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ABLE: A Deeper Look at 4 New ABLE Programs (MI,KY,OR,VA)

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1 ABLE: A Deeper Look at 4 New ABLE Programs (MI,KY,OR,VA)
Moderator: Michael Morris, J.D. Executive Director, National Disability Institute

2 This webinar is brought to you by the ABLE National Resource Center and sponsored by

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7 Technical Assistance If you experience any technical difficulties during the webinar, please use the chat box to send a message to the host NDI Admin, or you may also Speaker: Nakia

8 Moderator and Panelists
Michael Morris, J.D., Executive Director, National Disability Institute Presenters Chris Rodriguez, ABLE National Resource Center Scott de Varona, MiABLE Program O.J. Oleka, STABLE Kentucky David Bell, Oregon ABLE Savings Plan Mary Morris, ABLEnow

9 Agenda ABLE Basics State ABLE Presentations Questions and Answers
MiABLE Program STABLE Kentucky Oregon ABLE Savings Plan ABLEnow Questions and Answers

10 The ABLE Act is Law The Stephen Beck, Jr. Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act became law on December 19, 2014 creates a new option for some people with disabilities and their families to save for the future, while protecting eligibility for public benefits. Presentation is based on what we know or presume now

11 What is an ABLE Account? ABLE accounts: Are established in the new Section 529A Qualified ABLE Programs Are qualified savings accounts that receive preferred federal tax treatment Enable eligible individuals to save for disability related expenses There are currently 16 ABLE programs enrolling qualified individuals (most of which are enrolling nationwide) Assets in and distributions for qualified disability expenses will be disregarded or given special treatment in determining eligibility for most federal means-tested benefits

12 What are some important requirements of ABLE accounts?
Each eligible individual may have only one ABLE account. “Designated beneficiary” is the account owner (although another person such as a parent or guardian may be allowed signature authority over the account). There is no longer a federal residency requirement related to establishing an ABLE account (unless otherwise established by a given program,). Total annual contributions may not exceed the federal gift tax contribution, which is currently $14,000 (this will periodically be adjusted for inflation). Multiple individuals may make contributions to an ABLE account. Aggregate contributions may not exceed the state limit for 529 savings accounts, typically set at over $250,000.

13 Who is eligible to be an ABLE account beneficiary?
To be eligible, individuals must meet two requirements: Age requirement: must be disabled before age 26 Severity of disability: Have been determined to meet the disability requirements for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security disability benefits (Title XVI or Title II of the Social Security Act) and are receiving those benefits, OR Submit a “disability certification” assuring that the individual holds documentation of a  physician’s diagnosis and signature, and confirming that the individual meets the functional disability criteria in the ABLE Act (related to the severity of disability described in Title XVI or Title II of the Social Security Act)*.

14 What may funds from an ABLE account be used for?
Distributions from an ABLE account may be made for “qualified disability expenses”. “Qualified disability expenses” are expenses that relate to the designated beneficiary’s blindness or disability and are for the benefit of that designated beneficiary in maintaining or improving his or her health, independence, or quality of life. The term “qualified disability expenses” should be broadly construed to permit the inclusion of basic living expenses and should not be limited to: expenses for items for which there is a medical necessity, or which provide no benefits to others in addition to the benefit to the eligible individual.

15 Qualified disability expenses may include the following:
Education Housing Transportation Employment training and support Assistive technology and personal support services Health, prevention, and wellness Financial management and administrative services Legal fees Expenses for oversight and monitoring Basic Living Expenses (NPRM) Funeral and burial expenses Any other expenses approved by the Secretary of the Treasury under regulations consistent with the purpose of the program Distributions for non-qualified expenditures will be subject to tax consequences and may affect eligibility for federal means tested benefits.

16 How do ABLE account assets impact eligibility for federal benefits?
ABLE assets will be disregarded or receive favorable treatment when determining eligibility for most federal means-tested benefits: Supplemental Security Income(SSI): For SSI, only the first $100,000 in ABLE account assets will be disregarded. SSI payments (monthly cash benefit) will be suspended if the beneficiary’s account balance exceeds $100,000, but SSI benefits (eligibility) will not be terminated. Funds above $100,000 will be treated as resources. Housing expenses intended to receive the same treatment as all housing costs paid by outside sources. However, new SSA instructions (POMS) will treat housing expenses as resources only if distributed in one month and held until the following month. (more later)

17 Impact on Federal Benefits (cont.)
Medicaid: ABLE assets are disregarded in determining Medicaid eligibility Medicaid benefits are NOT suspended if the ABLE account balance exceeds $100,000 (that is only applicable to the SSI cash benefit) Medicaid Payback: Any assets remaining in the ABLE account when a beneficiary dies, subject to outstanding qualified disability expenses, can be used to reimburse a state for Medicaid payments made on behalf of the beneficiary after the creation of the ABLE account (the state would have to file a claim for those funds)* For purposes of this section, the state is considered a creditor of the ABLE account, not a beneficiary

18 ABLE National Resource Center
The ABLE National Resource Center (ANRC) is a collaborative whose supporters share the goal of accelerating the design and availability of ABLE accounts for the benefit of individuals with disabilities and their families. We bring together the investment, support and resources of the country’s largest and most influential national disability organizations. Chris Rodriguez Senior Public Policy Advisor National Disability Institute




22 Conservative (Less Risk)Aggressive (More Risk)
Investment Costs (%) 0.17 % % % % %

23 MiABLE Account Features
National Enrollment Michigan State Income Tax Deduction Annual Fee: $45.00 ($11.25 quarterly) 5 Investment Options of Various Risk & Costs FDIC insured account Debit Card Optional Public Profile


25 MiABLE Program Information
Statewide MiABLE Outreach is continuing and ongoing Like at Facebook: Subscribe to our newsletter: Customer Service:

26 STABLE Kentucky: Kentucky’s ABLE Plan

27 What is ABLE? Federal legislation passed 2014
Creates tax-advantaged investment accounts for individuals with disabilities Assets in your account do not affect eligibility for federal [or Kentucky] means-tested benefits programs like SSI or Medicaid Hybrid of 529 college savings account + checking account + Special Needs Trust

28 What is STABLE Kentucky?
STABLE Kentucky is Kentucky’s ABLE Plan Offered to Kentuckians through a partnership with the Ohio STABLE Account program Administered by Treasurer of Kentucky, Allison Ball Launched December 13, 2016

29 Benefits of Kentucky STABLE Accounts
Provides financial independence for people with disabilities Account is owned by the individual with the disability Dramatically increases ability to save Before ABLE , individuals could only save around $2,000 of their own money before risking loss of health care and other benefits Provides new investment opportunity Tax free earnings – federal

30 Who Can Have a Kentucky STABLE Account?
Eligibility Quiz at Individuals with disabilities that occurred prior to age 26 Must be a Kentucky resident Limit of 1 Account per person Three paths to eligibility: Eligible to receive SSI or SSDI due to disability Have a condition listed on SSA’s “List of Compassionate Allowances Conditions” Self-certification

31 Eligibility Certifications
Select your eligibility criteria If self-certifying… Need diagnosis of a physical or mental impairment that causes “marked and severe functional limitations” Such as conditions in the SSA’s Blue Book Certify that the condition has lasted or is expected to last for at least 1 year Input physician name, address, date of diagnosis Do not need to send in written diagnosis, but must have on hand Permanent Disability? Answer “yes” to prevent need for annual re-certification

32 Enrollment Online Enrollment Free - takes approx. 20 minutes
Can be done by individual with disability (“Beneficiary”) or an Authorized Legal Representative (ALR) ALR = parent, guardian, power of attorney

33 Funding your Account Contributions Gifting
Via Electronic Funds Transfer or check $14,000 annual limit $426,000 lifetime limit System automatically rejects excess contributions Gifting Create an eGift Event (birthday, holiday, etc.) ~ system will send out an to friends and family System tracks contributors for sending thank-you notes/replies

34 Investment Options One FDIC-Insured Option
Four Vanguard mutual funds that range from aggressive to conservative One FDIC-Insured Option Principal protected

35 How Can You Spend STABLE funds?
Withdrawals must be used on “Qualified Disability Expenses” Anything that (1) relates to your disability and (2) helps to maintain or improve your health, independence, or quality of life Examples: Housing and Rent Basic Living Expenses Medical Bills Education Transportation Assistive Technology

36 Non-Qualified Expenditures
Not illegal, but there are consequences Affects Benefits The amount of the expenditure may now be considered a countable resource (but not necessarily) Tax Penalties Pay taxes plus 10% penalty on the earnings portion of the withdrawal Ex: You contribute $90 to your account, and you make $10 in earnings – your balance is now $ You withdraw that $100 but do not use it for a QDE. You must pay regular income tax on the $10 of earnings, plus an additional 10% penalty on those same earnings.

37 Spending From Your Account
Withdrawals Free + No Limits STABLE Kentucky will not ask what you spend on, but benefits agencies and IRS can Transfer to personal checking or savings Transfer to STABLE Card

38 STABLE Card Loadable debit card Does not pull from account
Online spending records + notate expenses No commingling of funds with other accounts Protection – limiting of merchants, no cash access, no overdraft

39 SSI Considerations Balances over $100,000 count as a resource – but SSI merely suspended, not terminated Beneficiary’s own wages still count as income even if contributed to Kentucky STABLE Account If you hold on to the money from one calendar month to the next, then housing expenditures and non-qualified expenditures count as resources

40 Medicaid Considerations
Unlike with SSI, your account balance will not affect Medicaid benefits regardless of the amount If Beneficiary was on Medicaid and passes away, Medicaid can ask for payback… BUT! First, you can: Pay any outstanding bills for QDEs Pay for funeral and burial expenses Deduct Medicaid Buy-In premiums you paid Payback is only from date the account was opened

41 Account Cost Online Enrollment is free
$50.00 minimum deposit to open account $1.00 minimum for all subsequent deposits Monthly Maintenance Fees Asset-based Fees $5.00 ($60.00 Annually) Between 0.19% and 0.33% (same as OH residents)

42 STABLE vs. Special Needs Trust
Complement, not competition, but… Some benefits specific to STABLE Accounts: Cost-Effective Broader spending power (i.e. housing) Easy account access/closure No federal income tax on earnings No separate returns to file Can be established, administered, and owned by individual with disability

43 Helpful Resources Customer Service
Mon-Fri 9a-6p EST

44 Spread the Message Find us on Facebook: @TreasurerBall
Find us on Twitter: @KYTreasurer Help us spread the STABLE Kentucky message. Follow us, “like” us, and send us your thoughts.

45 David Bell, Oregon 529 Savings Network





50 Cash Option Conservative Moderate Aggressive

51 $22.50 Annual Fee 0.30% to 0.38% Annual Asset Fee $55 Annual Fee 0.30% to 0.38% Annual Asset Fee

52 David Bell 503-431-7929 & @OregonABLE

53 Presenter: Mary Morris CEO, ABLEnow

54 What is ABLEnow? ABLEnow℠ is the Virginia-sponsored ABLE savings program. Open to eligible individuals nationwide, regardless of state residency. ABLEnow is administered by Virginia529℠, the country’s largest college savings plan, which has a newly expanded mission to meet the savings needs of persons with disabilities.  54

55 ABLEnow Card ABLEnow account holders receive the ABLEnow Card— a debit card providing a simple, fast way to pay qualified disability expenses. 55

56 Investment Options The first $2,000 in your ABLEnow account is automatically allocated to the ABLEnow FDIC-insured Deposit Account, which is linked to your ABLEnow Card. Once the balance in the ABLEnow Deposit Account exceeds $2,000, you may opt to invest additional contributions into one or more of these investment portfolios. 56

57 Account Costs No enrollment fee No minimum contribution
There are minimal costs associated with maintaining your account, and ABLEnow offers some of the lowest fees in the country among ABLE programs. No enrollment fee No minimum contribution Account service fee is $3.25 per month If the Account Owner or Authorized Representative chooses to invest some of the funds, there are also asset-based fees between 0.37% and 0.40%, depending on investment selections Monthly fee is waived for accounts maintaining a balance over $10,000 in the deposit account. 57

58 Compare ABLE programs The ABLEnow program: Competitive, low fees
Straightforward account opening Ease of use – contributions and payments FDIC-insured interest bearing Deposit Account Four investment options after Deposit Account threshold is met State income tax advantages for Virginians 58

59 Receive & share information
Visit and subscribe to updates on Facebook and Twitter Help spread the word! Please share information about ABLEnow with friends, family and community groups. 59

60 Toll Free: 1-844-NOW-ABLE
Questions? Toll Free: NOW-ABLE The material in this presentation has been prepared by ABLEnow and is general information about ABLEnow current as of the date of this presentation. The information is given in summary form and does not purport to be complete. Call NOW-ABLE or visit to obtain information on the program. Seek the advice of a professional concerning any financial, tax, legal or federal or state benefit implications related to opening and maintaining an ABLEnow account. Participating in ABLEnow involves investment risk including the possible loss of principal. For non-Virginia residents: other states may sponsor an ABLE plan that offers state tax or other benefits not available through ABLEnow. © 2017 Virginia College Savings Plan. All Rights Reserved. 60

61 ABLE National Resource Center
The ABLE National Resource Center (ANRC) is a collaborative whose supporters share the goal of accelerating the design and availability of ABLE accounts for the benefit of individuals with disabilities and their families. We bring together the investment, support and resources of the country’s largest and most influential national disability organizations. Chris Rodriguez Senior Public Policy Advisor National Disability Institute

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