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Investigation of the Surgical patient

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1 Investigation of the Surgical patient

2 Objectives At the end of this presentation students will be able to:
Identify the need for establishing diagnosis. Describe the whole spectrum of available investigations. Choose relevant investigations and justify their use. Understand the side effects and complications of some investigation. Identify need for assessing physiological status. Understand the need for screening common asymptomatic disorders.

3 Establish diagnosis History Clinical examination Investigations:
-Support clinical suspicion -Refute clinical suspicion -Risk to patient -Cost

4 Other aims of investigation
Assess physiological impairment for risk to surgical treatment. Example: Cardiac, renal respiratory diseases Screen for common asymptomatic disorders. Example: Diabetes, coronary artery disorders, hypertension

5 Hematological investigations
FBC or CBC: Anemia (low Hb.), MCV, MCHC (normocytic, microcytic), leukocytosis (infection) Platelet count: Thrombocytopenia ( drug- heparin, ITP, autoimmune), Thrombocytosis ( post-splenectomy) Coagulation profile: PT, INR, APTT (disordered in patients of jaundice, bleeding, anticoagulant, antiplatelet medications)

6 Biochemical tests Na: mmol/L ( water overload, NG asp., sepsis, vomiting) K: mmol/L (changes- vulnerable to arrhythmias) Urea: mmol/L ( dehydration, renal insufficiency) Creatinine: mmol/L (marker of renal disease) Glucose: mmol/L ( diabetes) Total protein: G/L Albumin: 35-50G/L (nutritional assessment) Bilirubin <17 mmol/L (jaundice) ALP: U/L AST: U/L ALT: 5-30U/L LDH: U/L Creatinine phosphokinase: U/L Amylase <100 u/L

7 Microbiological investigations
Urine (UTI), sputum, stool Hepatitis screening (B, C) Antibiotic sensitivity

8 Tumour markers PSA- Prostate CEA- Colorectal
α- fetoprotein (AFP)- Hepatocellular β-hCG- Testicular, gestational CA Colorectal, pancreas CA Ovarian

9 Imaging studies Plain x-ray- CXR, AXR, tomograms
Side effects: Induction of malignancy, genetic mutation.


11 AXR (gallstone)

12 Imaging studies Contrast studies- gastrografin swallow, barium meal, barium enema. Visualize GI tract Single contrast, double contrast Inferior to endoscopy Contraindicated if bowel perforation suspected

13 Gastrografin & Barium enema

14 Imaging studies CT scan (oral, iv contrast): Widely used for abdomen, chest , brain, vascular and urinary tract. (anaphylactic reaction, renal injury, radiation) CXR millisieverts CT abdomen & pelvis- 9.5 ms. Ultrasound: Safe, low cost. Operator dependent Investigation of first choice for biliary disease and gynaecology. MRI: Good images of soft tissue (better than CT), blood vessel (MRI angiogram) No radiation, no known deleterious effect Slow and expensive. Isotope scan: More information about function than structure I131,Tc99, I123, Ga67, Th201- incorporated into other molecule to localize target organ. Detected by gamma camera Bone metastasis, renal function, foci of infection, GI bleeding, infarction of myocardium, sentinel node detection PET scan: Expensive. Brain physiology, tumour detection , cardiac physiology.

15 Intestinal ischemia

16 Intussusception

17 Lower GI bleeding Scan

18 Meckel's scan


20 Endoscopy Precise diagnosis of GI, pancreatico-biliary, bronchus, urinary tract pathology. Perform cytology/ biopsy. Minimally invasive therapy- laparoscopy, arthroscopy, ERCP. Disadvantages: Unpleasant, uncomfortable (sedation/ anesthesia) Complications: Infection, perforation, aspiration, bleeding, cardiac arrhythmias, respiratory arrest

21 Upper GI endoscopy & Colonoscopy Carcinoma- Stomach & rectum

22 ERCP (Stone CBD, Periampullary carcinoma)

23 CBD stone extraction

24 Tissue sampling Body fluids- pleura, peritoneum, sputum , urine.
Smears, brush cytology FNAC ( insitu vs invasive, follicular adenoma vs carcinoma) Core biopsy Open biopsy Frozen section biopsy: (biopsy frozen in liquid nitrogen, sliced, stained and reported in minutes)

25 Function tests Cardiac evaluation: ECG, Thallium scan, echocardiography Respiratory function: ABG ( risk pCO2 > 45 mmHg) FVC & FEV1 ( risk- < 70% of predicted) Renal function Endocrine function

26 Screening Screening for malignant disease.(FOB, mammography, PSA)
Screening for surgical diseases ( abdominal aortic aneurysm)

27 Thank you!

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