Detail Step 0: Determine the Implications of Tsunami 2004 Step 1: Right People: Find the affected people on the Coast and their Smart Phone info. Wake up if Needed Step 2: Right Time: In enough time to get out of Harms Way Step 3: Right Language Synthesize a message in the his/her local Dialect Step 4: Send Text, Audio or Video Message Step 5: Only that “30 meter waves will hit in 15 minutes. Get to High Ground”. Suppress other details

9 Access to Right Information: Determine the Implications of Tsunami 2004
Find and Filter the Sources of Information Global Experts notify National Experts who Notify State Experts who Notify Local Experts who Notify all the Local Guardian Angels Publish/Subscribe Model Identify Impacted Regions, Expected Time of Arrival Send Only Notifications that are Actionable by GAs Include all information that is needed by GA e.g.100 Foot Waves Relevant Information Many events do not affect you Your GA needs to analyze all the relevant (local) Published Notifications to see which are of immediate threat

10 Determining the Right (Impacted) People
Right People: Find the affected people on the Coast and Their Smart Phone info. Wake up if Needed

11 At the Right Time Right Time: In enough time to get out of Harms Way

12 What Language? Text or Audio? How Much Detail?
Step 3: Right Language Synthesize a message in the his/her local Dialect Step 4: Send Text, Audio or Video Message Step 5: Only that “a 35 foot wave will hit in 15 minutes. Get to High Ground”. Suppress other details

13 Structure of a Personal Guardian Angel
A Personal Guardian Angel is a Mobile App (like a shadow) for Each Person on the Planet Always-On, Always-Present and Always Working Enduring (life-long) Autonomic and Nonintrusive Always-Learning Ubiquitous: Device Independent (cloud resident or local) PGAs Monitor, Analyze and Learn From Experience; Learn From Own Experience And Experience of Others And share knowledge with a community of Guardian Angels Automated Discovery of Data and Information Sources Data, Suitably Anonymized, can be Used to Learn Appropriate Responses For Every Possible Situation by learning preferences by observing user choices, learning by task similarity and user similarity, learning by error correction and simply learning thru clarification dialog (Does that mean yes? Would you care to define it?). A Personal Guardian Angel is a virtual avatar which is assigned to protect and guide a specific person. It knows everything about her, except possibly her deep dark secrets that she has not whispered to anyone else. From a technical perspective, think of a Personal Guardian Angel as an intelligent agent, an APP on steroids. It would not reside on your smart phone but on your personal cloud space. It is always-on 24x7, autonomic and non-intrusive. It is always-learning and self-adapting to user’s habits, preferences, and commands of the user. A Personal Guardian Angel is expected to monitor, analyze and learn from experience; share knowledge with a community of Guardian Angels. It is capable of automated discovery of data and information sources. PGAs must communicate with human users. The Publish/Subscribe model of social networks is adequate if you know what you want from whom. Who do you ask when you don’t know who to ask? What if you don’t know who to Friend? Data, suitably anonymized, can be used to learn appropriate responses for every possible situation. The system non-intrusively learns user preferences by observing user choices, learning by task similarity and user similarity, learning by error correction and simply by learning thru clarification dialog (e.g. does that mean yes? Would you care to define it?).

14 Technologies of Gats Gats Publish and Subscribe
Service Agents are created by service providers using agent templates included in the platform Download and Pay just as for Apps and Personalization Guardian Angels Can request and manage services on behalf of their masters. Every organization that wants to enable access to their services by Guardian Angels will create a Service Agent for this purpose. Opt-in “Waze” like Models Privacy Individual Other participants Legal Can be subpoena-ed Security Information falling into wrong hands

15 Publish/Subscribe Eco System of
Guardian Angel Global Infrastructure Platform Activity Monitoring and Intention Awareness User Guardian Angels Cloud Based User Infrastructure Platform Knowledge Source Publishers Global, National and Local Knowledge Source Distributors ReTweet Model Global DataBase of Humankind

16 Personalization and Customization of
Guardian Angels Cloud Based Guardian Angel Platform Linked to User Smart Phone Learning Learn by Watching Learn by being taught Learn by doing Learn by asking others Learn by discovery Security Multimodal authentication Continuous authentication Encryption Big Data Management Process, index, story and retrieve data Mine, Cluster, and Summarize relevant experience Dialog With humans With other agents Self Healing Detect errors Resolve errors Power Mgmt Activity Monitoring Multi-Sensor Integration Autonomic Systems Etc. Family of Personalized Guardian Angels Subscribe to National and Global Sources and Act on Relevant Information

17 Scalable Sustainable Affordable Personal Guardian Angels
By 2020, Everyone on The Planet Has Access to a Smart Phone with Global Connectivity A Smart Phone is Expected to Cost $50 Every Man, Woman And Child will have Access to 16GB+ of Space on The Cloud from Facebook, Google And Microsoft Everyone on The Planet Has Access to Unlimited Computation, Memory and Bandwidth Language divide and literacy divide limits access to the internet-enabled solutions to many people in the world. Providing the right information in the right language and right medium enables scalability to all the people on the planet. Sustainability and Affordability are natural consequences of exponential reduction in size and cost of Information Technology. By 2020, a smart phone is expected to cost $20. Every Man, Woman and Child will have Access to 16GB+ of Space on The Cloud from Facebook, Google and Microsoft, enough to host all personal information in your own secure privacy protected area accessible only to you and your Guardian Angel. Language divide and literacy divide limits access to the Internet enabled solutions to many people in the world. Providing the right information in the right language and right medium enables scalability to all the people on the planet.. Sustainability and Affordability are natural consequences of exponential reduction in size and cost of Information Technology.

18 Affordability Free Sensor Intensive Smart Phone to Every Person on the Planet: Current cost of $200/Unit Estimated 2020 Cost per Unit of $50 Assuming 8B population One per Family of 4? One per Person? Expected Global Cost $100 to $400 Billion 0.1% to 0.4% of the Gross World Product Funding from Government and Other Stakeholders Smart Phone Manufacturers Telecom Service Providers IT Product and Service Companies Increase in Economic Activity and Productivity Expected Payback Time: Less than 1 year The big elephant in the room is the cost of enabling the global reach of Guardian Angels, getting the right information to every person on the planet! We begin with the assumption that every person on the planet will have access to a free sensor intensive smart phone which in 2014 might cost $200. Assuming a global population of 8 billion and assuming the cost of a feature rich smart phone is about $50, the cost of providing a smart phone to everyone on the planet is about $400 billion. If each family has one smart phone initially then the startup cost can be under $100 billion. These numbers represent 0.1% to 0.4% of gross world product. Like other essential infrastructures such as water, electricity and roads, a smart phone for everyone on the planet should be treated as necessary infrastructure. In addition to partial funding from governments, other stakeholders should bear some of the initial costs such as smart phone manufacturers, telecom service providers, and IT product and service companies. The resulting increase in economic activity and productivity can be expected to result in the recovery of the entire cost in less than one year.

19 …and Privacy A Facebook of Guardian Angels Are Able To Share Anonymized Knowledge Using Publish/Subscribe Mechanisms Of Social Networking, and Enabling Each Guardian Angel to Learn and Predict What Events Are Likely To Impact their Protégé A Guardian Angel Knows the Location Information of The Protégé at All Times so as to Provide an Alert and/or a Detailed Notification. If Needed, It Must Be Able to Turn-on The Smart Phone. No Privacy Breach Since Each Guardian Angel only Shares Information Already Known to the Service Provider A Facebook of Guardian Angels are able to share anonymized knowledge using publish/subscribe mechanisms of social networking and enabling each Guardian Angel to learn and predict what events are likely to impact their owner. No breach of privacy is expected since each Guardian Angel only shares information already known to the service provider suitably anonymized. A Guardian Angel knows the location information of the owner at all times so as to provide alerts and/or a detailed notification. If needed, it must be able to turn-on the smart phone of the owner to deliver urgent information.

20 Technology Challenge In Conclusion
Creation of Guardian Angel Technologies for providing the right information to every man, woman and child on the planet can lead to a Humane Society While the cost appears to be prohibitive, on a per capita basis it represents less than 0.1% of GWP. A Social Network Of Guardian Angels that can anticipate and share potential disaster scenarios can save 50% to 80% of all accidental deaths in the world and save millions of lives and hundreds of billions of dollars of property damage every year In conclusion, the creation of Guardian Angel Technologies for providing the right information to every man, woman and child on the planet in a timely manner can eliminate surprise and reduce human suffering and misery. While the cost appears to be prohibitive, on a per capita basis it represents less than 0.1% of the Gross World Product. A social network of Guardian Angels that can anticipate potential disastrous incidents in the life of each person on the planet, and warn and take protective actions may be able to save 50% to 80% of all accidental deaths in the world. This would result in saving over millions of lives and hundreds of billions of dollars of damage to property every year. That is certainly the most important research computer scientists could be doing in the 21st century. And it is certainly the most influential research project that the Honda Foundation could undertake.

21 Action Item for Creating a Humane Civilization
Sponsor Annual Competitions and Prizes to Promote Best Practices in Sustainable Scalable Affordable Solutions in the areas of Basic Needs of All Humanity, e.g., Food, Energy, Water, Transportation, Education, Communication, and Healthcare Basic Human Rights Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness Freedom from Slavery and Torture Safety and Security of Society from Natural and Man-made Disasters In general, Guardian Angel concepts, systems and/or solutions can be applied to all aspects of creating a humane society. It can be used to identify potential violations of basic rights and to ensure the basic needs/rights of the individual within a humane society.

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